i'm too tired to write anything
right now. i still have a cold. i must go to sleep now. it's 12:30am. i didn't
go to sleep last "night" until 9am. here's more pix from NYC and
one from jennicon. i got some pix off
the harddrive that i saved on my laptop. good thing i have so many pictures
2 make anagrams while i'm sick, so even tho my cam is boring, i have stuff
to get anagrams up :) falling off my chair stupid tired, i am. and i'll get
the new anapix up tomorrow.
here is something i sent off to my mailing list today:
Posted by ANA on October 24, 1999 at 14:16:08:
i still have a yucky cold, so i've been laying low and watching movies.
i finally saw EdTv, and i liked it a lot!
and i saw "michael", i knew it'd be terrible and corny, but it was
even worse than i imagoned it would be, still i watched it anyway.
and i saw this movie called "salesman" made in 1969, it is a documentary
about bible salesman. it was VERY harsh and depressing and really well done.
it seemed like something david lynch would make up, but it was real. very
there are some pix of tori and i having our conversation here:
a very cool tori amos site!
also, if u noticed in the menu next to the cam picture, i have a picture of
madden's tori shoe"
click on it to find out how u can own a pair AND help
victims of rape and incest at the same time !!
and cyka , the first russian camgirl wrote
me this last night:
It's 16h09 here and I'm working and listening to the radio. There's yet
*another* intro for the new Tori Amos song
that has just been released in Russia
and rocketed to number 2 the first week. Anyway, there was a translated quotes
and news, detailing what Tori is up to with the new album and touring and
mentioned that she just performed in NYC, but the performance was a minor
considering the amount of press and interviewing she did there, including
interview with 'internet adventurer and artist, Ana Voog', and then more blah
blah blah that I missed due to being surprised to hear Ana's name on MY radio
(it came out translated like ahhhhhnye vooooogyeh).
See Ana! You and I are a lot closer in distance than we thought! :)))
I was a little too dumbstruck
to think to hit record, but I'll ask a friend at
the station to look into a tape of the intro. "
now i'm gonna go make popcorn and then get some pix of the harddrive off of my laptop from my trip so i can make another new anagram for ana2.com
and i'm gonna take a nap. i stayed up until 9am this morning fidding around
with "dreamweaver" figuring out how 2 make frames and mouseovers!
i am going 2 redesign anacam and ana2 again as soon as i figure a few things
i received a catalogue from
"dean and deluca" the other
day, and i am DROOLING over all the yummy food in there! mmmmm.
i really want 2 order some truffles bvecause i've never had those, and also
some caviar. i have never had beluga caviar before. not that i can afford
i have had salmon eggs and flying fish eggs when at a sushi restaurant.
i LOVE weird fish stuff and i love mushrooms!
wow, i've made myself super hungry now...so i'm off to make popcorn
i have a questio for u...
what is the best money you've ever spent? that was the topic of an
oprah show last week and i thought it was a good one.
i'd say the best $ i ever spent was buying my dogs. and after that i'd say
my little fostex x-15 4 track, and then i'd say my hitachi
magic wand!
oh, and a new section i want
2 put up on my site is diagrammes of what people think is the layout of my
if you'd like to make a diagram, send it to:
draw what u think is the diagram of my house, make each room in proportion of what u think each rooms size in in relation to all the other rooms
then i sent this off to the list at 2am:
my videos, still up on the net!
Posted by ANA on October 25, 1999 at 02:37:19:
here is something else i just
sent off to my mailing list
just to let u know, there is a picture of nathan, ( dr. memory ) the list
wrangler in my latest anagram!
go check it out :) mart from geek-nation.com
is in it too!
( nathan it was SO cool to meet u! if only we would have had more time. MAN, i was hyper and tired )
wow, radioactive, my x-label, still has a bunch of stuff from the site they
made for me!
there just isn't a direct link 2 it anymore, but it's still all there!
go to:
and u can see three promo videos i made!
i made "hello, i'm ana voog" on my camcorder at home
and the film i made that they stuck the awful remix of my song "hollywood"
to is something i made in my old apartment. i had this big plan for that mini-film,
then everything went wrong and i ended up just drawing on my face at 3am after
a 14 hour day stuck in my hot unairconditioned apartment on a 90 degree day.
i wanted an anti-hollywood silent film to give radioactive for promo use.
i was rebelling that they had released a horrid cheesy remix of my song as
my single.
the " i was waving at you" video was shot on by bobby z on his camcorder
during a photosession. david sylvian did the ambient music in that song and
his wife, ingrid chavez speaks with me on it. i am so honoured i was able
2 work with ingrid and david!
(but u guys know this already..i'm just repeating by chance someone doesn't
know :)
and then there are links on that page to my press photos, bio and lyrics and
grab it while u can!
does anyone know how i could
save those videos on there so that i could put them on my site?
i don't know how powerful their server is so if u can't get them to werk,
it might be because i just told 4,000 people to go there are look
i reeeeeeeaaally want to get those videos off of there....save them somehow
and put them on my site, or if anyone wants to mirror that on there, go ahead!
and if u click on "press room", then "electronic downloads"
it'll take u to the page with my press photos and 3 more videos on the realplayer
from 2 my appearances on TV, sinbad's "vibe" show, and hardcopy
it's so passive aggressively
weird that radioactive took down all signs i ever existed on their website
because they still have everyone else' stuff up on there even if that band
or person isn't on that label anymore. i'm the only one they erased all traces.
we certainly did have a vile departing.
my manager, bobby z ( www.zincmusic.co
), said my cd, anavoog.com, still continues to sell around 10 copies a
week which i think is pretty good that it's constantly been doing that ever
since it was put out with no promotion whatsoever. u can still get copies
of that cd online or order it. and sometimes u can find my other cds on ebay.com
for a buck! although one was auctioned off for almost a hundred bucks once
but that was because it was the first record i was aware of that was on sale
there, and it was out of print and i told everyone about it. now whenever
i see them sold on ebay i don't tell anyone so they will get sold at a low
price. this one guy has made so much money selling my cds on ebay. i've never
seen a red cent from any of my records being sold. it's such a fallacy that
artists make lots of money if you are signed to a major label. u DO make money
if u sell a TRILLION copies after you've paid back the label the trillion
dollars u end up owing them. anyway....there u have it
and there's always my mp3's for free in "ana musiq" in the menu
of anacam
yay :)
ok, i said i was gonna go to bed hours ago, but i wanted to get a new anagram
i'll get the anapix up tomorrow( today ) after i wake up, so look for those
later on in the afternoon