analog 10.014.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

ok, not that many words this time! i think i put so many words in the last anagram that i'm allowed 2 not say much for awhile, huh? :) i've been so nervous all week about leaving for jennicon and NYC. i really need to pack today so i feel more on top of it. i'm making this anagram at 8am. i've been waking up when jason gets up lately cause i have these weird dreams then when jason wakes up i wake up and i'm too nervous to go back to sleep.

the dream that i just had was that i was a black woman living in the 50's and i was an alcoholic. and i was in the music industry. but every time i'd have an "episode" of alcoholism, they'd put my in the sanitorium and leave me there in a room alone with no help. and i straighted and cut my hair very short. and the white people would say "she looks alsmost jewish is she only had white skin". i had a really elongated face. it was an awful nerve wracking depressing dream. then this was interspursed with this other dream that i can't describe or thoroughly remember, but i remember seeing this gigantic turtle out on this road and i was really excited about it but kind of scared because it was so huge. i through a big nectarine seed at it for it to eat, thinking it's jaws would be strong enough to crack it and it the insides. but the turtle sniffed it then refected it and it took it in it's jaws and through the seed up this muddy hill. so i was sad.

all i know is today i have to start packing. and i'm nervous. but i know it'll all be ok once i get there. and of course i feel like i'm getting a cold now because i was scared i'd get a cold. i'm so worrysome i took echinacea. i will pull through! i wish i wasn't such a nervous person.

oh, and those pix of blood up there...i cut myself trying to get the lid off of a sardine can. it actually didn't hurt. but it dripped a lot of blood and made me feel squeazy. i was in irc when it happened and btripp said "drip it on the scanner and scan it!" so..i did!

so here is my scanned blood. i put saran wrap over it so it didn't touch the top of the scanner.