analog 111802b

[01 Nov 2002|05:44am]
head hurts
can't breathe
can't sleep

[03 Nov 2002|02:56am]
still sick. laying low. i'm mostly fine :)
how are you?

[04 Nov 2002|12:27am]
i cleaned a lot today. that felt good.
i'm still trying to figure out where everything goes since moving.
each day i feel a bit better. today i was able to survive without cold medicine,

debate [04 Nov 2002|11:06am]
i missed most of the mondale/coleman debate. i'll have to wait until tonight to see the rerun. did anyone see it and have any opinions on who you think did the better job at the debate?

[05 Nov 2002|02:44pm]
i haven't had much to say lately. :)

[05 Nov 2002|04:52pm]
i got out and voted for mondale

[05 Nov 2002|10:58pm]
i'm cooking chicken and watching the votes come in. i might be up for quite awhile!

[06 Nov 2002|12:08am]
[ mood | infuriated ]

i think people are just spoiled rotten or something and are so comfortable and selfish that they cannot at all see the damage they are doing by getting all these republicans into power.
i just hope to god that a woman still has a right to choose after all is said and done with.
and this whole war thing is bumming me out so intensely.

i feel like i am in star wars watching the dark side take over luke skywalker

i am still shining my little light for mondale to win! it could still happen
*crosses fingers*

but in my heart i think he won't. i think that the dark forces are taking over america now
and nothing is going to wake people up from their utter idiocy than a few members of their family dying when
this thing gets truly out of control.

we can all just watch war comfortably from our tv sets and just go, " oh well, the loss of a few innocent lives is to be EXPECTED in war"
and they say that "life is precious" ( the pro lifers )

my ass.

and then there's the ENVIRONMENT!
our HOME!

oooo, don't get me started....*fuming*

[06 Nov 2002|10:51am]
what a depressing day in politics.

on a happier note, jason and i are going to see The Residents tonight. i've never seen them live so i am happy to see them.
i'll have to tape that interview with The Osbourne's tonight!

my cold still has it's grip on me, but each day i do get better

[07 Nov 2002|12:46am]
the residents were fantastic! i highly recommend going to see them!

[07 Nov 2002|02:10pm]
ohmigod , it's 63 degrees outside and SUNNY!!!!

this cold i have has now done something weird to my ear. my ear feels clogged and i am really dizzy because of this.
i want to go for a walk, but i am so dizzy!

my car and my health [07 Nov 2002|06:24pm]
i have fallen so behind on any sort of trying to be healthy. and to try to get back there all at once is too overwhelming. so i will start with small things.
starting right now:

no more pop with sugar in it.
and i will stretch every day
i will drink more tea instead of diet pop

i don't want to cut out all sugars and caffeine all at once. and i don't even have the energy to excercise even for 1/2 an hour. so this is what i am going to start with.

also, even tho it makes no logical sense to keep my car since i don't know how to drive and it costs me 60 bucks a month to park it. i cannot stand to give it up because it's like giving up my thelma and louise dream to someday drive it around america with the dogs and filming while i go.
i will eventually get my license and i have this car free and clear. plus it's a damn good solid car and it has sentimental value to me big time.
it's worth 60 bucks a month to me to keep my dream alive.

so there.

[07 Nov 2002|10:34pm]
ooo! a dome for sale in new mexico!

[08 Nov 2002|03:06am]
i spent my evening here, looking at various eco houses for sale around the world :) dreamy :) now...i must sleep
and look here!
organic fruits and veggies delivered to your home overnight!

[09 Nov 2002|12:02pm]
jason got a new bed today. one of those sleep by number things :) and king sized!
so tonight we get to try it out :) i'm going to go help him get it all set up.
and then make us french toast

i got the new tori cd but i haven't listened to it yet

[10 Nov 2002|10:04am]
ooo, that bed kicks ass! and silk sheets , too! wow :)
i don't want to leave it but now we are going out to brunch for jason's mom's birthday :)

[10 Nov 2002|10:33pm]
woa! the sopranos were intense tonight!

[10 Nov 2002|10:55pm]
i get so down on myself for being tired all the time. but then i have to remember i am on enough medication that could put a horse to sleep.
but each week i take less of it. each week i wean myself more and more.
godamn paxil for ruining a year of my life.
i hope by spring i'll be off all meds and have my body back.
i do make progress even tho it is invisible.
i have to give myself some credit.

i'm so glad i have my pupsters.
and i did stretch today. i am so not limber.
but by spring i will have my body back and wear sexy little dresses

[10 Nov 2002|10:04am]
ooo, that bed kicks ass! and silk sheets , too! wow :)
i don't want to leave it but now we are going out to brunch for jason's mom's birthday :)

[10 Nov 2002|10:33pm]
woa! the sopranos were intense tonight!

[10 Nov 2002|10:55pm]
i get so down on myself for being tired all the time. but then i have to remember i am on enough medication that could put a horse to sleep.
but each week i take less of it. each week i wean myself more and more.
godamn paxil for ruining a year of my life.
i hope by spring i'll be off all meds and have my body back.
i do make progress even tho it is invisible.
i have to give myself some credit.

i'm so glad i have my pupsters.
and i did stretch today. i am so not limber.
but by spring i will have my body back and wear sexy little dresses

[11 Nov 2002|12:40pm]
are banks open on veteran's day?

alternative building materials [11 Nov 2002|03:55pm]
i am finding that "papercrete" ( fibrous cement ) is a very interesting and super cheap way to build. 60% paper ( newspaper/junkmail, etc ) 10% cement and 10% dirt and sand! mix it up and apply it to anything or make blocks to build , form it how u want.

so what i was thinking is...getting just the frame for a dome house...
applying papercrete to it and sealing it and adding pounded tin cans to the outside for nice silver effect. or perhaps broken glass?
and inside i can insulate it further with that Spray Polyurethane.

then i would like to make an add on room made out of glass bottles for nice light :)

i would like to live somewhere where i can get electricity but then also buy all the stuff u need to live "off the grid" and give that a try , as well.

this is my plan thus far.
there is SO much i need to learn. it is both scary and exciting.

i wish there was a website that just had land for sale that had no building restrictions.
building restrictions piss me off.

[11 Nov 2002|04:27pm]
i am crocheting an extraordinary blanket to dream in

[11 Nov 2002|10:50pm]
i am TRYING to calm down from a day of irritating sulky emails from my mother and one from her passive aggressive self righteous husband. grrrrrrrr.

plus the threat of war and other stressful factors on my life and in jason's.

i just crocheted like mad because i couldn't think of anything else i could do. i feel a bit like a mouse in a small cage at the moment. which...i have been dreaming about for the past few days.

i am doing everything in my power to think good thoughts to counteract this by imagining that i am living in my dream dome house. but this isn't working very well.

i took my meds and now david letterman is on and i hope i am just asleep soon because i am so done with this day.

i burnt the roof of my mouth days ago and now it has inflamed my whole mouth so i am rinsing with listerine to hopefully make it better so i can chew food without pain.

it is a symbol of having angry things i'd like to say outloud to my mother but i don't.
i remain emotionless in my communications with her as i feel that is the best way.

unfortuately, shutting down my emotions doesn't feel very well and i think it makes me not be able to feel any GOOD things either.
but perhaps this is preferable to breaking down and sobbing.

i watched an interesting part 1 documentary on jimmy carter tonight. it was on pbs. i enjoyed that a lot. part 2 is tomorrow. i recommend watching it.

i am doing a terrible job on my drinking no sugar pop and stretching everyday plan.

tomorrow is another day.


[12 Nov 2002|01:14pm]
i did things differently today. instead of waking up and turning on the tv for sound to get me going i didn't turn it on and instead went to and turned on "drumandbass radio" . did the biz stuff. had a drink of water instead of pop and then made a cup of green tea with honey. now i am jumping around a bit in a rather pathetic fashion, but at least it is an attempt and i am going to take a bath then get outside to the bank.
i think if i start my days right away with a new thing i will whack myself out of this old doldrum schedule. *crosses fingers*
now i am nuking some sweet potatoes for breakfast (lunch)

[12 Nov 2002|02:05pm]
i dreamt that i made friends with this cool android with amazing wigs. her name was peep and she gave me this awesome detachable penis that could grow or shrink to any size. we would pay money to go look at the ocean in this swimming pool. the tide was up.i would pay this shady man 1.11 for a beer.
her wigs didn't look as good on me as on her. so i decided to make my own.
i went to a gay muscleman show and tried to impress everyone with my extra large penis. i tried to pass myself off as a man, but my head was still of a woman, so it didn't work. but i had fun trying :)

[12 Nov 2002|05:27pm]
i got a lot done today. got out. went to the bank. paid rent. paid server fees. paid an old dentist bill. made a new dentist appointment because i chipped my tooth. ordered a new minnesota ID since mine was stolen. asked about how to get my car into my name ( a big pain in the ass ). drank coffee. drank more coffee. nice brisk walk. bought some foundation for my face so i am not looking so zitty for the fabulous peter gabriel concert this friday. woo hoo!
it felt good to feel like a normal functioning person in the normal world.
well, as normal as i, an abnormal person, can feel.

did you know that i have to get car insurance BEFORE i can get that car in my name? how stupid is THAT?

i am looking forward to watching part 2 of the jimmy carter documentary on pbs tonight.

i do not want this coffee to wear off.

i hope that by waking up to music and tea instead of the tv and pop will make a difference in my day like this.

[12 Nov 2002|09:21pm]
what a GREAT documentary of jimmy carter on pbs. if it repeats ( which i am sure it will ) please do watch it! what an inspiring and amazing man who was put through such trials and such pain and humility but kept on going. it just makes me want to cry in a sad and happy way. too much to put into words. i wish i could express it.
it just gives me hope that people like he do actually exist. he is such a shining light.
it hurts so much to see how most of the american people turned on him and could not see his long term vision.
i hope now that they can look back in retrospect and understand what he was trying to do and continues to do so that we never ever treat a good man like that ever again.

how well do you know me? [13 Nov 2002|02:30am]
take the test!

my 80's quiz [13 Nov 2002|04:23pm]
Take my Quiz on!

stacy made an 80's quiz so here is my try at making one :)

bjork [13 Nov 2002|04:51pm]
interesting bjork interviews here on video!

quiz results :) [13 Nov 2002|06:11pm]
most of you answered i have a new mole growing on my chin.
you are right!

most of you answered that i got the inspiration from my band from a dream.
you are wrong! i got it from watching adam and the ants on solid gold :)

most of you said my breasts are made of silicone ( even my boyfriend! )
shame on you! they are made of water!!!! (saline)

most of you said i did not play with dolls.
you are wrong!
my barbies would tie ken up and sell him into prostitution.

most of you said my beverage of choice was diet coke.
you are wrong! it is vanilla coke :)

most of you said i dislike being cold the most.
wrong! i dislike sulky people the most ( but being cold would be second choice )

most of you were RIGHT when you said i loved pooka the most :)

most of you said my mother was from hell. this is almost true :)
the right choice is CANADA :)

most of you said that i believe people are mostly good.
the RIGHT choice is that i believe aliens exist :)

H i g h s c o r e
1 Jennifer K. Ringley 10
2 na 8
3 kiitos 8
4 Tari 7
5 fetik3 7
6 Paul H.N 7
7 peg 7
8 maria 7
9 blonnie 7
10 spyder 6

[13 Nov 2002|10:33pm]

[14 Nov 2002|01:07pm]
Dear Ana, here is your Horoscope for November 14, 2002

You may feel like a young puppy who has just been let outside for the
first time, Ana. The air is warm and delicious, and you are brimming
over with energy. You are ready to take off running through the lawn,
out into the fields, and over the hills in the distance. Unfortunately,
however, you are tied to a large stake in the ground and your area of
movement does not extend beyond a ten-foot radius. Your heart is ready
to fly, but something beyond your control is keeping you where you are.
Start chewing the rope.

[15 Nov 2002|11:41am]
my cyber twin??

[15 Nov 2002|12:33pm]
i feel overstimulated today so i am just going to be mellow until the peter gabriel concert tonight.

[15 Nov 2002|01:28pm]
arrrrrrgh. the other day i used my cash card for $1 and it went over so i got an overdraft fee of 31.00!
THEN. another one today for 2 bucks!
and another for 2 bucks and one for 50 cents!!!!!!!!!!!!
and one more for under 2 bucks. so that is 31.00 times 4 in overdraft fees for going over in my bank less then 5 bucks total!!!

all of those just for being 3 cups of coffee!!! fucking aaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i HATE my bank right now.
why does my debit card allow me to buy something if i don't have the money in there for cryin out loud????
i cannot afford this i am soooooo broke right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was ALL my money. and now i do not have enough to pay my electric bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and of COURSE i am not going to have the money in there if they charge me 31 dollars for going over 50 fucking cents....and then of COURSE the next few ones for a few bucks aren't going to go through because of that. then charge me 93 dollars more. CRIMINAL. ABSURD.

fucking SCAM.

[16 Nov 2002|01:23pm]
the peter gabriel concert was AMAZING! and the two opening acts were worth the money right thre! unbelievable! what a joyous time :)
more later.
i am so sleepy.
must make coffee.

absolutely fascinating! [16 Nov 2002|01:38pm]
i hardly ever see anything like this. it is like looking at an entirely different species for me.

more amazing photos here:

thanks to orb8 for this link!
and here are some more form her ( she always finds the BEST links! )

shannon kringen and the pookdog [16 Nov 2002|02:12pm]
today i am going to get together with shannonkringen, i hope! she is in town and i still have yet to call her today. we have been playing phone tag.
i want to have her over here but my place is such a major disaster area. i still have yet to drink my coffee so i better get a go on that and start cleaning :)
i get nervous to meet people because i want everything to be perfect.

ok, i called her and she is coming over at 6pm!
let the goddess kring countdown begin!
what will pooka think?
will pooka and the goddess kring have a performace art showdown?
i sure hope so! :)

[16 Nov 2002|03:59pm]
i haven't gotten any cleaning done yet.

2 days ago my mother finally returned to me my curtains. she dropped them off. it was very awkward because i saw her calling to get in but i didn't know she was coming over and i really didn't want to see her. but someone else let her in and she left the boxes with my landlord. of course, she didn't just return to me the curtains. it was 4 huge boxes full of stuff. presents for me from last xmas, a photo album with lots of pix of her and me together, and a nice guilty-me-out note. plus food and things from my grandmother..her mother. augh.
it makes me feel all weirded out and awkward and sad and angry. and if she just hadn't written me the guilt-me-out note, then i might have felt differently.
i'm trying not to care. but that is impossible.
and just...augh.

augh augh augh.

spirit full egg forming [16 Nov 2002|05:09pm]
i like that random :)

shannon is running a little late...but so i am so it works out. so she'll be over more like 7ish

[17 Nov 2002|02:59am]

meeting shannon was GREAT! we made a TON of pix and then she made more and more like the energizer bunny! :) she just stripped down nude and ...and...just did the KRINGthing. :) very fun to watch!
there's gonna big a BIG 'ol anagram soon :)
more later...i am sooo sleeepy :)