analog 093002


[21 Sep 2002|04:16pm]
if anyone has any thin wire laying around that they don't want anymore. i'll take it 'cause i want to crochet it :)

i was all ready to go for a walk. then i stopped and got my mail and my fiberarts magazines that i got off ebay arrived so i brought them back to my house and then i just HAD to skim them all very quickly. maybe i'll get a walk in later.
any minute now i'm going to go food shopping with jason.

woke up this morning to 300 spam messages from the same place and my toilet doing that thing again. i went down to the office AGAIN and asked them why a plumber had not come yet. they said that sometimes it takes 2 weeks for a plumber to come. that doesn't sound at all reasonable or logical to me. i don't know what the hell is their deal. to top it all off , i have PMS. they did take pity on that and bought me a coke.

but in happier news, i love my old issues of fiberarts magazine! so many beautiful things in there! now i'm all interested in weaving. and THAT is a huge thing to take on. i guess a computer can now programme the weaving machine now. so that is what got me interested because i know i would lose track of where i were if i was keeping track of that myself.
i wonder if weaving really builds up one's arm muscles at all. i would think so.
i'm pretty sure i won't be getting into weaving. i think that would be too much of a hassle. but it's fun to ponder :)

i still have to wash my wool i bought. i think i may just wash it the easiest and wrongest way and just let it felt instead of trying to card it and spin it since i don't know how to spin yet and i need that stuff washed asap.
have some excellent ideas for taking the felted wool and making very organic hats with that. i wanna see what a large clump of wool felted would feel like and be like anyway. it might be a very cozy thing! maybe i could even bring it to life like frankenstein and have a new pet in the house :)

i can't wait to go buy some food today! i'm waiting waiting for jason to come knocking on my door :)
and tonight BB3!

i am soooooo sleeeeeepy

[21 Sep 2002|08:00pm]
i stocked up on yummy fall food: soup, roast, blueberries, bagels
yummy fall music: OMD the singles, her space holiday, peter murphy's "dust", and neil halstead "sleeping on roads"
i am cooking pork chops right now. and i had some broccoli with blue cheese dressing.
i bought some strawberry blonde hairdye i might use!
and some bubblebath :)

i feel happy and toasty right now. leaves are turning colour

my friend gave one llama to a family in need , in my honour! [21 Sep 2002|08:27pm]
[ mood | surprised ]

how sweet and cool is that??? *tears*
thank you howief YOU BIG SWEETHEART! :)
if you were here i would give you a big loving smoosh of a hug! :)

jason's last live show for a year! and it's webcast :) [21 Sep 2002|10:56pm]
[][-_-][] Radio / Webcast Performance [][-_-][]

The Milo Fine Free Jazz Ensemble
(Milo Fine, Steve Gnitka, Jason Shapiro, Davu Seru)

Sunday, September 22, 2002 / 3:00 - 4:00pm CST

KFAI - 90.3 FM (Minneapolis), 106.7 FM (Saint Paul)

Live Webcast:

if you have a photo to it here :) [21 Sep 2002|11:34pm]
k? :)

POST A PICTURE OF YOUR BELLY HERE! [21 Sep 2002|11:50pm]
and here's some great stuff:

chubbychicks !
cool fat links!
fuck your fascist beauty standards
chubby_faeries :)

uber sleepy [22 Sep 2002|11:35am]
[ mood | groggy ]

i am uber tres sleepy today. uber tres sleepy sunday.

i look forward to the sopranos tonight :)

ok, i am going to wash some of my raw wool in the washing machine to see what happens to it. i love science projects :)

[22 Sep 2002|01:43pm]
trying 2 get my hair more even in colour. using clairol crushed pearl #13.
and i'm still washing my raw wool.
jason has left to go play music on the radio at 3pm!
[][-_-][] Radio / Webcast Performance [][-_-][]

The Milo Fine Free Jazz Ensemble
(Milo Fine, Steve Gnitka, Jason Shapiro, Davu Seru)

Sunday, September 22, 2002 / 3:00 - 4:00pm CST

KFAI - 90.3 FM (Minneapolis), 106.7 FM (Saint Paul)

Live Webcast:

[22 Sep 2002|03:37pm]
the clairol dye made my bleached blonde hair kind of grey..and it made my roots strawberry blonde. what on earth?
i'm working on a hair style right now. that little bjork style with pony tails all over then made into little buns. i am geling the hair like mad to keep it completely in place. like there are little swirly rocks all over my head :)
i wish that i had somone to do this for me. it's very hard to do myself and awfully time consuming.
this dye job really did a number on my bleached hair and i think a good part of it may fall out in the next few days. i may just have to cut my hair short and start all over again like i always do.
i'm listening to jason play with the milo fine free jazz ensemble on the radio right now and it's making me remember how frustrating interviews are when speaking of music.
i have no interest, lately, in listening to people talk about music and i have no interest in talking about music.
i just want to listen to it.
they are doing a great job playing on the radio despite having to stop playing every 15 minutes to answer questions.
i would think it would be hard to get into a groove when so much talking is inbetween music. that's the way it would be for me, at least.

but i also have pms and am pissed about my i think i am more easily aggravated by questions about music, right now.

bla bla bla...
i broke the washing machine by washing raw wool in it. i should have known better. but i saw directions on how to do it on the internet and thought i'd try. i know i clogged it up. and i know that now because i have done this the manager of the building is going to think that this is why my toilet has been overflowing all this time. they will think i have been washing wool in my washer this whole time and just not telling them. FUCK.
this has been a really really crummy day. i tried SO hard to do things today that would cheer me work on projects and dress up and take pictures. but both of these things have only made me feel even shittier, in the end. forced.
things have got to start looking up soon because i just can't take any more really rotten days like this. it's just ridiculous.

and when things go rotten i feel i must be doing something wrong because i believe that i create my own reality ( literally ). that is my spiritual belief. and so, therefore, for some reason, i am creating this crappy reality for myself because of SOMETHING i cannot fully comprehend!
and that i can't seem to jump start myself out of this is wearing on my self esteem. it makes me feel so out of control of my life path.
why am i making this reality?
it's not that i want to complain. its' not that i want people to feel sorry for me so i get taken care of. it's not that i have a fear of success or i feel i don't deserve a better "now". i don't know!
maybe it's true that i have no control whatsoever! maybe all of this is just random and that's just the way it is and you just make do with what cards are dealt ya.
could be.
i just don't know.
i don't know what is going on. but whenever i try to make some headway lately, it seems i go forward one step and 6 behind.
things aren't coming easily to me. i'm not living " in grace" , so to speak. i have moments that seem to click and i get SO excited for those moments because i think i am FINALLY over with this drudging through-things-breaking-everything-like -sludge bit of my life here. and then WHAM. i'm back to square one it seems.

this is just not acceptable to me.

i'm going up to jaosn's to watch the sopranos now

[22 Sep 2002|11:34pm]
i had a good cry and that felt good.

new anagram 0922 up :) [23 Sep 2002|12:50am]

[23 Sep 2002|12:38pm]
how HAVE to see this picture of president bush! it is TOO funny!!

today it is grey and 52 degrees ( but feels like 45 )
how quickly fall can come here. there is no middle ground.
today i will scoop the water out of the washing machine and clean my bathroom ands admit my guilt to killing the machine to the manager. bah.

i did get that wool clean, tho! and i stuck it in the dryer and now it looks like little fluffy clouds. good for stuffing pillows or something.,
now i know.

the creative process [23 Sep 2002|01:49pm]
just wanna reiterate that:
all of this, even the boring whiny bits that go on for months and months and maybe even years...are all part of the creative process.

when you're rocking out to that painful song that speaks to your heart...or that song of triumph that inspires you...this is where it comes from.

just like a needs the mud and the dead stuff and the millions of years of heat and pressure and time to make itself...just as much as you need the light then to sparkle through it when it's been found and cut through much human effort.

myths and dirt devils [23 Sep 2002|06:40pm]
is there such a thing as a clean house? or is this just a myth that has been passed down throughout the generations?

i did make some more headway, tho. i have the boxes and bags and piles of things in their RIGHTFUL rooms now. that was good excercise. i might stop soon, tho as night as not far away.

my hand held dirt devil ( it saus on the bottom that it is model "103" ) needs a new rubber belt thing. it's a tiny black thing like a rubber band. it just broke :( my dirt devil is red and the bag is made of thick red cloth. i need to find where i can get a new rubber belt thing for it. i looked at but didn't have much luck. i don't even know if they make my kind anymore.

[23 Sep 2002|07:30pm]
this american idol in vegas thing is cracking me up :)

normal [23 Sep 2002|09:21pm]
i took my prozac and i feel SO much more normalized. it has been SUCH a great change of pace for me to have a nice NORMAL day. no highs or lows. no drama. just plain old life and getting stuff done then sitting on the couch with the monsters and watching plain old. tv. i needed a day like this.

[24 Sep 2002|09:45am]
the plumber is here now fixing my stuff. i am smooshing the dogs to keep them calm :)
tonight jason and i are going to see The Who!

tonight is the finale of BB3, too. isn't it?

[24 Sep 2002|12:18pm]
[ mood | busy ]

i'm working on little books

cookie madness [24 Sep 2002|11:47pm]
one of my most favourite artists on ebay is Judy Whitcomb!
i think everyone should have a judy drawing and they are very affordable , too! they start at only $5 :) i think i have about 10 or more in my collection now :) i'd love an entire WALL of judy drawing's :)
buy some for you and your friends!

i like this one the best that is for sale right now! it's called "cookie madness"

how can you not just SMILE when you see that? :)

the who were good! glad i got to see them finally. more on that later

bb3 [26 Sep 2002|12:08pm]
i think the finale was kind of anticlimatic. maybe just for me because i think i was the only one rooting for danielle.
if you were danielle, would you stay for the huge party afterwards knowing that everyone had not voted for you to win?
8 comments|post comment

what have you learned in the last month? [26 Sep 2002|12:27pm]

[26 Sep 2002|12:36pm]
i want to discover something new and exciting today :)

[26 Sep 2002|05:43pm]
i cannot figure out how to spin wool from a drop spindle to save my soul.
i can't follow diagrams i get off the net.
if anyone knows how to do this and could actually come over to my house to show me, i would make them spaghetti dinner!

super fluffy white mohair yarn [26 Sep 2002|05:55pm]
i want to find a brand of white fluffy mohair yarn that is comparable to colinette mohair. i love colinette, but it's so hard to come by sometimes.
i want real mohair, not a blend of anything that it mohair-LIKE. and i need it to be super fluffy. if anyone knows where to get some. please let me know :)

super fluffy white mohair yarn [26 Sep 2002|05:55pm]
i want to find a brand of white fluffy mohair yarn that is comparable to colinette mohair. i love colinette, but it's so hard to come by sometimes.
i want real mohair, not a blend of anything that it mohair-LIKE. and i need it to be super fluffy. if anyone knows where to get some. please let me know :)

what are the WEIRDEST LJ communities you know of? [26 Sep 2002|11:44pm]
i just joined a billion more LJ communities having to do with fake hair and queerness.

anyone know of some really great LJ communities that have to do with fashion/clothes/hair?

i love fruits and i wonder if there are any more avant garde clothing communities?

and another question, just for the fun of it:
what are the WEIRDEST LJ communities you know of?

holy cool as hell shoe store! there are at least ten pairs of shoes here that i NEED!

[27 Sep 2002|02:42am]
i think i am getting a cold :( i had this weird feeling i would catch a cold at that WHO concert with all those people.
i'm taking a ton of echinacea and vitamins

[27 Sep 2002|12:38pm]
broke down and bought a ball winder and a swift. if have to get my yarn into balls or i'll never be able to crochet from them! i have some skeins that are just such a mess. i got the fricke jumbo ball winder because i can make really large balls and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg like those electric ball winders cost. it's nice wood, not plastic. and i got a swedish wooden swift. but i think i'll spray paint it silver when i get it.
i bought them from here:

my cold is getting worse :( and i'm getting my period, too.

[27 Sep 2002|02:10pm]
i want to find a company that would make fabric for me of my own design in small quantities. i'm looking around the internet, but i don't even know what to search for! do you have any ideas?

[29 Sep 2002|02:31am]
[ mood | sick ]

my cold is still hanging in there. so i'm laying low

[29 Sep 2002|04:17pm]
*sneeze sniff cough bleed*

getting my hair done tomorrow! [29 Sep 2002|07:17pm]
tomorrow i am going to go over to sonia5's house and she is going to do one of her wonderful hair sculptures on me again :) long blonde and red extensions! i will be so happy when i have delicious hair again! she is getting back into crocheting again, i am going to bring over some of my yarn to show her.

i'm going to take a bath now then go to jason's to watch the sopranos

[30 Sep 2002|12:53am]
nasl spray aphrodisiac for women?

[30 Sep 2002|01:42am]
[ mood | horny ]

i need a good fuck
from behind
and my neck getting bit
and then to be held
for at least an hour
with soft kisses
and coca cola

oh HILARIOUS...i just got my horoscope after i wrote that, and here it is :)

"Today you're likely to be feeling especially sensual and passionate,
Ana. Therefore this is the perfect evening to schedule some quality time
alone with a current or potential love partner. You're probably looking
and feeling especially good, and this fact isn't likely to be lost on
your friend. Throw some velvet pillows around, decorate the place with
flowers, put out crackers, Brie and white wine - and be prepared for

[30 Sep 2002|04:08am]
i need to get to bed, and i am sooo tired. but i cannot breathe and i have no cold medicine :(

paper yarn, UV colour change yarn and jelly cord [30 Sep 2002|05:27am]
paper yarn, UV colour change yarn and jelly cord!

ok, i am going to be so tired today since i have not gone to bed yet. but it will be worth it because i just found that link to some very unusual yarns i have not seen anywhere else!
well, i know what i'll be putting in my hair the next time i get it done! oh yesssss. UV colour changing and jelly cord! oh yesssss.
and i need somne of that paper yarn and a pound of that thin wire for other things!
oh and the cotton with steel! how unusual!
and i have to get ALL those books by NUNO! especially boro boro, suke suke and fuwa fuwa!

this is jason's homework [30 Sep 2002|08:54pm]
"If the execution time of some benchmark before the floating-point enhancement is 10 seconds, what will the speed up be if hal of the 10 seconds is spent executing flotaing-point instructions?"

[30 Sep 2002|09:00pm]
my new hair is luxurious :)
i am so out of it on nyquil plus i had only 4 hours of sleep.
i had an excellent day, tho! sonia5 is my HERO!
the more i learn about her, the more i love her. i was saying the other day that i don't have any older role models. well, i DO. it's sonia. she is inspirational. i feel there are a few wires in my head that were severed that were reattached today...along with getting cool as f*** hair, thanks to her!

more later. must unwind then sleep
my cold is still hanging in there strong

i got my 69 issues of fiberarts i won on ebay and so i am going to look at those and purr.
lighting candles and incence and making a nest...