analog 09.25.99 (excerpt from anagram on )
right above is a picture of btripp's
child! as brendan ( btripp ) sed in anarchy, "Hey, all... Had some interest
from folks over in #analove as to seeing the latest ultrasound images of the
new baby... well, here she is, in profile and sucking her thumb! - Brendan "
hey, btripp, do you have any names yet or know if it's a boy or girl? :)
pretty darn cool! i sure wish i had pix of me when i was in my mom's womb!
another new thing is coming soon on ana2! it's called ANAVERSE STATION :)
what it is is the
exact programme that runs the sleep station that jason made. and what it's for
is for ana2 members to log in and out there cam pictures when they are home
so ana2members cam watch other ana2 members all one page, and with links back
to the homepages of everyone! so if u have a cam and you'd like to "switch
your cam on" onto the anaverse station when you're live ( then switch it
off when you're not home or not live) then just write to me
then i'll send u the url where u can log on and off :) the pictures are meant
as a way to see what's up with everyone at a quick glance and to see who's home
or who's up as late or early as you are :) then u can click on the campic to
go to that person's homepage and watch them with a bigger picture and a faster
refresh, 'cause the ANAVERSE STATION will only refresh every 5 minutes and the
pictures will be smaller than than at that person's website ( to make room for
the , hopefully, 16 cams that may be on at one time on the station ). i hope
this will be a fun thing for everyone and u will participate! :))
i've been playing a lot with the streaming. click on "cam2big" or
the picture of my head in the cam menu to see it. most people can see it, but
some people can't ( sorry, charity :((( ) . the nature of the technology beast
:( i will be streaming from realplayer too when i get that set up, i just can't
be nude on it because of that server's policy. i've been typing so much and
chatting so much and playing with the streaming so much i haven't been paying
as much attention to the cam picture's as i normally do. it's been a slow anagram
month. but that's bound to happen , 'cause that's the ebb and flow of life.
charity wrote this
hilarious thing in anarchy, too...i just had to include it in here 'cause it's
such a cool mini-story :)
Posted by Charity
on September 25, 1999 at 17:32:58:
In Reply to: Re: i got you some wings Ana posted by ee on September 25, 1999
at 11:20:01:
he heh heh, when ever I hear of leather pants I think of Fabio. He used to
own this pair of brown leather pants and some cowboy boots. He wore those pants
for a year straight I swear. I mean they looked good on him but the whole time
I went out with him he wore every single day this brown pair of Georgio Armani
brown leather pants. I took a peek in his closet one time because I was curious
if he had any other pants, or more than one pair of the same pants. There it
was, no pants what so ever in the closet, just 30 silk shirts. I don't know
why I am telling you this it just is a reminder for me to something a little
funny from the past.
i'm saving some of the streaming things i'm doing and i can put them up in an
archive. shane just told me to send them to him and he'll put them on his server.
but at the rate i'm saving stuff, i hope he can find the time to do this for
me. plus, i want to see if there is something i can edit them in. it's all new
to me! it's pretty much impossible to make cool cam pic while simultaneously
doing anything cool with the streaming. so much going on! it's like juggling!
it was fun being able to show the dogs spazzing out on the streaming last night.
last night was sooo gorgeous out! almost a full moon and the perfect temperature!
heaven! i wish i had gone outside today, too. but there's only one of me so
what can i do? i had such bad pms yesterday i was just irritated beyond belief
and crying at every advertisement i saw. then it was better once i got outside.
i bought the new stereolab cd which is GREAT. i also bought cds by buffalo daughter,
portastatic, and some person named terre thaemlitz which is piano interpretations
of gary numan songs! wild! i cab barely hear the numan songs in there..but it
is really dreamy and pleasant.
here is a super long very cool correspondence i've had with cyka
from cykakam
Posted by ANA on September 24, 1999 at 14:27:23:
i've been writing back and forth with Cyka, Russia's 1st camgirl
, ever since she joined the Sleep Station ( and now u can go to to see it :) and i thought her emails were very cool and interesting so i asked her if i could post them on my bbs. so that's what i'm doing... here is one:
Ana! You're still awake! And I'm awake with a red face, as it seems sometime in the night I lost my connection. We're still in the early ages as for the internet. I used to go on the bbs and Compuserve many years ago when I was in the States, but I came onto Internet as a reality in Russia only about 3 years ago. We've loads of complications with Moscow's phone lines...if you don't live in the centre the lines are about 50 years old and you can connect for maybe 10 minutes. I'm lucky (?), because I live at the intersection of busy and traffic about 1.5 kilometres from the Kremlin, and we're blessed with pretty good lines. Getting a second phone line here is outrageously expensive (about 3000$) though, because when the modern city was built, they only allocated one phone line per flat. So now we've loads of cabling companies sprouting up to do such things, but of course, it's still very new, so it's expensive. One thing that is cheap, however, is basic telephone. It's on communal service, like the heating and electricity, so all of that costs about 15 cents a month...but as we say in Russia 'medical care is free, and you get what you pay for'. ;)
Internet service is becoming more reasonable...finally. For the good isps, it's about 320$ a month for unlimited dial up. There's a slew of new providers that are promising unlimited dialup for 50$ a month, but people are reporting that the lines are always engaged, poor connection, high kill rate, etc. I, fortunately, don't pay for my service, as I do 'community' work on Matrix's eXchange site. They've expressed an interest in sponsoring CykaKam, so with any luck, I can *maybe* get them to install an ISDN line (we still run on 33.6 here!)
The whole CykaKam project is so exciting to me annoys and fascinates me at the same time. At present, I only have the one cam, but will invest in another this weekend (hopefully). The cables are the worst part, stringing together all of these 1.8 metre wires and dragging them housekeeper thinks I've lost my mind!
How do you run yours? And how many cams do you have? Are they fixed or do you move them around when you feel like it? And how on earth do you get them to stay in one place??? Mine tend to drift away! LOL (did you ever notice that lol in small letters looks like the international symbol for a toilet?) Any advise, technical or otherwise, I would be ochen radi. :)
Ok, who am I? I'm a cold war miracle. My father was Russian, and my mother American. I was born in California, but we came back to Moscow when I was 6 months old. I did upper schooling in the States, and as a graduation gift in 1988, my mother and I came to visit Moscow, and after a few years of going back and forth, I decided to come back for good. I have loads of friends in England that I visit when I can, but Moscow is home. Where I live is right in the centre of town, when I look out the window, I see the stars on the Kremlin, the Stalin skyskrapers (think Disneyland's castle, but we've 7 of them), the white house, and everything else that makes Moscow an architechural wonderland. We're not without our share of headache and heartache though...the recent apartment house bombings has brought the war in Chechenya to our front doors, and we're all scared that our house will be the next one.
Sometimes at night, I feel a wave of panic when I hear a noise in the corridor or in the courtyard that something bad is about to happen. Having the cam on at night has helped some though...all those eyes watching me have made me feel a bit the way that if tonight is to be my last night, it's been shared with people watching over me. And if tonight isn't the last night, then I thank everyone who did watch over me and kept me safe through the night. :)
then i wrote her back this:
your email was VERY cool! may i post it to my bbs so that others can know more about your country? u can see the kremlin..that to me just seems so..not real. which is weird of me to say. i am like many americans who have not traveled much outside of my country. i have relatives in canada. i went to england obce for three mobths and that's it. it's because i have no $ to travel :( i really WANT to very much! i don't even know the international symbol for toilet! :( i think it is SO cool that u are joining the sleep station beecause for one, i want more people from other countries on so it's a kind of world peace thing. like if u can see "the other side" sleeping along with u, then there is more understanding and empathy. and just peace because sleeping is peaceful ( well, except for nightmares which i have a lot of) you are in a very fortunate position it sounds like with the whole telephone line thing! can i tell lots of others about your cam or would that perhaps make it crash? i'll bet lots of people will be very interested in your cam since russia is one of those "mysterious" countries..because of the cold war. man, that cold war was the STUPIDEST thing ever. augh. it's just embarrassing!
much peas,
and here is another from cyka:
Ana...This is soooo amazing! I woke to a whole slew of emails from people that watched me on the sleep station. One wrote to tell me that I sleep 'like a russian wedding joyous slow and delighted....'and that has tickled me to no end! :)
One's sent me a manipulated image and I've been staring at it for 15 minutes already. It's just amazing, really really is. One mail I've had tonight has told me that they've been watchign you since the beginning and that anyone that you're happy to know makes them happy to know as well. I can't explain the feeling in words, but if it were a colour it'd be bright electric blue. Of course you can post my email. I've realised that I'm peacefully happy in CykaKam, so last night I registered, so that we can expand and grow. The crazyivan server is a friend of mine's that seems to think he can do something commercial with it, which is fine if he wants to, I just want to be happy in Cykaland. :) And of course you can tell anyone you like, I don't think it would make it crash(or could it?). Once we have our permanent home, we'll just do a redirect page. And anything that I send you, photos, mails, etc, you're always welcome to post. If I don't want something posted, I'll be sure to tell you straight away. :) Traveling is one of the greatest things. I can understand it not being possible so much in the States though.
When I lived there, I only travelled between there and Russia...maybe one or two days through London. If you're living in Europe though, it's much easier, both financially and time-wise. Having said that, should you ever wish to come back over to this side, you've an open door in Moscow. :)Sometimes Moscow is an overwhelming place, physically, mentally and archetechurally. When things are good here, it's like being on top of the world, but when they're bad, it feels like the smallest thing can push you over. I had a fight with my boss yesterday, and I was even too stunned to reply.
Russian men are often horrid, demanding and rude creatures, who've yet to realise that women are people too. So by the time I left work, and the night shoppe was out of cat food, I was on the verge of tears with frustration. But then I'm home and can look out at the lights and stars (on the's too many building lights to see the real stars. So i have them on my bedroom ceiling. ), and everything feels a little bit better.
Red Square is my other therapy. I like to go there at 2 or 3 am and stand in the middle and let the enormity of it rush over me and make me feel small enough to where nothing matters anymore. To feel a whole century of marches, Lenin sleeping 20 metres from where I'm standing, to walk over the point where all roads in Russia just has an amazing calming effect. Only once has something on Red Square happened that distorted my view of calm there, and that was the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert they did about 2 months ago...horrible event that attracted 300.000 people and people were trampled and hurt by militia. I wrote about it in my diary...I'll have to find the exact date.
Your post about sleeping was wonderful. :) And I agree with you completely. As I said before, I feel a sense of peace knowing that there are people from all over the world watching over me, especially when my country is in a not so peaceful state. This makes me so sad, Ana, the things that are happening here. Now by order of the city, we have to place wanted posters in all businesses for the suspects of the bombings. But of course, we will never find them. There are still murders of government people from 2 years ago that they have yet to solve. And the mafia has no interest in who's doing bombs, and because the mafia finances the government, nothing will ever come of the investigation.
Why do you have night terrors? I suffer with the same. Mine started when I was about 13, and became worse after I helped my father die. I've been to loads of doctors and hypotherapists and sleep doctors, but it never helps. I was on medication for it for help me sleep without dreaming, but I quit taking it when our corridor caught on fire and I couldn't wake up to hear my neighbour banging on the door. The bear that you see while I sleep is called 'Lekarstva'...which in Russian means 'remedy'. LOL It was given to me by a boyfriend when I was a teen, and actually does help me with the night terrors. Time for me to go to work once again. My best friend is arriving home today from America, and he also works for me, so work today will be happier than yesterday. :)See you tonight! :)