analog 11.03.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

here is something i sent 2 my mailing list yesterday:

i have SO much to tell u!
but this is all i will say for right now,
go to:

!!! see the little promo we did for our soon-to-be-on-the-web conversation!
it will be happening for everyone to see on november 18th

u can go to:
to sign up to their list to be reminded of the chat, but u know i'll remind u too!

the glass table that was in my living room broke in 1/2 today
here is something i posted in anarchy about it:
"it's all my fault. the other night i cooked some chicken noodle soup,then put the hot pan on the glass. stupid. well, it cracked the's jason's table..i feel just the dog's have almost destroyed his chair and couch :(
the crack grew bigger today, then finally just cracked in 1/2

so now i am reconstructing everything from the deconstruction.

i cleaned of the 2 halves of glass and put them on the windowsill and i'm going to glue pieces of coloured glass on them ( i have this box of broken coloured glass that i've been seaving in this box in the thing room,i got the glass out of the trash from a stained glass company and i've been waiting for a big piece of glass to "appear" to me someday that i could glue these pieces "appeared")

and i'll paint on the glass too and come up with something pretty for the sun to shine through :)

then , with the table...i now have a place to put both of my analog jupiter 6 and juno 60. so, now those are out and i'm cleaning them off. so now i can make some music :) i have more synths, too, but those are my main ones. i'd put my guitars in the living room but i'm afriad deiter will chew on them.

and i'm going to sew some things to go over parts of the couch and chair that are ruined.

so ....everything works out ok in the end...i just hope jason will like the results. but i'm pretty good with taking things that other people would throw out and reconstructing it into something new


so..i'm listening to dance music ( the radio ) and cleaning everything with windex and vacumming to make sure there are no shards of glass anywhere! "

mostly for the past few days i've been putting up little mpeg "mini-movies" i made into ana2's "anamate" section.
i think i have about 15 in there now, and i'm going to be adding 10 more soon. i've been staying up until the sun rises working on it all.
i feel a sense of accomplishment getting that done finally, plus i've been cleaning nad organizing the house a lot and i've made a ton more space in "the thing room" so soon i'll be able to actually move around in there and start using that room as a place i can go in and do creative projects like sewing and painting.

so i had a good productive day.
jason just bought a dvd player and we are both in heaven watching monty python dvds! and we just watched "faust"
and we have "fantastic planet" which is one of my all time faves! i am so lucky :)