analog 10.22.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

"you are what your
deep, driving desire is.
as your desire is, so is your will.
as your will, so is your deed.
as your deed, so is your destiny"

i still will tell u more about my trip but right now i feel too typed out. i got in a big ol debate on the jennicam bbs on peeping moes. i don't know why i even get into those debates..yet i still do them sometimes. it was partly 'cause i just have this really rotten cold and needed something to do to pass the time away. i'm gonna take some nyquil and go to bed soon. i have even more pictures from NYC i'll put up in the next anagram, and also some pictures from before i left. i wish these anagrams were more linear, but that's what happend when u go on strange little trips then get a cold :)
ok, here are all the posts i made. if u want to see the entire thread go read the "jaffo" thread at the jennicam forum at


oh wait here's a post i made first NOT about jaffo
jennifer's secret room Posted by ANA on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 4:51 a.m.

did u know that there is a room at jennifer's that no one has yet seen on cam? :)
when i went 2 her house i was like, ohmigod! mystery room! guess what it is and what it looks like! :))
she just doesn't have a cam for it yet. i slept in that room when i was over there. jodi slept there, too. her poor hurt foot was bothering her :( we went horseback riding and jodi's foot got smashed inbetween the horse and a tree :/
jennifer's place looks TOTALLY different in "real life" than it does on cam! now i know how it is when people come to my house and say the same thing. quite a trip!

more later, but now it's 4am. i haven't even unpacked yet! thank u thumper 4 the kind words down in the posts below! it's so bizarre and cool to see myself in a "jennishow"
but my computer speakers are crap, so i couldn't understand anything anyone was saying.
i couldn't even understand myself! ok, time 4 bed!
smooshed peas with pepper and butter,


Re: Nice Guys Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:28 p.m.
, in response to Nice Guys, posted by Jaffo
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 1:53 p.m.

jaffo, i think u are inserting the word "nice" for what it REALLY is, imo ..DYSFUNCTIONAL! :)
heck, we've all been burned ( i'm assuming ).
i've been burned to a crisp several times and thought i'd never recover. in fact, every time a relationship of mine ends ( hopefully this will not happen again! ) i swear that will be the last time i ever love again.
again if someone is a grouchy bitch about a loving invitation for a roll in the hay ( if u are"official" lovers )
and that someone shoots u down or rolls their eyes, then that is called emotional ABUSE.
it may be small, it doesn't leave a physical bruise.
it might be so subtle that u feel stupid for even being hurt by it.
but it IS abuse and it's mean, and if u stay with a person like that then i understand why your confidence is lacking.
i have been through similiar things.
whenever a person "belittles" another that is emotional abuse. that is the time to
"throw up your hands and run for it"!

u wrote:
"Nice Guys" need to feel secure before they can cut loose like that. They have to feel like they're advances are welcome. They have to be sure the romantic risks they take will be appreciated. All too often, women ignore or belittle men when they try stuff like this."

that isn't nice, that's just insecure. if you aren't willing to take a risk without being 100% sure u will not that even living? how sexy or romantic is that? and again, i say if they belittle you, then get the heck away from that person! it sounds like u have been in some pretty abusive relationships and it sounds to me like you think that perhaps it was your fault! well, it's NOT your fault. any person who would be so mean to belittle a person in return of a romantic gesture is totally dysfunctional
( my mom was a psychiatric that's where i get all my trendy yet totally efficient pop psychology jargon ) and about the age thing...i dunno, i've gone out with guys who were 10 years older, and now i'm going out with a man who's 7 years younger than i!
age sometimes matters, but most often it doesn't, from my experience..unless u are talking jailbait.
it's cool that u think about this stuff, though. i think after u werk this through you'll be a very NICE boyfriend for someone.
and i mean nice as in it's a GOOD thing u are.
but nice doesn't mean being someones doormat.
and nice doesn't mean quivering in fear
. have courage in SPITE of your fear and go take some risks! that's what life is, imo


Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:45 p.m.,
in response to Nice Guys,
posted by The Wave on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 2:45 p.m

. i just cannot agree that we are born with a tendency to go towards people who are bad for us...and that we gradually learn to overcome this and appreciate the people who are good for us. that has not been my experience at all. i also disagree that once u act out a fantasy it's not a fantasy anymore! if i can't live out my fantasies, WHY am i even living? that's the way i see it :) man, i need a dr.pepper now. :)


Re: jaffo?
Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 1:28 p.m.,
in response to Re: jaffo?, posted by Jaffo
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 10:49 a.m

. jaffo wrote,
"The things you wrote in that journal illustrated some things I've been thinking about for a long time. It answered some questions that men have been asking for a long time. What does it take to get a woman's attention? How do you capture her imagination? What impressions stay with her over time? "

jaffo, u can't POSSIBLY think that jennifer is ALL women! do u? u just cannot apply jennifer's journal entry now to the entire female population! that's ridiculous! every woman is different just as every man is! take each woman on an INDIVIDUAL HUMAN basis. there is no cookie cutter answer to what every woman wants. just be yourself, do what makes YOU happy, and when u are happy doing your thing..that is when , most likely, some woman will see how happy you are and she will also want to partake in it. like if your idea of a great time would be playing chess in the park, then go do that..then u will run into a woman who loves parks and chess!
don't try to figure out what all women want then conform to that. that's not to say don't be adaptable in some things. like, for example...if a woman you know loves roses but you do not love buy her some roses anyway isn't going to make your personality any different.
and if it's not in u to act "bad" ( i hate using the word bad or dirty when it comes to sex )then don't do it.
if it's not in you to be don juan then i just don't think it's gonna happen.
there ARE woman out there, many woman, who prefer things mellow ( i am not one of them , hehe )
just be yourself.
a cliche to say, but infinitely important to do and be.



Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 2:49 p.m.
, in response to Re: jaffo?, posted by Thumper
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 2:12 p.m

. i think the biggest turn on is a person who feels secure in themselves :) perhaps some "nice" guys should work on that? if u can't bring up certain things to your lover without fear, new thoughts, new ideas, old thoughts, etc..then perhaps u are with the wrong person. it's just not sexy to meekly ask "may i bite your neck?" CONFIDENCE! it's the biggest turn on of all. perhaps that is what SOME "nice guys" lack... i'm just saying this from what i have experienced so far. but also confidence to share your deepest fears is ALSO very essential. i mean, don't PRETEND to be confident..that's even WORSE. i just think that a lot of people would do well to learn to love THEMSELVES more and LIKE themselves more before going to look for it in others. it's hard to put into words



Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:39 p.m.,
in response to Re: Confidence,
posted by Jennifer
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:20 p.m.

AMEN SISTAH!!! i agree with 777% and then some! i think we are all born with confidence. and it is within the grasp to have it again if u lost it somewhere along the line. you just have to WANT that confidence back with your entire being! i would reccomend to anyone who needs a battery recharge and tune-up to align themselves back to their path to read: "the seven spiritual laws of success" by deepak chopra i feel , jaffo, that before u even BEGIN to even CONSIDER a relationship to really work out your confidence "issues" because THAT will be the key to unlock not only LOVE, but EVERYTHING in your life that could bring u joy.

"you are what your deep, driving desire is.
as your desire is, so is your will.
as your will, so is your deed.
as your deed, so is your destiny"

--Brihadaranyka Upanishad IV 4.5


Posted by ANA
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 4:46 p.m.,
in response to Re: Confidence,
posted by Jaffo
on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 4:28 p.m.

lol :) well, it's funny that u can't see that this IS about u. i'm not making this about u, this IS about u. just as everything that i am typing is about ME. this started out with YOUR journal entry, yes? it was not an article in time magazine. how u react to that article ( or somebody else's journal )IS about u. it's YOUR reaction. you are writing about how things make u FEEL when u see others doing <--insert action--->

then what you are doing is PROJECTING your thoughts and feelings about the thing saw or read onto other people.
oh are speaking for "all the nice guys"
are are making big generalizations.
making generalizations like "nice guys are this"
"woman are this"
"when x happens y happens"

this is TOTALLY about u. and that is why cams are so popular.
they are easy to project upon whatever is inside u.
you'll see what u want to see, or what you've been conditioned to see.
an example..."jenni is the epitome of the 90's woman"
to YOU she is.
to others it might be courtney love, or hillary clinton, or the transexual that lives next door.

you are angry about a lot of things. jennifer's journal entry triggered a bunch of that anger and u wrote in YOUR journal to work it out or get it out.

u say you want this to be about "general issues"
but the world is diverse. they may seem like general issues to u, but to others it might not be a general issue at all.
all we can know is know ourselves.

i sure wish people would get the fact that cams are a big mirror reflecting back to the viewer his/her own pysche.
( for ONE thing )
actually everything is a mirror.
what u see is where YOU are at in the grid of life

at least, that's how i think about it today. tomorrow, who knows?


Posted by ANA on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:08 p.m., in response to Generalizations, posted by Jaffo on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 2:22 p.m.

oh jaffo...u are really off base, imo!
1st off the dating ritual IS the beginning of a relationship!
there shouldn't be a separation, imo.
it sounds to me like you are saying "if only i knew how to do the right ritual dance i could then start a relationship"
like you have to puff out like a coloured bird and spray yourself with phermones! :)

just BE YOURSELF! that's all i can say! :) if she doesn't like u for being yourself on day ONE, then she just ISN'T the girl for u!

and i here u even say the thing i was trying to point out 2 u about confidence.
you wrote
"This is surreal. I'm debating with the two most beloved women on the internet.
A smarter man would throw up his hands, distribute lavish apologies, and get the hell outta dodge. I've never been that smart. "

see, a statement like that is not a good one to even start out a friendship.
hypothetically, if u wanted to be my friend ( and THAT is square one to start a sexual relationship, imo, be friends first! it's ALL based on that, TO ME )
u say a statement like that and what i think, to be brutally honest..well.. u even said it yourself...that u cannot handle having an equal relationship with a woman! u say a smarter man would run away? WHY? i love a good debate! especially if the person is smart! (duh)

i don't want some guy who lavishes apologies, throw up his hands and runs away!
do i want a guy who thinks he's not that smart? ack! do u see where i'm getting at?
confidence man confidence! it's the sexiest thing there is! do u see?
it's not a formula, it's not a ritual. it's about loving yourself and what you do and being secure in that. when u have that, u WILL excude love vibes, to be sure...
and anyway, it's not about being SMART, it's about being TRUE to YOURSELF, to your being to your core!
now go look in the mirror and say 3 times a day, " i'm good enough, and smart enough, and gosh darnit people like me! "


i don't even know u, but my quick pop-psychology summation of why u do not get the girl u want is RIGHT THERE in that sentence clear as day.
( maybe u do have the girl want now...i don't know much about u )
but there u have it from dr. voog :)



Posted by ANA on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 4:06 p.m., in response to Re: Generalizations, posted by Jaffo on Friday, 22 October 1999, at 3:42 p.m.

jaffo wrote:
"In reality, I'm one of the most arrogant people you'll ever meet. *grin* "
i say:

arrogance is only the flip side of insecurity/fear. it's one and the same.

i'm not talking about arrogance, i'm talking about confidence! big difference!
do u see?

actually, lots of times..opposites attract. :) my boyfriend is nothing like me...we share common interests in movies, philosophy music...but he is almost purely the mind and i am almost purely the heart.

i read deepak chopra
he reads these gigantic manuals on programmng languages

jaffo wrote:
"Women are attracted to men who are being themselves in an aggressive way -- men who don't care what the world thinks of them. "

i say:
ok, there u go with the sexist generalizations again! being confident doesn't mean that u don't care what the world thinks about u! and confident doesn't equal aggressive! even assertive and aggressive are two different things.
i don't know what more i can say...u are just so off base to me about such really important fundamental things. and...i think it would take me all day to try to explain it. and i'm starting to feel sicker from my cold :(

and i didn't mean to say that u liked jenni or i. i was saying IF u wanted to get to know me better, then THESE are the things where'd you'd be steering yourself wrong from square one.

and u are really contradicting yourself now.
on one hand you are asking "how do i gain confidence? is it learned?"
then in this thread you are saying" i am confident and i have learned it"

well, then..ummm......????

i would say that the majority of this society (USA) is actually based on submissive ( that's a whole nother ball of wax )moral teachings ( christianity for one )

how does making yourself a priority go against a dominant teaching anyway?
or how does learning to love yourself go against a dominant teaching?

what was the environment that u grew up in like?
i'll bet that holds some pretty powerful clues as to why u seem to be kind of confused.
