text from my LJ nov 18th-24th

[18 Nov 2002|03:56pm]
i am in a bad mood.

[18 Nov 2002|05:26pm]
i'm in a slightly better mood.

[18 Nov 2002|06:05pm]
i'm working on anagrams

[18 Nov 2002|06:32pm]
THREE new anagrams up!

[18 Nov 2002|09:00pm]
i give up on this day.
tomorrow i will try harder.

[19 Nov 2002|05:19pm]
once again...i am going to try to do the atkin's diet. i may only make it one day. but i will give a whirl. i know i should go into it with greater gusto than that. but so be it :)

i'm as cranky as a mutha these days. i think i am heading into pmsland. i think i am ALWAYS heading there :)

something in my house is making me sneeze.

i cannot wait until i start my second life as a glamourous go go dancer in japan.

until then...i cook chicken.

do you think the women are allowed to have tampons on survivor?
if not, what are they using? how come we never hear anything about that?

i just thought of a reason that i might not be able to be on that show and that is because i take amitriptyline for my migraine headaches i get when i get my period. do you think they would still allow me to take that if i were on the show? because that would suck to have to go off of that.

Level 3 Predatory Offender Search for Minnesota [19 Nov 2002|06:06pm]
click on this link, enter your zip code to find out if there are any offenders living in your neighbourhood!
there are 3 in my zip code living only a few minutes from my apartment building! aaa!

my chicken/split pea soup with indian spices and a wild cocoon wizard hat! [19 Nov 2002|10:51pm]
i baked a chicken with a bulb of garlic in it and i ate the entire bulb and now i feel actually high from it! i am sooo hot. i will be smelling like garlic for days.(sorry jason)
i gave some garlic to the dogs, too. i hope that was alright.

now i am using the rest of the chicken to make my chicken/split pea soup.
i added a ton of this indian spice called garam masala (punjabi style).
i don't know what that means but it smells delcious.
it has in it: coriander, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, chamushka (kalonji), caraway, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg!
can you taste THAT? wow!

i know split peas aren't good for atkin's...so...i guess i will have to start atkin's after i eat this soup :)

now i am going to continue with crocheting my hat that i am making out of this very crazy yarn made from wild cocoons! so it is pure silk but in its rawest form.
and i got it from

it makes a very stiff form, so i am making a hat that i hope will turn out shaped like a wizard's hat and very whimsical. wild cocoon wizard hat :)
then i will stick porcupine quills in it and hopefully have enough yarn left to make some sort of weird matching neckpiece.
my stomache is puffed out like i am 12 years pregnant because i ate so much chicken and garlic and also have pms.
i am wearing leggings that have lost their elasticity and keep falling down and so i AM the epitome of GLAMOUR!

[20 Nov 2002|12:53am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

my soup is fantastic :)

Dear Ana, here is your Horoscope for November 20, 2002

Your emotions and your actions are well aligned, Ana, meaning that you
are more likely to do things that are more in tune with your true
beliefs. This wonderful alignment of energies will keep you busy and out
of trouble. As long as you are true to yourself, no one can argue with
what you do. No one can argue with who you are. You are who you are and
there is no reason for you to make excuses for yourself in any way.

big deal or not a big deal? [20 Nov 2002|01:18am]
michael jackson dangles child off balcony.
"Jacko spooked hundreds of fans in Berlin Tuesday, as he dangled a baby over a fourth-floor balcony railing with one hand."

[20 Nov 2002|06:28pm]
i SORT of stuck with the atkins today. i did have a very tiny salad. jason took me out for steak and lobster :) so each day (for two days) i have eaten less carbs.
tomorrow i am going to eebomb's for crocheting. and she knows a woman who is going to teach us how to spin! yay! i wish my dogs hadn't chewed up my drop spindle. i am going to bring my split pea soup for everyone since everyone is bringing food.
i am going to bring over a ton of my wool, too. then everyone can have a bunch to take home and practice with :)

now i am happily waiting for the amazing race to come on.
after that it's part 2 of the benjamin franklin biography on pbs...
or...actually i will probably switch back and forth between that and the victoria's secret thing.

ack, my stomache is gurgly.

victoria's secret fashion show [20 Nov 2002|09:04pm]
i want to go on a rant about the victoria's secret fashion show.
but i just don't have the energy.
so maybe one of you do?

[20 Nov 2002|10:32pm]
*goth mode on*
sometimes i feel like i am the only sane person in the world.
and that feeling is what makes me feel insane.
*goth mode off*

how many carbs in 1 avocado?

forgotten clothing? [21 Nov 2002|12:35am]
ok, this is just SAD. maybe this is my first clue that i am stuck in an 80's timewarp. but i can't find any cool leggings to buy online that aren't for sports!
i did a search on "crushed velvet leggings" and was brought to a page that was called "forgotten clothing".

forgotten? has the world gone MAD?
(answer: yes)

am i the only one left who wears leggings besides dancers and joggers?

dita [21 Nov 2002|03:25am]
ooo! dita is on the cover of this months playboy! must have!
of all the boyfriend's she could have...WHY did she pick marilyn manson? gack.

[21 Nov 2002|04:13am]
ok...going to bed now....eyes bleary....

[21 Nov 2002|01:43pm]
grey slushy day.
must get to the bank and also to the store to buy that playboy with dita in it!

[21 Nov 2002|05:39pm]
didn't get anything done today. my stomache was really upset.
now i am going to eebomb's

[22 Nov 2002|05:12pm]
i'm going to jason's tonight to hang out and relax. i never get to see him these days.

[24 Nov 2002|12:16am]
not much to say.

[24 Nov 2002|12:22am]
something's got to give.

[24 Nov 2002|12:35am]
i had a dream that a girl wearing a rainbow coloured fish mask sang a beautiful poem. it was so beautiful and sad that it broke my spirit.