analog 103102

[25 Oct 2002|01:04pm]
wow. paul wellstone dies on plane crash. wow.
as much as i was sick of the bickering back and forth going on between his mudslinging ads and his opponents this year...he really was a man with a good heart and i am in shock. there was no one like him. i felt the closest to him, politically, than any politician since jimmy carter.
it's going to be a bittersweet win for the other guy.

wellstone has just been our senator forever! and i didn't know i would feel this bad at his death! feel bad about his death NOW...THIS way. wow. fuck.

so much death lately. just everywhere.
how weird that wellstone was on his way to a funeral in that plane!
oh wow his wife and daughter died in the crash, too. holy god.
what a sad sad day.

[25 Oct 2002|06:29pm]
i am in the process of making more wrist warmers :) stay tuned! i might have some up for sale tomorrow or even later tonight :)
i am cooking pizza and watching stuff on paul wellstone. too bad they couldn't have mentioned all the good things he did and what he stood for during the actual compaign.

what is the circumfrence of your wrist? [25 Oct 2002|08:00pm]
[ mood | curious ]

and also , what is the circumference of the calves on your legs?

i'm trying to get a general idea of the average scale of these things. i might start making leg warmers, too, later on...

hostages [25 Oct 2002|10:42pm]
isn't it weird that tuesday i dreamt of a huge hostage situation and then wednesday that huge hostage situation started?

[26 Oct 2002|02:17pm]
jason and i are going to go window shopping today. i'll be back later :)

[26 Oct 2002|02:50pm]
"They just aired a Norm Coleman commercial on TV; that must have been a mistake. The one with his mom comparing Norm to "that other fellow" (not verbatim). Coleman said yesterday that he was pulling all of the media in light of Wellstone's death."

i copied this from jason's LJ 'cause i am leaving now and don't have time to type.
we just saw that commercial now! i bet someone will get fired for that!

[27 Oct 2002|01:04am]

"Celebrating the ancient art of spinning and the ageless beauty of women."

i've been learning a lot about things today. everything from why NOT to have monkeys as pets to felting machines. i even found an ANTEATER for sale as a pet online. wtf?

don't forget to set your clock back and hour as of right now!
stupid daylight savings time :/

[27 Oct 2002|02:13am]
[ mood | amused ]

i love when my dogs snore :)

[27 Oct 2002|02:15am]
[ mood | curious ]

so what do you want for christmas?

[27 Oct 2002|03:11pm]
new lotions i love!
by Bath & Body Works:
orange ginger
jasmine vanilla
ylang ylang myrhh
eebomb and i are going to go yarn hunting today :)
new wrist warmers will be for sale soon :)
nice mellow sunday :)
i am looking for a nice pair of men's flannel pajamas to buy. in the colour red. i am having a hard time tracking something like this down.
jason and i tried out that sleep number bed at the mall of america yesterday.
he is a 90 and i am a 20

yarn heaven! [27 Oct 2002|05:40pm]
i am in yarn heaven! eebomb and i went to this yarn store in saint paul called "three kittens" and they had EVERYTHING and then some!
i bought some of the most beautiful yarn in the world and so did she!
feather light stunning red lace mohair, this ansolutely unbelievable handspun yarn from sweden that is cream mohair with multicoloured loops throughout! so big and yummy! it looks like cotton candy but wayyyyy better :)
this amazing sky blue eyelash that is dreamier than a puffy cloud day in summer.
thick/thin wool that looks like colinette point 5 that is green the colour of spring leaves and white eyelash so fluffy it is fluffier than an angora rabiit and a polar bear combined!
it was both heaven and hell to be in that store! so hard to decide! i wanted to get naked and smash my body into the walls and walls of yarn goodness :)
oh...and this other eyelash yarn that has colours so deep and rich you could swim in it!
multicolured blue green fuschia golden brown

i am flipped out over this store! i willl scan in some of this yarn to show u

i need to get some food now because i am dying of hunger.

this is a very happy thing :) [27 Oct 2002|06:15pm]

[27 Oct 2002|06:37pm]
i am cooking chicken and watching pbs. a show on insects.
i love pbs.
then i'm going to jason's to watch the sopranos :)
good day!

new wrist warmers :) [28 Oct 2002|02:19pm]
the pictures don't do justice so how rich and ultra soft these are!
these two are $40 because they have twice as expensive yarn in them, are twice as big, and took more more than twice as long to make.

supreme raggedy! $40
cream mohair, chennille, boucle
with rainbow mohair :)
good luck red dot mohair! $40
(with rainbow mohair and red parrot mohair)
and the multicolour sparkle faerie are for sale [SOLD] for $15 ( i took 5 bucks off )

[28 Oct 2002|09:47pm]
jason put up on his server the video of when we were on VIBE
and i sang "please god". it's 8.3 MB
and there is a whole bunch more videos here:

here is another for sale :) [SOLD] $15
there are 3 green vintage buttons sewn on, too!
the colours didn't turn out right in this picture. the hot pink is right...but the other colour is OLIVE GREEN :)
i also have another
orange red pink raggedy [SOLD]
and a white eyelash faerie [SOLD]
and i have a nice simple black pair for [SOLD] $10
they are part cashmere

[29 Oct 2002|11:44am]
i can't believe it. i have caught ANOTHER cold.
i think i need to get a filter for my air in my apt.

sulkfest [29 Oct 2002|02:10pm]
holy cow. i just want this mole off my chin and you have to have a consultation first which costs $80 to $40! then you have to make another appointment after that to have it chopped off which costs $100 and up! unreal.
so i went with the 40 buck consulation and i couldn't get in until december 4th. who knows when i will actually get in to get this thing off.

it makes me want to ice up my chin and just cut it off myself.

before that i spent about an hour on the phone with the phone co. trying to get things sorted out with them and you have to be transferred to another person for each separate question and be on hold. gahhh. back and forth back and forth.

i feel all edgy now. going to take a bath then go to the p.o.

i was going to go to the soft boys tonight but i don't feel very well and i feel really ugly and fat and nothing fits me and i don't want to see anyone i know and i am just a huge sulk monster right now.
and robyn used to say hi to me and now he doesn't anymore and i don't know why and this hurts my feelings a lot so if i go i am not going to try and say hi to him anymore which is a sad thing but i just give up. but i will try to say hi to morris because he is the greatest.
but i don't know if i will go at all because i just feel absolutely like crap.

and i have a huge mole on my chin that looks like a massive zit or something. and i have my period. and i'm bloated and my face is all zitty. and i don't feel like breathing in a bunch of cigarette smoke when my throat hurts enough as it is.

if i could just rent a costume of a giant fur monster of some sort. i would wear that and go.

maybe i wil put a bandaid on my chin because i'd rather people see a bandaid than this hideous mole

[29 Oct 2002|02:25pm]
ewwww. i just made a bath and the water is all MURKY. what's up with that???
i'm taking polaroids of it and draining it and starting again. nasty.
i also just realized that they might not even let me in at 1st ave because i lost my ID and so have been using an old expired ID. and no one knows me at the door anymore.
gotta get outside and get a new iD , as well.
it's grey and cold outside. 40 degrees and possibly raining.
i will persevere.

[29 Oct 2002|03:19pm]
i'm ok. my bath turned out fine after trying a few times. i'm all clean. soaked a long time. calmed down. ok.

the reality of the situation [29 Oct 2002|05:41pm]
i'm still going out tonight anyway.

thank you [30 Oct 2002|06:56pm]
thank you everyone for all your words of encouragment and support :) these do help me to accept my body more and feel stronger. if only we could do this for every person who feels low about his/her body image. if we could only put everyone in a room to be showered with love and acceptance there would be such less pain in this world. thank you so much!

[31 Oct 2002|12:32pm]
stupid cold. augh.
i feel like hell. this is so not fair.
i'm working on little books

post whatever you want to this [31 Oct 2002|02:55pm]