analog 102402


[23 Oct 2002|12:57am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

i just flipped out and cut off all my hair. i can't believe i just did that.
but it was falling out all over and totally unmanagable for me. god, so depressing.
but i have to start over. i had to do it. i just had to.
i'm so sorry sonia :(
i am going to go soak in the tub and sulk
back to the drawing board.

[23 Oct 2002|01:07pm]

when i get extensions again someday, it has to be braids or dreads 'cause lots of loose hair is too much for me to deal with. i can't keep it tangle free very well. the dogs play in it and chew it, too!
i swear i will make it up to you, sonia5! i will make you a cool wallhanging. i feel bad that i didn't get any really good pictures of that hair or keep it in longer than a month :/ and it was so much work for you. i feel really guilty. but, for me, i have to stick with shorter loose hair, or braids or dreads. long loose hair doesn't work well with my lifestyle, as beautiful as it was :/
i still have all of it saved.

my short hair is all different lengths. i need to go get it professionally cut evenly, i think.
today i will dye it either red or pink. dyeing it with manic panic doesn't hurt my hair in any way. it vegetable dye. it's the bleach that does me in.
my hair was doing just fine until i put in that last clairol thing a few months ago. and that was the last straw for my hair :/

a lot of my hats look weird on me now, now that i don't have all that hair. so i will have to make new hats.

i think i will make weird crocheted yarn wigs for this winter.

and i have to get rid of this weird mole on my chin that appeared out of nowwhere. do you go to a dermatologist for that? or do you go to a plastic surgeon? it is making me feel so ugly, i have to get it off ASAP

kiitos is going to help me get my car back hoime from the shop. around 3:30ish. it will be so nice to see her since i haven't seen her in awhile and the doglets will be happy, too!

i am going to go dye my hair red now.
my last jar of manic panic pillar box red.
sonia thinks that manic panic has stopped making that colour now, which is an absolute crime since it is the only red i like.

[23 Oct 2002|02:05pm]

my jar of manic panic pillar box red was mislabelled. it is some sort of fuschia. it still is a pretty colour but it pisses me off because i wanted pillar box red! grrr.
i am going to clean the kitchen a bit while this is soaking in my hair.
my hair was fine in that blonde colour...but i need some RED in my life.

my hair is flourescent hot pink. not a very good colour on me. NOT even near the colour it said on the bottle. pisser.
it could be worse.

kiitos will be here any sec to help me move my car.
thank goodness for her

wrist warmers and new hair [23 Oct 2002|09:55pm]

i am making wrist warmers! i like to combine many types of yarn to make them :) mohair, eyelash, sparkly
if i made some like these would anyone be interested in buying a pair?
i can also sell them singly. i will scan them so you can see them better
i am thinking of charging 20 a pair

i had a great day :) it was so nice to hang out with kiitos
we got my car and i debated selling it, and i actually may have found a buyer.
but then i get inside it and i want to keep it because it is such a nice big car!
then we went to taco bell and my p.o. box
and i made her a pair of these wrist warmers :) and gave her some nice tin boxes i had but didn't use.
i feel i got a lot accomplished today and i am happy with my hair and with my wrist warmers :)

my wrist warmers [24 Oct 2002|06:03pm]
here they are so far :)
for sale: 20 bucks a pair +3 for shipping
what colours would you like to see next? :)