november 27th, 2002


tomorrow my dad is coming to get me in the morning and then we are traveling 2 hours to meet my brother where we will have thanksgiving lunch probably in some crappy small town diner :)

i am excited to see my dad and also nervous. i'm sure he will be extra extra extra sad because today his brother died. so it will not be a very happy thanksgiving for him, i'm sure. and this will make me extra extra extra sad, too.

so...i don't know what else to say.



i picked a terrible time to do the atkin's diet. no pumpkin pie or mashed potatoes for me! as much as that is going to sucks way more to weigh 30 pounds over what i want to weigh. i will prevail. i can do it!


i tried dry dogfood for the first time the other day. i finally had the guts to pick up a tiny piece and eat it. it had absolutely no taste. tasted like a stale cracker. poor dogs :(


my uncle, my dad's brother, died this morning at 10:00am. :(

woke up for a sec...




it's so hilarious when pooka just humps the air. what on earth is he thinking?

the season premiere of the osbourne's kicked ass! too bad all the next one's are going to be soooo sad because sharon has cancer :( i hope she doesn't die but i have this terrible feeling she will :((

i have to go to sleep right thsi instant because
i am beyond thouroughly exhausted. i couldn't bear to do one more single thing.

if i had an "off" switch, it has now been switched off. my brain can take not a single more utterance of a single word. not even a syllable.
