Posted by ANA on November 07,
1999 at 00:40:20:
i've been talking
on that enneagram bbs, trying 2 understand it further. here is a bit of information
on the personality types. what do u think? does one of these fit u?
Here are descriptions of the 9 types. They ask 20 questions each and try to
see which one is the most similar to you.
Quick summary of
the types:
One - principled, orderly, perfectionistic, ethical, self-righteous
Two - caring, generous, very helping, possessive, manipulative
Three - adaptable, driven to succeed, ambitious, image conscious
Four - intuitive, expressive, poetic, self-absorbed, in search of Self, depressive
Five - perceptive, original, theorizing, detached, loner, eccentric
Six - engaging, committed, defensive, attracted to authority, anxious, paranoid
Seven - enthusiastic, fun-loving, happy, uninhibited, hedonistic
Eight - self-confident, bold, decisive, dominating, combative
Nine - peaceful, reassuring, head in clouds, lazy, neglectful
Type 1
1. I demonstrate my love through effort and hard work.
2. I like to have everything orderly and in its place.
3. Completing a task gives me a great pleasure.
4. I frequently do more than my fair share.
5. People who are sloppy about their work irritate me.
6. I don't like being judgemntal, but it's hard not to be.
7. I focus on things that are wrong or out of order and how to fix them.
8. I tend to be serious and worry a lot.
9. I am very concerned with financial security.
10. You can always rely on me.
11. I am so used to struggling to better myself that I tend to discount whatever
comes easily to me.
12. In order to avoid criticism from myself and others, I try to do everything
13. When others don't meet my expectations or do their part, I feel disappointed
or offended.
14. I try hard not to let my jealousy or angry feelings show when I have them.
15. I feel strongly about my principles and beliefs.
16. I carefully plan my day to be sure I get everything done.
17. It is difficult for me to forgive when I've been wronged.
18. I am reasonable, practical and down-to-earth.
19. I continually look for ways to better a person.
20. I am less likely to feel critical when I see that people are trying to
Type 2
1. I have a warm and friendly personality.
2. I pay people compliments to reassure them and let them know that they are
special to me.
3. It is difficult for me to ask for what I need, or even to know what it
is, when I'm with others.
4. I like to receive approval, respect, recognition and admiration.
5. People enjoy my enthusiasm and optimistic attitude.
6. It is difficult for me to express my negative feelings directly to someone,
but I may complain to others about him/her.
7. I suffer terribly when disregarded or taken for granted, and I punish the
offender subtly or sneakily.
8. It is usually more comfortable for me to give than to receive.
9. I like to reach out to people and often am the one to make the first overture.
10. I have become exhausted or ill from taking care of others.
11. I usually hold eye-contact and listen attentively in conversations.
12. Some people see me as overly emotional and dramatic.
13. I can be taken for granted and not always be aware of it.
14. I sometimes feel a deep sense of loneliness.
15. When I feel needy and vulnerable, I try not to show it.
16. People feel comfortable revealing their problems to me.
17. I usually know what other people need and what they are feeling.
18. I know how to get people to like me.
19. Sometimes I feel trapped and angry with myself when I realize I have given
up my own interests for another's.
20. I like feeling indispensable and helping others to become more successful.
Type 3
1. I continually try to live up to my potential and to achieve recognition.
2. I have energy to burn. The more I do, the better I feel; the better I feel,
the more I do.
3. I have confidence in my abilities.
4. I carry out my projects with purpose and passion.
5. I am self-direct and I am always setting new goals for myself.
6. I focus on what can be done rather on what might go wrong.
7. I am a good salesperson; it is easy for me to influence, motivate and persuade.
8. I sometimes sacrifice perfection for efficiency.
9. I like it when people admire my youthfulness and vitality.
10. Work seems to be more important to me than to my partner and friends.
11. I tend to avoid heavy talk about feelings.
12. I like to point out to my friends the positive things that I've been doing:
who I've seen, what's going on at work or in school, my political activities,
how my athletic training is going and so on. Sometimes I do this in subtle
and indirect ways.
13. I am very aware of how people respond to me.
14. I am outgoing.
15. I fear getting too close and may move on when a relationship starts to
become too intimate.
16. I get along well in diverse groups of people.
17. I am efficient, organized and able to do many tasks at once.
18. All I accomplish may look easy to others, but I work hard at it.
19. I sometimes feel envious thoughts about people who are more successful
than I am.
20. I normally try to avoid confrontation
Type 4
1. People are attracted to my creativity, warmth and depth of feelings.
2. I am in touch with the sorrowful and tragic aspects of life.
3. Being misunderstood is especially painful to me.
4. I long, or have longed for a perfect soulmate to come along.
5. I am, or have been attracted to unattainable, unavailable or inappropriate
6. I am suportive and compassionate, especially when someone is in crisis.
7. I easily soak up others' pain.
8. I sometimes feel melancholy.
9. I am drawn to what is intense and out of the ordinary.
10. I have many dreams and ideals, but sometimes have a hard time actualizing
11. I feel things more deeply than an average person and suspect those who
always act happy.
12. I have a rich and active imagination and like to put things together in
new ways.
13. I have a flair for clothes and enjoy looking a bit offbeat.
14. I often feel self-conscious.
15. I believe I am flawed at a deep level.
16. It has been difficult to find a relationship in which I really feel loved.
17. Sometimes my love interest seems more attractive to me when he/she is
18. I try to hold my feelings back so that they won't scare people off.
19. I have been or have felt abandoned.
20. I pity myself or long for what others have that I don't have.
Type 5
1. I don't like invasive or overly emotional people, especially those who
are angry or aggressive.
2. I tend to be self-reliant and keep my problems to myself.
3. Routines such as eating, sleeping or changing clothes become relatively
unimportant when I'm reading or concentrating on one of my projects.
4. I often feel shy and uncomfortable around people.
5. I feel more at ease expressing my thoughts than feelings.
6. I enjoy spending a lot of my time alone.
7. I generally wait for people to approach me instead of approaching them.
8. Occasionally I feel righteous enough to become angry.
9. I am better able to experience how I feel about something afterward, when
I'm alone.
10. I don't like social functions: parties and small talk don't appeal to
me except with my family and people I know well.
11. I don't like to be asked broad general questions about myself.
12. I like being appreciated for my knowledge.
13. I try not to be involved in confrontations.
14. I don't usually want people to know how I feel or what I'm thinking unless
I tell them.
15. When others try to regulate my life, I feel frantic and angry.
16. I can be cynical and argumentative.
17. I usually work things out in my mind before I talk about them; I often
hesitate while I try to order my thoughs and may not speak at all if I can't
perfect what I say.
18. At times, I wish I had better social skills.
19. People sometimes find it difficult to follow my train of thought.
20. I have little influence in most social conventions.
Type 6
1. I am a loyal friend and a partner.
2. I usually don't trust anyone I haven't known for a long time.
3. I am alert by nature.
4. I feel especially close to my partner when we are standing together against
a common enemy, or working for a common cause.
5. I am proud of my intellect.
6. I usually become very indecisive when stressed.
7. People sometimes complain that I am too reactive, defensive and controlling.
8. In a major crisis, I usually overcome my self-doubt and anxiety.
9. I mistrust people who try to flatter me.
10. There's almost nothing I like less than pretension.
11. I am usually hard-working, responsible, conscientious and precise.
12. I frequently examine or test the loyalty of my friends or partner.
13. People say I take things too seriously.
14. At my worst in an intimate relationship, I am either insecure and anxious
or testy and confrontational.
15. I either think things through very carefully before I take an action or
I boldly charge in.
16. I prefer what is proven and predictable to what is new and unknown.
17. I either look at others to give me direction or I completely ignore advice
and do whatever I want.
18. I often obsess about the worst-possible outcome.
19. When threatened, I either become anxious and seek protection or confront
the danger head on.
20. I can be cynical and sarcastic.
Type 7
1. I am optimistic, outgoing and good at doing many things.
2. I look for new, intriguing experiences.
3. I like relationsips that are exciting and intense yet steady and dependable.
4. I want to live a good life, which includes delicious food and plenty of
fun and adventure.
5. I have difficulty with people when they are needy, dependent and negative.
6. I usually recover quicky from losses.
7. I love getting attention and laughs for telling good stories and jokes.
8. I support people by getting them out of their bad moods and negativity.
9. I worry about my freedom being curtailed.
10. I don't feel obligated or beholden to anyone.
11. I usually don't listen to people process feelings, or I take an interest
in this kind of thing unless the person keeps repeating the same misery and
does nothing to change it.
12. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances.
13. I sometimes feel shy, vulnerable and fragile inside, but others think
I'm always confident.
14. Most people find me friendly, attractive and charming.
15. Sometimes I am self-indulgent and enjoy excesses.
16. I can be defensive and argumentative.
17. I make more plans than I actually cary out.
18. I usually find ways to evade confrontations in my daily life.
19. I like to say the unexpected.
20. If I want to end a relationship, I am likely to confront the person directly
or to get that person to leave me by irritating him/her.
Type 8
1. I like excitement and stimulation and am attracted to intense people.
2. I may have a hard outer shell, but when I feel trusting, I can be vulnerable
and loving.
3. People see me as courageous.
4. I can be tough and hard-driving.
5. People who are not as strong as I am are sometimes put off by my assertive
and confrontational style.
6. In a committed relationship I am willing to go to any lengths to get to
the bottom of conflicts.
7. Whether in an intimate relationship or not, I need some time alone.
8. My friends complain that I sometimes dismiss their point of view.
9. Independence and self-reliance are of utmost importance to me
10. I demand fairness and equality.
11. I am extremely protective of my loved ones.
12. I usually have no problem saying what is on my mind.
13. I like to empower and motivate people.
14. I support the disadvantaged.
15. Sometimes I don't allow others to get too close to me, because I don't
want to be let down later.
16. I would rather be respected than liked.
17. I want things to be orderly and in their place, especially my things.
18. I hae a tendency to indulge in excesses (food, drugs, etc.)
19. My first reaction is often to blame someone.
20. I like to shoot down pretension in people.
Type 9
1. My friends can feel relaxed, comfortable and peaceful around me.
2. Making decisions is often difficult, as I can see all the sides of an issue.
3. I try not to place demands on others and I become stubborn when people
place demands on me.
4. Sometimes I feel more ambitions for my partner than for myself.
5. I tend to procrastinate.
6. I am more likely to feel depressed and lethargic than angry.
7. People like me because I am accepting, non-judgemental and unpretentious.
8. I am very attached to my habits and routines.
9. I am easily distracted.
10. I like to have time in each day to relax and let my mind wander.
11. I'd rather accommodate my partner than stand up for myself or confront
12. I don't usually want all the attention to be on me.
13. I often distract myself from my problems instead of fixing them.
14. I am thought of as a good listener, but I don't concentrate on what people
say as much as they thing I do.
15. I have trouble choosing one option and letting go of all the rest.
16. People say I am too paassive or indecisive.
17. I often feel anxious but others are not aware of it.
18. I believe that everything will work out in the long run.
19. I am not as competitive and concerned with status and prestige as many
people are.
20. Physical comfort is very important to me.
I hope that helps you out! I think those are some of the best traits in identifying your type.