analog 051502

wheel of fortune [09 Oct 2002|05:59pm]
i'm starting to like wheel of fortune.
should i be shot?

These are actual quotes from resumes/cover letters: [10 Oct 2002|02:21pm]

thanks to fetik3 for showing me :)

little books and other things [10 Oct 2002|05:16pm]
i am working on little books.
because i am getting these done so late, everyone will get extra EXTRA surprises :)
so the wait will have been worth it for all!

people that i still owe other things to:
EVERYTHING will be sent in the mail TOMORROW. ( except cookies and little books *except pussy tv which IS going into the mail tomorrow* )
person who bought 1 pound box of surprises...your box is now about a 15 pound box of surprises :) ( i add to it almost every day )

people i owe cookies to ( emmett, gerhard):
i will make these this coming tuesday , then i will send them in the mail the next day

knitting toys and 3 hats [10 Oct 2002|10:30pm]
i made 3 new hats in the last several days :)
i will take pictures later to show u!
i wish the cam could capture the intricatcies (sp? ) of the yarn and of the hats themselves. so far, i haven't been able to capture it very well, i don't think.
it's so delicate and intricate and tactile

i feel snuggly on my couch making hats.
i think i will now attempt to figure out making a granny square

i bought a kenner knitting machine on ebay! i figure best to start with a toy. i also want to get a toy loom

my brain expanded to the ends of the universe with everything that is fiber art. i thought i was going to have to spend the rest of my life figuring out how to weave the fabric that is in my head. plus 20,000 for a loom and go to college for it and learn the computer prograame to run it.
then my brain finally snapped back in and i realized that i only do things if they are 1) easy and 2) portable

even with music...i only would record ,by myself, on my tiny portable very easy to use 4 track. if it ever got more complex than that, i would abandon it.

so now i am just happy to stick with a toy loom and a toy knitting machine and a few crochet hooks. happy to stick with that for NOW :)
and i want to get one of those mattel knit-o-matics :)
3 comments|post comment

peanut butter + banana = pure joy [10 Oct 2002|11:41pm]

[11 Oct 2002|12:32am]
Current mood: ecstatic

THEE most dreamy yarns and fabrics!!!

oh my GOD. i want one of every kind of yarn!
paper yarn, silk with steel thread yarn, silk crepe yarn, bamboo yarn, wild cocoon yarn, pineapple fiber and bark!
and more more more! the most delicate cashmeres! yarn i cannot explain! the beauty!!!!

i want to sell everything i own and get all these yarns!

and those fabrics! that curly loopy paper fabric!
i am in luvvvvvvvvvvvv *faint*

fly tying materials
there is a whole world of strange stuff there! wow!!
where else can you get crinkled translucent yarn and stuff called "larva lace" (Translucent nymph/stonefly ribbing material ) or:
Superbug YarnThe most imitative insect representing pre-dubbed material available or:
Body Stretch / Rubove
A fine, transparent and stretchy rubber material for czech nymphs, thorax case & wing cases.
Psyclone Pike Lures, Jerkbait Fatsos and Hot Tails!
it reads like a captain beefheart song :)

where else can i buy a pheasant head and a pack of doll eyes and some jelly nymph bodies? my god!

any fishers out there who know the best online fly fishing place to get weird yarns and threads? the only cool ones i can find are in the UK ( of course ).
this is the best one in the UK i have found so far:

these yarns and threads:
and i want to find the US equivelent

norm coleman and paul wellstone [12 Oct 2002|01:23am]
[ mood | cynical ]

i'm sick of them both.
(politians from minnesota running against each other)

i love jimmy carter :) [12 Oct 2002|04:25am]
yay to jimmy carter! i love that guy :) he was my favourite president :)

when he was campaigning to be president, my family and i happened to be in georgia so we stopped by his peanut farm and in this farm type building were all the pamphlets and there was only one person in there ( besides us )...a woman in a rocking chair fanning herself. and it was jimmy carter's mother! i got her autograph. i wonder if i still have that somwhere. that was such a cool moment, especially in retrospect :)
she looked up and said, " ya'll look so nahhhhh-iice and cooool" :)

it's nice to have this little peaceful gem of news in the midst of all this war talk.


[12 Oct 2002|02:38pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

i'm making spaghetti and bidding on a knitting spool.
what are you doing?
then i am going to take a nap because i didn't get much sleep. i was up til 6am.

[13 Oct 2002|04:45pm]
today i went to aamodt's apple farm and got some apples. things i also bought there that i am excited to try: pumpkin butter, plum butter, cranberry mustard, and 2 apple dumplings that i can bake later :)
it was nice to see the sun today, even tho it was a cold sun (38 degrees).
when i came home i fell asleep. i am soooo sleepy these days i feel like a bear that needs to hibernate.

the girl's who rang up my sale were so stuck up. this farm is near where i went to highschool and i can see that they are just as stuck up as when i went to high school there. it made me feel very hostile until , at the last minute, i saw a pekinese and that made me smile.

i also went to school with a boy who was the son on the man who owned aamodt's. and this boy, scott, was round and also red, like an apple and because of this he got teased a lot. then at the farm i saw a boy that looked just like him and i figured this was his son now. and i asked the boy if he knew scott aamodt and he had never heard of him. so i wonder if scott was so sick of being teased about the apple farm that he changed his name and went off to do different things. who knows? a mystery.

now i'm gonna fry up some steaks and then watch the sopranos later.

[13 Oct 2002|06:12pm]
working on little books

little books [14 Oct 2002|12:58am]
if anyone still wants to order little books, you can still do it!HERE IS THE INFO

[14 Oct 2002|01:02am]
do any of you still ruminate over the past?
i do.
i go over and over and over the event that still has no closure and then i go over every possible scenario that could possibly happen in the future about that event with the people i would like to say things to.
and i say it over and over in every way possible way and go over every possible answer they could have to every possible thing i could say about it.
and this is exhausting.

i wish i didn't care.
i don't know if i will ever reach the point where i don't care.

think i should go to a hypnotist and have these things "erased" from my mind or have me reprogrammed to not care and get over it and move on.

[14 Oct 2002|08:05pm]
i have been working on little books all day long

[15 Oct 2002|11:20am]
something i wrote:

" the goal of a terrorist is to control people through fear.

the bush administration is telling us over and over that we must be afraid of iraq, afraid of al quaeda, afraid afraid afraid.


[Bad username in LJ tag] replied: "Makes Bush a terrorist, doesn't it?"
cool links orb8 found:

are you doing anything for halloween? if so, do you have a costume?
i don't have any plans for halloween

[15 Oct 2002|01:41pm]
worked on little books.
now i'm going to eat apple dumplings
then take a nap
then go to the store to get the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies
then i'm going to make them on cam

[15 Oct 2002|04:43pm]
i can't make the cookies today because i just realized that i don't have the right kind of box to send them in the mail the next day. so tomorrow, i will go to the post office and get the right kind of box and also BUBBLEWRAP so i can send the cookies correctly! *eep*

[15 Oct 2002|05:28pm]
i received my peter gabriel ticket in the mail :)
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

and they turned the heat on in my apartment building :)