analog 100802

what words would YOU like to see added to the random words above the cam picture? [01 Oct 2002|06:31pm]
i want to add even more words to the random word generator that is above the anacam picture.
what words would you like me to add? list them here :)

masturbate for peace [01 Oct 2002|10:08pm]

War is sick, play with your dick
Ring your bell. Stop this hell
I'm going blind for Mankind
Let your wood do some good
Stop the hurt, let it spurt
Service your rod, not your rifle
Put your guns on your shelf, go fuck yourself
Smack your Jack, not Iraq!
Don't grease the war machine, do yourself with Vaseline
Save Our Soldiers, Touch Your Privates
Ban war, jerk some more
War is silly, whack your willy
Think globally, whack locally
War is out. Pound your trout.
War's no joke, stop and stroke!
Pull together for peace
Abuse your middle piece, not the Middle East
Touch your sack, not Iraq
My bush doesn't declare war

[02 Oct 2002|09:47pm]
i have been learning so many cool things about the fiber arts that i want to tell you. but this cold is still kicking my ass and draining my energy. it's really a bitch of a cold!

gothic lolita bible [03 Oct 2002|03:09pm]
does anyone know where i can buy these? i know you can sometimes get copies on ebay..but where can i buy them new?

[03 Oct 2002|05:05pm]
i am so insanely tired. i am going to sleep until survivor is on, then after that, go back to sleep

contemporary basketry [03 Oct 2002|10:49pm]
i'm really getting into contemporary basketry. i want to know everything about it!

[04 Oct 2002|02:52am]

i am so in love with elegant gothic lolita fashions
it's making me love goth all over again
leave it to the japanese to take something american and make it even better

i need a black lace parasol

a very good journal [04 Oct 2002|04:44am]

[04 Oct 2002|04:54am]
on the trellis,
i am a parasol
lean in, true dear
listen to waterships
falling water

fabulous laced eyelashes
stories in your teacup
tantalizing blood tangerines

[04 Oct 2002|04:55am]
i am an owl.
goodnight :)

[04 Oct 2002|05:18pm]
i got my swift and ball winder today and i feel like such a dork that i am excited about this :) i think my cold may finally be fading. i feel a bit better today, thank god.

[04 Oct 2002|05:47pm]
wow! i know a lot of you won't be able to relate to this...but my new yarn contraptions RULE!. what would have taken me 4 hours now take me 20 minutes and it's so much more RELAXING to wind thus yarn! and it makes sich a NICE ball! and i love cranking the gear and watching the gears go round and round and the nice pleasant sound it makes :) mmmmm :)

[05 Oct 2002|04:43am]
peter gabriel tickets go onsale today. i am SO excited :) i've never seen him play live. i don't think he has actually ever come here to play!
i just saw him on conan tonight and he seemed pretty bored. his eyes still twinkle, tho :)

[05 Oct 2002|06:03am]
i made 42 balls of yarn today.
g'nite u kooks :)
and good morning to others

[05 Oct 2002|04:27pm]
good lord i just woke up. my sleeping schedule is whacked out

the techno-metallic for your hard and deep action [05 Oct 2002|04:47pm]
[ mood | giggly ]

i bought some japanese yarn and it says the funniest things on the labels!

one is a yellow eyelash yarn called firebird and it says:
"fire bird is a long hairy fancy. it's a love phantom."

and this other is a silver eyelash saying:
the techno-metallic for your hard and deep action."


and i also got some very unusual yarn:
"1 - 25g skein of the most unique ribbon yarn I have ever seen. It is from Hamanaka of Japan, called Omomuki. It is made of 38% rayon, 35% wood pulp and 27% polyester. It is multicolored, about 4mm wide variegated in light blue, light green, pink, peach, light plum and turquoise and it is wrapped with 2 shiny cream color threads crossing the yarn in the opposite directions. The ribbon is extremely light and has a crisp feel of paper from wood pulp."

ooo, i found a site with unusual yarns from japan! :)

[06 Oct 2002|03:07pm]
it's so cold in my house. i turned the electric oven on for heat. it's 43 degrees outisde but feels like 35 *shiver*
plus it's grey. it's been grey for days, maybe weeks. i've lost track.

today i need to clean, get things in order.
yesterday i made a weird thing to hold my yarn...i cut my two hoola hoops so i could string balls of yarn on them. then i duct taped them back together and now they are hanging off my shelves.

i had the worst dreams last night

how are you?

[06 Oct 2002|03:23pm]
like i NEED any more stuff!
thanks howief! i hold you personally responsible for this! :)

2nd row! [06 Oct 2002|03:41pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

i bought a peter gabriel ticket and i got 2nd row in the middle! i am in shock! i am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! i'll be going by myself since i don't know anyone else who would want to shell out 148.00 for a ticket.

help save Amina Lawal [07 Oct 2002|03:14am]
click this link!

80% of all refugees and displaced persons globally are female [07 Oct 2002|04:40am]

70% of the 1.2 billion people living in poverty are female.

way too funny! rap lyrics "translated" :) [07 Oct 2002|01:39pm]
This paper was turned in by an Oakland High school student who received the highest honors at the school district's Ebonics translation competition.
Assignment: Please translate the following Rap song lyrics from Ebonics to standard English.
Artist: Notorious B.I.G.
Album: Ready to Die
Song: One more chance (remix)


First things first, I poppa, freaks all the honeys
Dummies - playboy bunnies, those wantin' money
Those the ones I like 'cause they don't get nathan'
But penetration, unless it smells like sanitation
Garbage, I turn like doorknobs
Heart throb, never, black and ugly as ever
However, I stay coochied down to the socks
Rings and watch filled with rocks


As a general rule, I perform deviant sexual acts with women of all kinds, including but not limited to those with limited intellect, nude magazine models, and prostitutes. I particularly enjoy sexual encounters with the latter group as they are generally disappointed in the fact that they only receive penile intercourse and nothing more, unless of course, they douche on a consistent basis. Although I am extremely unattractive, I am able to engage in these types of sexual acts with some regularity. Perhaps my sexuality is somehow related to my fancy and expensive jewelry.
( Read more..

[08 Oct 2002|12:31pm]
i am finally getting well! yay!!!

crocheting and carpal tunnel [08 Oct 2002|01:37pm]
are there any tips on how to NOT get carpal tunnel from crocheting? i don't have it, since i have just started crocheting...but i thought it would be wise to find out if there were any tips on how to protect my hands and wrists from any future injury. any preventative measures?
in the future, i also want to get into: hand sewing, basketry, weaving
so i want to make sure i take care of my hands and wrists

[08 Oct 2002|01:55pm]
interesting journal i found today:
interesting communities i found today:
have you found any cool new journals lately? :)

survivor: what i think of ghandia [08 Oct 2002|05:22pm]
i never said what i thought of last week's survivor. i think the guy that made a pass at ghandia is a dork and i think his excuse was lame. but i think that ghandia ragging on him to other tribe members and then not even letting them know he had apologized is worse. i do realize that ghandia is exaggeratedly ( is that a word? ) sensitive to what happened because she was raped. so i think her reaction is a normal one considering her circumstances. but i think that if she wants to stay in the game she better "stuff it" and she is digging her own grave to get nominated off next. i feel bad for all the other tribe members who have to deal with her baggage since i don't believe she is reacting in a very smart, dignified or mature way when it comes to the game.
also, i found it humorous that when she declared, at the very beginning of the game, that women were smarter and more logical than men, that she failed to solve the puzzle that could win her tribe's immunity.
i hope she saw the irony in that.

in other news:
i took a bath and braided my hair into 18 braids which is so much more managable than loose hair. having really long extensions that are real hair and not dreads or braids is tough! keeping it untangled and washing it and getting it dry.
now i am going to tackle cleaning the kitchen. trying to get everything up to par again since a lot of things went haywire when i was sick. i have a lot to catch up on.