analog 112602

november 26th, 2002


i walked 2 miles on the treadmill. it took me 45 minutes. i felt like an absolute dork, but i'm glad i did it. i hope i can motivate myself to do that 4 times a week. i hate going to a gym. i feel painfully self conscious there. i don't know what to look at because i don't want to look at anyone. the decor and lighting are so horrible i don't WANT to look at anything. and everything smells like sweaty bandaids. yuck.

but if i can deal with that, and i can...i can get my life back. so it's more than worth it to deal with some discomfort to have my life back.

i also am on day 3 of atkin's and i'm doing really well. i don't knwo why this time is different than my previous attempts just a few weeks ago...but so far i don't have any major sugar for that i am SO grateful.

all of this encourages me tremendously that i can do this and by my birthday ( april 18th ) i should have my body back and my life back and my ENERGY back.

i'm still not doing that well on getting off these last medications i am on. but i keep trying every few days to just cut back on one of them. that is going to be the most difficult hurdle of all, it seems.

but maybe something in me will make it so that it will get easier. maybe when i am excercising and more healthy...maybe this will balance me enough to get off of those. i can't wait until that day! i can't wait until i feel energized and my mind is CLEAR again.

i am pretty determined to make all of this happen!
so it will!


deiter likes to like my soapy fingers when i'm in the tub. i don't know why.
i'm all clean now and i'm going to go walk on a treadmill for, hopefully, an hour.

i'm excited that the premiere of the new season of the osbourne's is on tonight!



sorry i haven't been on cam much. relationship troubles.
it takes all my energy. you know how these things go.

i bought some men's green plaid flannel pajamas at target. they were only 14.99! 100% cotton. i wanted red, but they didn't have red in small.
i look really cute in them. i think i will wear these pretty much every day for the rest of my life :)

now i need some slippers and a pipe and teach my dogs to fetch them for me :)