today all i did is be hyper about my chat with tori at 7pm! i found the site,, was up and running and saw they had a chat room, and stayed in there all day ( it was sheer madness )...jumping from the chat to my chat and back. and i know i must have done other things but i can't think of what! but go see my little tori page. and go see the chat and tell me what u think! it's still up there archived. i think they edited it well..from an hour conversation to 20 minutes i think. they pretty much cut out a TON of me talking, which was fine by me 'cause i talk so fast no one could probably under stand me anyway! but it's pretty funny that they left in the question of "will she come to my house to make jason pancakes?' ! all in all the reviews are good :) and i feel sort of that let down, lull, thing i get when a big project that i've ben really hyper about reaches it's conclusion. like if i finish making a record i get kinda lost feeling like now what? i don't know what else 2 say except that i made an
"anacam's orbs of wonder page"
so go play with that for awhile, go see the chat, see my little tori page