analog 10.20.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

tori tori tori!!!!!! :)

hi! i'm home! here are all the pix from when i had my taped conversation with tori amos! i don't know when it will be on the web for everyone 2 see. i THINK it might have gone well. but i'm not SURE. tori said it went well. the reason i'm paranoid about if it went well or not is because i don't remember the interview really! i remember bits and pieces of it but not very much. weird, huh? i think i was so nervous..or actually i wasn't that nervous when it was was like parts of me all separated off. there was the me doing the interview, then there was me watching myself doing the interview and trying to understand it. then there was this other part that was just very nervous and confused. i can't explain it. maybe some of u will understand it when i give this's kind of like after u play a show and u don't really know if it went well or not. you think it did but you're not so sure! it also greatly disturbs me to see in all these pictures that *I* am the one talking when the picture snapped! oh GOD! i hope i did not talk too much! i really ramble and i preface things to death..then by the time i'm done prefacing i can't remember my way back to the original thought! so...i think that it was quite the nonlinear conversation.which might be cool. or it might be like HUH? what is she talking about? i just remember tori saying something about cherokee indians. and i remember i just kept staring into her eyes and i was so fascinated with her eyes that i'd not know what she was saying. but one part knew..or how else did i talk with her? gadz! i will be SO paranoid now until i see what on EARTH went on!!! so much to say...and i caught a cold. jennifer caught one too. maybe we caught it from each other. travellling makes me get a cold a lot. i have so much to can i get it all down? i still have thousands of pictures to sort through. i have enough material for 3 anagrams from my trip even though 3/4th's of the time my cam picture wouldn't go through. :((( i didn't get ANY cool pictures when i was at jennicon :( well, i think i have about 2 or 3. *sigh* i couldn't get connected there. but i'll ask jennifer and see if i can put some pix from her cam in here. i don't think she'd mind :)

i would start to save pix from jennicon, then it would just inexplicably stop. that was my trouble when i got 2 NYC, too. the whole 1st day i was there my cam was so fuct. then mart from www.geek-nation-com and dr memory (nathan) that is the list wrangler for the discussion mailing list met with me for drinks at my super deluxe posh bar in the four seasons hotel where i was staying! ohmigod it was POSH. i have a trillion things 2 say about it! i will really try to get this down. it was soooooo frstrating to not be able to get connected to the net for so much of my time away. i REALLY really missed u guys a lot!!!!!

oh, and after the tori interview she was going to be on the daily show...but i didn't know that. i just knew she had 2 quickly go somewhere and i asked if i could come with and watch. and she said "sure! grab your jacket!" :) then boom, i was in a black stretch limo with her bodyguard, joel, and tour manager, john...and maybe there was somebody else in there too? i had had some wine. yummy red wine before during and after the tori thang. maybe that is why my memory is a bit foggy. GOD! i hope i didn't be a weirdo! well...then all of a sudden i was behind the scenes of the daily show with jon stewart, one of my FAVE shows from the comedy central channel! and tori was getting her make up touched up by one of my fave make up artists, kevin aucoin, who has a really nice book out that jerky was so kind to send me a copy ( thanks jerky! ). so i saw kevin and was like "hey! i know who u are!" :) and he was very kind and gracious. everyone that does stuff with tori is SO kind and gracious! i asked him if he had ever met richard sharah and he had not heard of him! how odd!

well, at one point there was a "commercial break" at the daily show..and i was in the wings watching jon stewart and all of a sudden he looks at me quizzically, i think because of my bizarre hairdo, and so i waved frantically and goofily at him, and then he waved back at me in the same manner. so that made me really happy :) i hope someday i can be on his show :) when it was tori's turn 2 go on she did not say much, she just smiled politely at jon while jon went on one of his humourous tangents :)

then right after that we took the limo again ( woo hoo! ) and went 2 a yummy japanese restaurant and i didn't know what 2 get so "they" ordered for me. they being...i dunno..tori? the waiter? i acn't even remember. but it seemed 2 be everyone agreeing on that i should eat what i did get..which was some sort of fish thing in a wasabi sauce thing. and it was very ornamental and very delicious! then i ate some other stuff too. everything kind of a blur cause of wine, then saki and me just being super excited. then we went back to the hotel and i forgot that everyone was at the same hotel as me so we all got out at the same time. then tori went right 2 sleep cause she'd been up since 5am! she did the rosie o'donnell show that day, too but i missed it.

then i went straight up 2 my room and got on irc and talked 2 jason a bunch and told him all i could. and i talked 2 everyone else in #analove , too. then i thought i was gonna take a bath 'cause i had this GIGANTIC bathtub and then i was gonna go 2 sleep, and i filled the tub up. but i ended up going over 2 joel's room and watching howard stern for awhile. god, i hate howard stern! hate him. it was nice 2 finally talk 2 joel a bit 'cause i see him everytime i see tori and he is such a regal guarddog loyal companion person. but we had never spoken much to each other until last night. and for the life of me i can't remember what we talked about! i think we mostly just chilled and stared at howard stern and remarked about how horrible it was. then i went back 2 my room and totally crashed out around 4am.

at 10:30am tori woke me up with a phone call saying that she was leaving the hotel then to fly to washington d.c. and that she just wanted 2 know that she had a marvelous time :) how lucky i am!!! *sigh* :))
and joel called 2 seconds later and said the same thing :) then i fell back 2 sleep until 11am when i was wakened by the hotel ...'cause i called them and told me to wake me up at 11am. then i called the front desk and said PLEASE can i not have to leave my room by noon? so they said, out by 1pm. so i slept for a bit more then finally got up and packed 2 leave.

the curtains on the windows u can open up automatically with switches by the bed! cracks me up. how james bond :) then at 1pm i had checked out and had 2 hours 2 kill before the car was coming to get me and take me to the laguardia airport. there is this limo service called "music express" that everytime i go to L.A. or NYC that is the servive they hire to take me to and fro. sometimes u might get a stretch limo if that is available. but i didn't get the stretch when i was going to and fro by myself this time, but that did happen to me a few times and it feels really goofy and cool when it happens. it's so absurd :) once when i was on my way to laguardia a few years ago, i had a stretch limo all by myself, and i made it drive to sosho to the john fluevog store before i went to the airport cause i really wanted 2 buy this one pair of boots that i hadn't gotten, but last minute decided i wanted them. but when i got there the store wasn't open yet..not until another 20 minutes, so i couldn't get the boots :( it felt so swanky just to do that, tho :)

oh ya, so i went 2 the lobby of the four seasons till my car arroved. taled on irc and took pix. then as i was about to go this big old greek business guy came up to me and was totally perplaexed by my cam. and i'll have 2 tell that story later. and then this OTHER guy who had been talking on this cell phone at another table got up and handed me a note that told me to call him. god, WHY would i do that? i didn't even see the guy nor do i know him nor was i looking at him. all i knew that there was a guy talking on a cell at the table next to mine. so now i have his phone #. whatever. clueless. maybe it would've been cooler to at LEAST write in the note WHY he wants me to call? what on earth? how ridiculous! how totally vain and assuming. man, at LEAST say HI first. jeez. i just think it's weird. plus the greek guy was all like "how can i incoorporate u into my business? how can i hire u? what can u do for me?" before he even had a CLUE as to what i DID..i just felt he was also very vain and assuming. i really WANT to be swallowed up by your company? he was already talking about contracts and flying me to london and all this crap. asking me "would you fly to london if someone gave u a ticket?" and i'm like "well, that really DEPENDS" what a question! u just had 2 have been there. ok, now i just went 2 his website which does look very strange and interesting and something that is up my alley. it is ok, maybe i should give the guy a chance. man, i am so cynical and pessimistic when it comes to people approaching me in public most often. maybe i shouldn't be so harsh. oh well. it scares me. i have lots of weird experiences not in a good way. it makes me paranoid. oh! and that reminds me of another person who approached me! when i had drinks with mart and dr memory..when i went to the bathroom there was this lady in there that seemed like she was TRIPPIN' on SOMETHING fun! woa. she just went on and on and on about how it was all meant to be that she and i should meet and that she and her whole table were watching me in the restaurant ( see, it's not just me being paranoid! ) and that she just had to meet me! she said "isn't it WEIRD that i'd run into u in here?" lol. ummmm. well, she seemed like a totally cool freakazoid..talking about her crosses dripping with amber or somethng. so. i'll see if she emails me. now that i've just totally dogged on the people who were freaking on me, it will be my karma to see what a tital freak i was while interviewing tori. i'm sure i came across as the crazy woman on e in the bathroom! is weird. complex, sticky. fantasic. scary.

all i know is i wish i had more crackers with that laughing cow cheese spread. and i'll tell u more tomorrow. and all about jennicon! and horseback riding! and meeting carla and snackboy from the synch! and smooshing into the big bathtub with jenni, jodi and snackboy for a jennishow! another thing i will be very curious to see when it gets up because i am afraid i came across as a total kook! well, i am a total kook.

it's so nice 2 be home with my pupsters and jason all smelling yummy and hugging me and now he went to sleep and i want to go join him, too. i haven't even unpacked yet.