analog 102202


all this luxurious webby golden fabric came pouring out like silly string [20 Oct 2002|01:30pm]
i am playing around with my new kenner knit-o-matic. it's pretty cool :)
it makes me want to get a real knitting machine now :)
i made a big long scarf with it last night and then i turned that scarf into a hat. today i might finish that hat. it makes fabric about 6 inches wide (28 stitches)
i am also working on some homemade chicken noodle soup. but maybe i will make it into dumpling soup. nice heavy dumplings. my swedish grandma taught me how to make them :)

it actually snowed here quite a bit this morning! but it's all melted off now.

i dreamt i was working back at ragstock and they wanted me to do a display for all this new "cow punk" clothing they had gotten in. and it was pretty awful clothing but then winona ryder walked in and we really hit it off and i was showing her these really cool plastic space eggs that had just come in that when you opened them...all this luxurious webby golden fabric came pouring out like silly string. and we were in love with this fabric. i wanted to make a long flowing dress out of it and so did she. but i saw them first so i bought them. but i planned to make her a dress from it , too and surprise her.

then all of a sudden, i was a huge celebrity for some sort of environmental cause and everyone was sending me all the info in it from around the world and i could not keep up with it and then in walked conan o'brien, and we really hit it off, too. and we joked about the awful cow-punk clothing and i was happy to see that he wasn't that tall at all. then i had to go to lunch and i told him i'd see him later on the show.

--------------- i am back in my "normal" life and i'm going to get hopping on that chicken soup because i'm hungry :)

[20 Oct 2002|01:56pm]
new anagram 1020 up :)

my soup kicks ass [20 Oct 2002|05:10pm]
my chicken soup was so good , it needed nothing :) but now, after a bowl of that...i am adding split peas! mmmm. i think that will be a good yummy mushy thng to eat later on.

i went to the little store to get some cokes. and there is now diet vanilla coke and diet cherry coke! praise be allah.

it is still snowing intermittently and i today was the first day i could see my breath.
leaves are dying like flies.

i am listening to radiohead radio at

i think i may go soak in the tub with this sweater of mine that i made so as to shrink it to conform to my body. then i will cut it off my body and continue adding on to it to make it into something else.
maybe i will do that later.

and later is the sopranos.

i'm trying to stay awake and stay positive

[21 Oct 2002|01:00pm]
i have to get my car towed and to a place to fix it because it has to be out of the parking space tomorrow because they are going to be painting the place or something.
but i cannot find the car keys so now i am cleaning furiously in order to find them.

and jay's funeral is tomorrow morning.

[21 Oct 2002|02:55pm]
my mattel "knit magic" that knits yarn into tubes is just about the coolest thing since sliced bread :)

i still haven't found the keys to my car. still searching...

[21 Oct 2002|04:50pm]
found the keys because i forgot they were attached to this thing that beeps when you press this other thing to make it beep for when you lose it!
did that sentence make any sense?
called the towing and they will take it to a place to get a new battery.


i have never done anything like this before, so i am nervous and i hope everything will go ok.

oh yessssss :) i need this :)
a sock knitting machine :)
except i would make leggs and hats from it, not socks.
welll, yes...maybe i would make socks.
really weird socks.


[21 Oct 2002|06:44pm] this will be me in 50 years...yes, i may even be a man...

morrissey on kilborn [22 Oct 2002|12:28am]
[ mood | crushed ]

i just saw perhaps the most confusing, perplexing and disturbing thing ever on TV.

morrissey on craig kilborn.

first, confusing:
why is morrissey on craig kilborn? most unfunny stupid late night talk show EVER. morrissey deserves to be on a wayyyyyyy better show than that asshole's show.

secondly, perplexing:
craig seems to genuinely LIKE morrissey's music and actually seems slightly star struck to meet him. craig kilborn, thee most shallow and most NON- instrospective guy who seems like he would make fun of gays as he does women at some frat party.

thirdly, disturbing:
morrissey seems to ENJOY craig kilborn as craig gushes at him and morrissey drinks it in like a sad old gay man thinking he might actually get lucky with that younger straight man. and morrissey even FLIRTS with craig kilborn.

i am shattered.
morrissey, i hope you come to your senses!

my car [22 Oct 2002|01:04pm]
the auto place called and said my car starts fine with the new battery in it. that makes me happy that that was all it took to get it started. i also got the oil changed and he did some other $25 dollar thing to it that i can't remember. total including towing: 200 smackeroos. that's not too bad.
i really should sell this car since i don't even have a licence and i pay 60 bucks every month to park it. but i just like that i have that option open. kind of like a getaway vehicle or a place to live if i were ever homeless. it's a security to me in many respects. i have fears like that.
but maybe i should sell it. i don't know. i get so attached to things. especially since it's my aunt's , who holds a special place in my heart that makes it extra hard to think of selling it.
i should sell it, tho. it needs a new license, new tabs, and i don't really want to spend my money on things like that. car insurance, gas, etc etc.
grr. i don't know. i go round and round and round like this and that is why i never sell it.
i guess i would sell it to the right person. it's such a nice car.
2 comments|post comment

saddam , eminem and i [22 Oct 2002|01:30pm]
i had THEE most intense dreams last night.
first i dreamt that i was watching my dad die. NOT a good dream :( he knew he was going to die and he was still alive at his "funeral" it wasn't really a funeral as much as some sort of ritual for crossing over. my dad lay nude on a bed in a green park type place. he was so thin and frail and white. he passed and the minister shut his eyes. and i broke down just bawling. such a great sadness. this dream was so very long and intricate but i cannot explain it anymore than that in words. anyway, it makes me feel all sad today and weird and i think i will call my dad today!

then, i was in ragstock again, and saddam hussein came in and took over the place...taking everyone that was in there, including me, hostage. we all had to lay on the floor very huddled very quiet or he would blow our heads off if we made a single sound. the time was about 11pm. ( hmm, 11! ). i was laying right next to saddam so i had to be extra quiet. i was hungry and had to pee and sometimes i would make a tiny noise and he would put a gun to my head and yell at me and tell me to shut up or i would die. eventually it was morning and the usa had not given into hussein's demands for a sum of money. i felt angry with the usa for not paying him so i could be free. i didn't feel i wanted to sacrifice my life for the principle of the matter. i thought it was very selfish of the usa to not get us out of there and i felt that the usa didn't put much worth on all of us in there to not pay the amount to get us out.
none of us, even saddam and his men, thought we would be in there for more than 4 we were confused and sad when days passed and still no one would give in.

we all started to get to know each other better in there and saddam became a but nicer in that he let us talk now. we also could go pee and go get a book to read while we waited. more days passed and we started to form into a society. people formed groups, i became better friends with saddam because we were right next to each other. we would talk about our families and i would cry and cry and cry about my dad's death. i felt bad for my mom because here dad had died and now i was possibly to die and this would be hard on her. i wished i could give her one last hug and tell her i loved her.

i started to try to get to saddam's soft side and began to give him hugs. he started to come around and soon i was his favourite. the other people that were held hostage started not t trust me and be jealous but i told them this was a plan or some kind. and some understood. i felt torn because here i was using saddam but he also WAS showing me his kind side and i did see that in him was a person just like everyone else. i gave him a kiss ( and he was a shitty kisser ) and weeks passed and soon he almost trusted me completely and assumed that when this whole ordeal was done, i would go back with him and be his friend and wife.
part of me actually wanted to do this because i found it all terribly interesting and i also felt really bad for him as he really was an exceptionally lonely guy who trusted no one and everyone he knew had fucked him over. but i knew he still had his cruel side and could turn on me any second.
me and several people found saddam's weapon stash in the backroom. and we were surprised at how much he had and how much destruction that could bring.
we picked out the two hugest missiles to try to get rid of and SOMEHOW i ended up stowing away these missiles on a plane and i was on this plane and i blew up the missiles on the plane way up in the sky so that they would never blow up on the earth and kill anyone else. we figured that the missiles could kill about 1 or 2 million people and that eventually saddam WOULD have used these in blowing them up in the sky we saved 1 or 2 million people. this is what we assumed.
or course, i died, as the missiles blew up the plane with me inside. i saw my arms rip off and be replaced with angel wings. i was sad to die but excited at the possibility of seeing my dad again. i immediately went on a search for him.

back at ragstock, where saddam and the hostages were, saddam found out about my betrayal and turned even more angry and bitter than before. and he decided to release his other weapons upon everyone right away.
we wondered what if we had done the right thing. we wondered if we had picked the lesser of two evils by blowing up the missiles. or if more people would actually die now because saddam was so hurt at another betrayal. we just didn't know what to think. but now a war was started for sure, whereas before no HUGE war had actually started.

there was also another ending to this dream in which we DIDN'T blow up his missiles and we just waited it out and eventually everyone in there became free and no one died and there was actually better relations between saddam and all of us.

about a week ago i had another dream where i befriended another person i hate. eminem.
in this dream i was a "enchantress destresser" that was my job title. i would travel around the world destressing people by realigning their energies and giving them genuine love and care.
my client was eminem.
we were on a yacht and he was laying in a lounging chair on the deck. i straddled him with my hands aligned his body to be straight so the energy would flow and i touched his face with great kindness and beamed into him all the love i had and looked at him straight in the eyes and smiled, and he smiled back and became a tender kind person who had beautiful eyes that radiated kindness. i said, " i really didn't expect that you would be this kind of person!" and i rubbed his shoulders and hummed to him and where my hands were at his shoulders...angel wings began to form and within a few minutes they had grown so big that they reached all the way into the sky like beams of light and white light poured into him from the top of his head all the way through him and then back again. and i was so happy that i found thsi person in him and had unlocked all that energy that had wanted so badly to come out. we we sat and smiled at each other so peacefully as the big yacht gracefully sailed in the dusk.

now i can't hate eminem as much as i did. i can't see him in the same light as i did before.