analog 09.23.99 (excerpt from anagram on )
this is a text only anagram 'cause all i did today was type. from the second i woke up at 1pm until now , 9pm. this is an email i sent off to richard sharah, the make up artist in australia. i mentioned him a lot on a few anagrams awhile back. i hope you'll be able to follow the continuity of this. first i wrote this to ben greenman, then i added to it and sent it to my mailing list,then i added to it more and sent it to tori amos, then i added to it SUPER much and sent it to richard sharah, which is what u have here. now i'm adding to it again and putting it in here. i am kind of scared to show it to you because this is all so close to my heart. i am baring more in this anagram than i have in a lot more of my others. i just don't want to be considered...well, really weird in a bad way. but i thought it might be cool for someone to read this because i do think it is interesting for a bunch of reasons. well, i shouldn't preface anymore. lol. i could just keep adding to this all night and elaborating inbetween each one of these sentences til the cows come home. let me know if u think i'm just bloody nuts!
hi :)
i have been emailing today...first i emailed back this guy who interviewed me
for yahoo internet life magazine ( yahoo's magazine) there is a big article
about me in the october issue, i'm even on the cover..but the photos of me are
THEE worst ones EVER taken of me cause i was really sick that day and totally
NOT in the mood to get my photo taken. so my lesson is now learned that i will
never get my photo taken again if i'm not in the mood to do it because the result
is not good but i'm really glad for the article! they said they have 3.5 million
readers or something!
i am TOTALLY hyper today. so i wrote to ben, then i copied that and sent it
to my mailing list..but then i copied it again and added to it and sent it to
tori amos, and now i'm copying it again and sending it to u!
i saw tori amos
in concert the other day. and i finally got to talk to her for maybe an hour
after the show! pure heaven! she gave me her private email address so i feel
like i have the holy grail. as u can tell, i worship her! she is a faerie being,
too. she and i are exactly the same height. have u ever met her? if u did u
will FLIP OUT!!! because she is THEE most amazing creature i have ever met,
too. tori and you are the most precious and amazing creatures i have ever had
the honour to meet. it is inspirational! i met her long ago when she was on
tour for her first record "little earthquakes". she played at a smallish
place ( smallish compared to where she plays now..which is a stadium ). and
at the time i was at a crossroads in my life. a place where either i was going
to go more "her route" or the route of this all girl band called "babes
in toyland", which was angry angry punk music. i loved both energies very
much but i knew i had to choose which way. ( at least that is how i felt at
the i see i could probably go as many energy ways as i want ). and
tori's record was EERILY like kate bush, who i adore completely. somehow going
to see tori was like seeing kate bush. as if tori took all the "unused
kate bush touring energy" that kate bush had decided not to ingest..but
tori took it and ran with it. i don't know if that makes any sense to u. now
i can't see kate in tori anymore..i just see tori.
anyway...i needed BADLY a magic wand to touch me with a big approving "ding"
by someone that i adored. like a thing knighting me saying " I SEE U ,
you ARE's NOT just in your grandiose imagination because i recognize
so i watched her
play on the stage and i was just all in tears the whole time. it was sheer raw
beauty. and since i knew everyone who worked at that club, i got backstage to
meet her afterwards. and i tell u it WAS magickal. and i don't tell many people
this story because i know it's sounds crazy and obsessed and too grandiose,
but it WAS one of the highlights in my life. well, i walked through the door
into the little room backstage. i'd been back there a million times with a million
bands. and i KNOW that when u walk in there no one pays a bit of attention because
everyone is talking super much with everyone else. but THIS time i walked in
there and i SWEAR to u that everyone hushed and turned around and PARTED like
the red sea and made this path right to tori amos! i know that sounds completely
crazy! but it HAPPENED, i'm not kidding u! i wish i could relive it again just
to see if that was only my imagination. but i swear it was really like that.
well, this path was there and i just walked towards her and she was looking
and smiling at me the whole time , her eyes just sparkling like MAD. i can hardly
even type this it was such a crazy powerful thing! i walked up to her and was
so shy, i had blood red hair then. and i said "i'm a minister's daughter
and i believe in faeries , too" ( she says that faerie live in her stomache
and she always thanks the faeries on her records ). well, i felt like such a
DORK. ( do u use the word "dork" in australia?) but she just said
"you DO?" and smiled and smiled and twinkled and twinkled at me! and
HUGGED me! and i told her i'd been a stripper for some reason which she thought
was totally fascinating, she smiled wickedly and said "oh, i've always
wanted to do that.. was it fun?" and i said "ya, sometimes it as!"
and just sparkled! then she said ( and this is before i got signed to columbia
records my first major label deal) she said..."i don't know why i'm doing
this , because it's something i never do..but for some reason i want to give
u my manager's address, arthur spivak, and i want u to send me a tape of your
music and i will give it to my label" . so i was completely floored. and
i was given the magical "ding" of approval i so much needed. ! i was
flying around on that energy...well, i STILL am! jus that memory or energy or
energy that comes from remembering that..however that works...just gave me fuel
to move forward. whenever i feel sad or down i remember and know "tori
likes me!" and i feel somehow better. now i know that sounds completely
fanatical like she's the dali lama or something. i know i have that energy in
me too and all that blah blah blah. but some people ARE just more "evolved"
than u are...and i recognize that and pay great respects and it inspires me.
i tell this stuff to my manager , bobby z, and he thinks i'm a nut 'cause he
has met all his "heros" and knows they are human like he is and all
that. bla blah. well, i know she's human...!!! but i think he just has to meet
her because meeting her is WAY cooler than meeting eric clapton or ringo or
whatever great guy heros he had. it's just a TOTALLY different energy. i KNOW
eric clapton is "just a guy" lol :)
ok, i know that sounds really arrogant of me, but that is just the way i see
it/feel it. do u know what i mean? i am hoping that u can see behind my words
and know that i'm not crazy and know i'm not saying that some people are BETTER
than others. and there is no "higher" but u know what i mean...there
IS a "higher" this 3d world..i guess that is how i experience
it so i can express it. do u know what i mean? i sure hope so.
ok, so going back
again. after her concert was a babes in toyland concert out in this park near
my house. and i had a mad crush on the singer Kat Bjelland. they were filming
a video where kat asked many girls to dress up like her "dopellganger".
so i did that.,.which i thought was funny and ironic since i did dress like
her..or she like all happened at once that there were a few
women "in rock" that had that "baby doll dress wearing"
thing going, kat and courtney love were the biggest known. it was always said
in the press that one was copying the other. well, i was another one but totally
unknown so no one paid attention to that. i think we just came across the same
style at the same time because of the "collective unconscious" or
whatever u want to call it. no one was copying was just "in
the air then" this powerful symbol of a little girl really pissed off and
reclaiming her own sexuality and anger. things like that happen to me all the
time. like i think as soon as i think a thought...or as soon as anyone thinks
a goes out into the "ether" grid thing and starts it's
own "life" and those of similiar energy pick up on that thought if
they want yo then incorporate it into their being like they thought it up themselves.
maybe they did think it up themselves since all time is now everything is happening
at the same time anyway.
like the cover for my last cd WAS going to be exactly almost like bjork's..the
one where she is dressed up like the space geisha. i told bobby z my idea for
the cover. i said i wanted to be a geisha with long fake fingernails and my
hair in buns on the side like princess leigh from star wars and i want to be
wearing mirrored contacts lenses and i wanted it totally cyber. and i drew it
out for him. but my record took so long to come out that bjork did that cover
before me. she is a space geisha with long fingernails and her hair just like
that and mirrored contacts! bobby z saw the cover first and phoned me up telling
me about it totally freaked out and he said that now he knew what i meant when
i said that i think thoughts and others pick up on them and do them if i don't
get to them in time. or it could be the exact opposite.. like bjork thought
of it first then i picked up on her thought. or it is most likely the simultaneous
thing. it happens to me all the time, but to say it out loud, i sound crazy.
so back to the
babes in toyland show....i don't know what i was expecting but it was just an
awful negative experience that day and i got a terrible headache that day in
the middle of it all and i never ended up being in the video anyway. and kat
never talk to me much. i don't know why. it's just really super uncomfortable
whenever i'm around she doesn't wish to ever see me, and i don't know
why. i don't know if i did something to make her mad or what. maybe it's just
that she felt my yearning to get tp know her and she was repulsed by that. i
hate when that happens. i hope i wan't being glommy or something in any way.
i always tried to give her her "space". but i'm really "uncool"
in that hen i really love someone i shine it all over the place, i don't just
act all cool and stuff. i get giddy. i get happy. i can't do the gloomy detached
heroine thing. i just adored her to pieces. because it was her that also split
open a big reality in my head. man, was that ever heavy. this is too long a
story! no WONDER i never write it down!
ok, prefacing once again that first boyfriend that i ever went
out with at age 17 for 4 years was a total mind control brainwashing guy. i
mean..he TOTALLY brainwashed me into thinking anything that wasn't from 1964-69
was evil. literally evil. i was a synth loving new waver when he met me and
by the end i was a 1966 mod girl with a rickenbacher. i had it DOWN.
so when he finally left me i didn't know who i was, because i had become everything
i thought he wanted me to be. REALLY fuct up. but i'm glad the history lesson
from the 60's i did learn a lot but at a great expense.
i guess the best thing i gained from that experience is that i never take for
granted my own individuality, whereas before it wasn't anything i thought about.
i was just me and took it for granted that i was. so after we broke up, i was
wandering through 7th st. entry very very drunk trying out the "punk"
energy or something.
and i happened upon babes in toyland who were playing and it was like a brick
smashing through my facade that i didn't even know i had made. i knew that all
the little pop mod songs i had written was a lie. and i knew that whatever it
was that i was right then was a total lie. and after that show i didn't even
want to wear clothes because i didn't know if it was me who liked that outfit
or ed ( the x boyfriend) . when i picked up a magazine i didn't know if it was
me having an opinion about that article or ed. it was the weirdest feeling to
have "lost yourself" it was creepy. it was the creepiest thing ever!
so i had to try on a bunch of stuff before i found myself again. now i'm ok
with all the parts of me and all the contradictions.
so anyway, i went
the tori energy route instead of the babes in toyland energy route because it
was pretty obvious which one felt better to me!
but i did do acid with kat in the glorious cemetary on the perfect day when
they rake all the leaves into big piles. i am very glad for that day. it was
perfect :)
she had just gotten signed to warner brothers and had bought a big king sized
bed and television with her advance and she was so happy :) so it was cool when
i got signed and bought a big tv was like..hey..this is kind
of what kat must have felt like. it was so nice :) anyway....i'll never forget
that day nad how the sun was shining on her bed with the new girdle that she
was going to wear for her new boyfriend from gallon drunk.
so i made tori a glitter box with magical toys and sprinkles inside...i had a little miniature white grand piano i put in there. i painted nectarine seeds with lavender paint and glitter. so many little surprises. i heard back from her about a year later saying that i was on the list for her show at the state theater. she was playing two times that night. i don't know how she does it. i did the tiniest amount of acid that night just to tweak everything ( ok, now i've mentioned acid twice! i actually haven't done acid in years!) after the show i was invited backstage just for a short time. there was another person backstage, too..and i found out it was neil gammon (sp? ) who is the creator of the sandman comic that i never read because it reminds me of the bad violent vampire boyfriend i had for 4 years after ed. tori saw me and she literally came running and she twirled me around and hugged me and said "Look at you! you're just shining! ooo i just adorrrrrrrrrre you!" which just makes my hair stand on end everytime i think about it! i mean, how special is THAT??? it's like being in love and u find out that they like u back just as much!
and i bought this grey long sleeved t shirt with a picture of her on it, all curled up small sleeping. i said i'd wear it for pajamas ( cause it's a really big shirt on me) when i went on tour. i told her i got signed to columbia. and she was glad and said that she'd be curled up on my stomache sleeping with me when i wore the shirt. i didn't know what she meant at the time, but then i put the shirt on and saw that when u wear it she is curled up on your stomache. just like the faeries that she says live in her stomache :)
then she came to
town again and played the northrup, an even bigger place. it was either there
or the orpheum. i always get those two places mixed up.
( ok, my hand is getting really tired from typing now..but i've got to continue
cause i never wrote this all down before...i hope u don't mind and i hope u
aren't getting bored and i hope u don't think i'm crazy!! )
ok, i think i'm running out of steam now....and sad because ALL of that was a preface to what i REALLY wanted to say...but i had to give u some of the background before u would understand where i'm coming from!
long story short ( ya, right! ) i got to see her again finally cause i didn't see her at the show right before the one that she just had here last week. i saw her concert but didn't have a pass backstage..which made me sad..but i thought well, that's ok.. cause i did get to meet her and i'm sure she is super super busy and i'm sure i'm not always on the priority list,. i certainly know what it's like to be on tour and not want to see anyone because u are exhausted. and i may just be reading into it like an obsessed groupie, but it felt like her energy that night on stage WAS a " i don't want to see anyone after the show" kind of energy. like those two energies just didn't mix well. so it was all well and good that i didn't see her because everything happens at it's perfect time and all that.
but i wanted to
get to her the message that my name had been changed to ana voog and i now had
this incredibly fun and wildy popluar website!
so i'd be in NYC and a woman who was doing my make up for a thing for tv that
never did air...told me that she was doing make up for tori amos the following
week, so i told her to PLEASE tell tori that now my name was ana voog. but i
guess that message never got to her!
then after her show, the one i did not have backstage passes for...i gave the
sounguy my cd and told him to give it to tori and wrote her a note explaining.
but i guess that never got to her! i don't know WHY that one didn't get to her!
oh well!
so then just recently
jason ( my boyfriend ) was on his way to work and he heard on the radio that
the radio station was giving away tickets to a special small private tori thing
before her concert. and i knew i wouldn't want to just sit there listening to
the radio station trying to win. i can't get any radio stations in at my apartment
anyway, i don't know why.
so i called up bobby and i said PUH_LEEEEEZ get me into this mini tori concert!
because it was happening at oarfin recording studios where i last recorded my
cd. so i knew there was a way! well, then HE had trouble getting me in because
the radio station was afraid i might do something weird to tori or the event!!!
so, i'm like WHAT??? i guess they are freaked about my cam and avant garde-ness
or something! this city is so backwards. well, anyway..bobby got me in anyway
cause he promised them i wouldn't bring my cam or do anything weird. LOL! like
i'm andy kaufmann or something? THEY are weird!
so it was at noon
last week this happened. i took a cab all the way there cause i can't deal with
the bus. so that was twenty bucks but well worth it!
and i went in and sat down in the chair in the middle in the front by the piano
while everyone else was in the lobby rummaging through some bowls of chips.
everyone, i felt, was eyeing me nervously. and i overheard someone say that
tori wouldn't want anyone in the rom while she sound checked. the room i was
sitting in. and i was nervously sitting in the chair writing tori a big letter
into a tiny spice girls notebook. trying to condense to her all the things that
had happened to me, which is impossible. and i'm trying to keep my handwriting
steady writing on my knee my hand all shaky from eating no food before i got
there. and then IN walks tori! and i know she is as small as i am but everytime
i am surprised to see how small she is...because i am not used to being around
anyone as small as i. and i look at her and say hi and she says hi back in a
quick way then she does a double take and says "HIIIIiiiiii!!!!" and
she recognizes me! and i am so glad! and she asks me how i am and i tell her
i'm writing it all in the notebook as i point at it. so i try to talk to her
but i am so nervous and i tell her my mind is racing really fast and goes faster
than my mouth can speak so i'm tripping on my words. and she laughs and nods.
and then i get to STAY in the room as she does a little soundcheck which pleases
me greatly cause i hope that whoever it was that thought i was too weird to
be there recognizes this and eats their words. because that made me feel so
bad. when i heard those words i was hurled back into time back to how i felt
when i was on radioactive and everyone didn't trust me and was always testing
me and looking at me under a microscope. and i told tori that they had said
that and so she went right out there and told everyone out there that she'd
known me for YEARS and i know it's just so silly but it really meant a lot to
me. funny how things can effect u.
all my insecurities can leak in. i'm hardly immune. and i feel so stupid when
they do. but there u have it.
so i got backstage
passes again. she was playing that night at the target center co-billing with
alanis morrisette. and instead of the silent reverence from the crowd that i'm
used to when i see was non stop screaming. i just wanted to punch this
girl right behind me but my happiness to be there at all won out and i didn't
punch her. so after tori's show i found the way to the backstage doors. i was
with my friend carolyn who was with me last time i saw tori. we waited a long
time with these other girls who were hoping to catch a glimpse of her. i was
afraid i was maybe at the wrong door.. no one knew anything. but finally after
a long time a woman came to retrieve us and we were brought down the long corridor
that i hadn't been in since courtney love and i traded xanax for valium, which
is another fantastic cool fun story and i found out that she was inspired to
write her "girl with the most cake" line from my cd called "cake
and eat it". and i asked her ..i said "ya, i was wondering about that
cake reference" and she said to me slurring" ya, well, isn't it OBVIOUS?"
and she asked if she could buy that title from me or use that because she said
my record didn't sell much anyway so no one knew of it anyway, right? LOL so..i
said..ya, you're right! i just said if she used it to just give me credit is
all. and i zipped her up into her dress that she was totally pissed that it
didn't fit her. she yelled "i did NOT gain weight!" then put on a
different dress. she told me that she liked my cake and eat it record but that
she thought it had too much reverb. i AM a reverb and delay junkie, it's true.
anyway, i hope i get to meet her again someday, i really like her :) she is
pretty incredible :)
so...i go through
the corridor...and into a room. and there is tori and and it's all soft and
cushy in there. the roadies put up indian cotton print blankets and scarves
and pillows and i'm served english tea made by her english assistant and tori
says i should really have some tea because the english really know how to make
it, which is true. and the tea was delicious but i was talking so much i only
drank 1/2 of it.
so she said "sit down sit down!" and so i actually had the first leisurely
conversation with her ever. and it WAS bliss. and i was trying so hard to not
be nervous, but that's pretty much impossible of me in a situation like that.
i get too excited and giddy. and i told her that and she laughed and said i
was "changing shapes" a lot that my energy was sproinging all over
the place making shapes. and i knew EXACTLY what she meant. and i'm like ya,
i know! i wish i could just pick one shape and go with it! i'm glad she is comfortable
with my energy because some people just don't know WHAT to do with me when i'm
like that. the best thing to do is just to be cool with my many shapes sproinging
everywhere, knowing it'll calm down eventually :) and she does that so it makes
me so happy :)
and we talk about how she deals with the energy when she goes on tour. i tell
her i couldn't deal with the energy while touring. but a lot of the energy i
got was judgemental energy where i was put into these positions over and over
to "prove" myself to the record co. to prove i was "worth it"
to spend money into. well, that just about killed me that kind of energy just
hurts. it takes so much energy to face that. i didn't know how to let it go
right through me then. so i had to drink and face the wall like a warrior fighting
for my life. exhausting.
but she goes into the crowd and says everyone brings their energy to the room,
and energy that people usually don't let out, and she sculpts it. and i know
EXACTLY what she's saying but i've never been too good at that yet. not in my
physical space. but i deal with the sculpting of energy thing through my cam
because there is a TON of energy coming at me..and in the beginning of my cam
i used to get sick a lot because i don't think i knew what to do with that much
energy nor how to filter out what i wanted to sculpt with and le the energy
that i didn't want just pass right through. now i'm a lot better at that, but
i don't know how it it got better. i just adjusted in some way. and now i don't
even thin about it much. which i wish i understood more the process i went through
to get where i am in regards to sculpting energy. so she remarked that we are
dealing with opposite ends of the spectrum energy-wise. she can deal to be on
stage in front of thousands and she works with that energy and is invigorated
by that. oh, btw, she is a leo with libra moon and saggitarius rising. and she
wants me to find her a REALLY good astrology website, so if u know of any, let
me know. i had some bookmarked a long time ago, but lost them now.
so....but she said she could never deal with the energy how i deal with it.
the whole privacy thing. it would drive her nuts, she says. so we both deal
with large amounts of energy in our different ways. but i really want and need
to know how to deal with the energy of people in my physical space, cause i
just get so muddled up when i'm around so many people.
she was totally fascinated with my cam and smiling and laughing. and that i
was comfortable being nude really astounded her and was interesting to her.
then it was time
for her to pack her stuff and leave and she gave the signal that i must go.
but i asked her if she'd sign my jacket so it'd be my "tori jacket".
a lot of people think that autographs are silly or in poor taste. but i just
don't agree. i think it can be very meaningful and special. it's just that old
yearning to know that " i was here" or "i was here with this
person". it's a powerful symbolic gesture of unity somehow. and it makes
me feel happy. like i have this purse that is full of autographs and when i'd
wear it around i'd feel almost like a tiny piece of that persons energy was
in their..accompanying me on my journey. it might be all in my mind..but then
again, what isn't only in the mind? i asked michael stipe for an autograph and
he haughtily refused. i think it is a powerful thing. i know what he might feel
in that he doesn't want to give that out to "just anyone". there are
some people i think that get an autograph as a hording thing. or for the money
to resell later. maybe that was his fear. maybe he wasn't afraid at all. who
knows. i have no idea.
anyway, tori
did the most special thing and she wrote the notes to a song from her new record
onto the lining of my jacket and wrote the corresponding lyrics underneath...and
sang it as she wrote it in her pure pure magickal voice as if singing the sing
into the fabric of my coat! and i stood there in awe with carolyn, my friend,
and we were both almost in tears at the beauty and specialness of it. and after
she was done, i took both her hands in mine and said into her eyes "i am
so glad that you are part of my life" and she said " i am so glad
that you are part of MINE"! and it was pretty damn cool, to say the least!
and she told me to write her but told me that she is terrible at writing back,
and i said i am the same way and i told her "know this..that when i write
to u it is not to get a reply but it is for the joy of writing to u" and
she smiled so much and said "thanks for that" :)
and so that is
my tori story thus far. and i have started to write her little emails just last
night. i want to tell her this whole story that i am telling u right now but
i fear that she'll think it's just too weird and too much because when i start
to tell others about it i know it sounds weird and obsessed but i know in my
heart that it isn't and that it's a good thing. because people always want me
to make sure that i don't put others onto some god pedestal. like she is untouchable,
because i know that she is not, yet, it IS the coolest thing in the world TO
ME to get her approval. i mean, most people go through life never getting approval
from those they look up to the most! but here i DID get it and from YOU , too!
so i am just REALLY happy that it APPEARS to me that i AM drawing people tome
of like energy and that i am getting the nod of approval that i am pretty darn
special and it's not just my grandiose imagination...because a lot of people
just don't want you to be THAT special, y know? so special that the crowd magically
parts and tori amos beams at u from the end of the tunnel saying " i recognize
that u are NOT like the others, you ARE special...go forward!"
and i know that sounds just pig headedly arrogant of me...and of course EVERYONE
is special...EVERYONE has the light. but do u know what i'm trying to convey
to u? or am i just crazy?
so i wanted to tell u all of that because i think u might be the only person
i know that would understand and not think i'm a crazy arrogant ego maniac.
i don't stomp on people or think i'm better or anything. in fact i fear to be
a burden in any way or seem gross like that. but i do refuse to not shine..even
if my shining is erratic in lots of "shapes" sometimes" because
i know i will draw the kind of people to me that LIKE that and can handle that
and actually find it perhaps amusing or endearing!
do u know what i mean?
i just wanted to get your opinion, because what i think it is is a symbol telling
me where my energy is at.
i can see what i'm drawing to me and go..oh, so that's where i am energy wise!
so i get REALLY happy and proud of myself if i think that i'm at an energy place
where tori amos says hi to me quiet joyfully cause that's EXACTLY where i want
to be!
do u know what i mean?
am i making sense?
shouldn't i feel super happy and proud? that i resonate there at the place i
i think it's great
to have heros. it's nice to aspire. to feel so much love for that "place/person/feeling"
that u grow and change your energy to get there.
it keeps me going. i think it's exciting. i'm glad i feel there are people that
are terribly excruciatingly exciting to be around! if i thought everyone was
no big deal to meet boring is that?
there ARE people that are excruciatingly exciting to be around! and u know YOU
are one of them :)'s feast or famine with me email-wise , eh?
so is this a big
enough email for u? i hope i didn't bore u or exhaust u!
there u have it! the big thing that has been on my mind lately!
i will send this off now without proofreading it. which i'll probably regret
because i'm sure there are typos galore everywhere.....(actually I did put it
through spell check now)
mucho love,
oh, p.s. here is the email i sent to ben then added to it then sent it to my
mailing list then added to it and sent it to tori...then REALLY added to it
and now i'm sending it 2 u and now the sun is going down. i'll i've done today
is type and now my hand is going to fall off! :
ok, i dunno if
i want 2 hear what i write 2 my mailing list, but since i don't like 2 retype
my thoughts i thought i'd send u off this mailing list message i just sent off,
too. cause i say lots in there. but i don't want u 2 think i'm being lazy and
impersonal! so if u do not want 2 hear my mailing list messages just tell me
and i'll stop sending them 2 u, k? i doubt you'll even have the time 2 read
all of my messages 2 u anyway, i know i wouldn't if i were on tour. except maybe
u can print them out and read them on the bus or plane. i can't read in a car
, i get car sick. so if ever i go on tour again i want to learn how 2 crochet
so i can do that while travelling. then i could sell the pair of booties i made
at each concert :) i wish i could find someone to come over 2 my house and show
me how 2 crochet. it's so beautiful, the things u can do with it. i really love
those crazy knitted stuffed animals u can find sometimes. i have this great
pink knitted elephant. i am obsessed with stuffed animals. i go and save them
from the salvation army and give them a good wash at my house then sew their
eyes back on or whatever they need. i used to pick out my friends by how they
treated my stuffed animals. like if someone came over and just sat on the turtle
( named peruse ) and didn't move it over so it could breathe properly..i'd think
that person would not be a good friend. but i'm not as harsh about that now
days. i can go a little too far sometimes. then, again...maybe not.
i want to sew my own stuffed animals and call them "ana-mals". very
elaborate ones. i want to even sew their organs inside. little velvet hearts
and livers. and little pockets inside full of hand written secrets and herbs
and glitter. but then i'd sew up the stuffed animals so that you would never
know what was inside of them unless u disassembled them. so it would be up to
u whether or not u would "operate" on them or not. after i sewed them
i'd probably not be able to part with them tho. that is ONE of my multitude
of projects to do. that and sew all my own clothes. but i have to get a torso
made of me that is molded from my body because i want to make these form fitting
deconstructivist things. hmm, i know i didn't spell that werd right. i type
with two fingers on my right hand. so i misspell things in a fit of typing.
i love the clothes
u wear :) i am obsessed with clothing and shoes. i worked at a used clothing
store for 8 years so i have some pretty incredible things. they would all fit
u too, cause they are all small. i love to wonder who owned them before me.
the little dress from the 20's all fall apart now like a cobweb. what happened
to her when she wore it so long ago? where is she now?
( argh..i just cut and paste into here and it put it in in a different font
and i can't get it to be all one font. how odd. sorry about that!)
as u can tell my
brain is on overload today, so i'm just going with it. it's like i have pms...but
i got it when i GOT my period instead of before it. pms is a great thing if
u let it take u where "it" wants to instead of arguing with it about
the dishes. it's a powerful getting-rid- of-bullshit tool. but i'm sure u know
that already :)
Date: Thu, 23
Sep 1999 15:08:13 -0500
Subject: from ana 092399 ( silly hats, blue oatmeal )
here is an email
that i just sent off to ben greenman who is the guy who interviewed me and wrote
the piece about cams and me in yahoo internet life magazine this month. i thought
it depicted my day so far pretty well, so i'm just gonna email it off to everyone
cause i'm just in that kind of mood. maybe a great mass unsubscribing will ensue
now. i am on a tangent. :::::::::::::::::::::
guess how many people are subscribed to y mailing list now? 3,000! i cannot
even comprehend it. like when i push the little send button...3,000 of u get
this. what would u all look like in one big room? big big room? what would happen
if we all got transported into one big room right now. well, i guess something
like that would make people crabby. i think it'd make me happy. but then i'd
have to laugh. it would be absurd. do any of u go online and pretend to be something
that you're not? like do any men on here pretend to be women or vice versa?
why did u pick the computer nicknames u have? are u a different person online
than not? how had the internet changed your life? how many emails do u get a
day? everytime i send one of these things off, tons of email accounts bounce
s i gotta unsub people. if all of a sudden u find that your not getting any
more emails from me someday..could be cause i unsubbed u cause your email bounced.
lots of people's mailboxes are too full. what are u doing today? do u like your
job? what are u looking for? are happy? what makes u happy? if u were going
to die in one hour what would u do?
ok, here's the email that ben received 5 minutes ago:
humour alludes me today?
altough i'm in a small improoooovement to my mood. i got a big ol mountain dew
( ick)
and i'm listening to the new tori amos cd which is GREAT
i got to talk to her for a full hour after her concert! but perhaps u know that
already...are u subscribed to my mailing list or are u just spying in me?
today WAS going to be the beginning of "all naked all week in celebration
of the harvest" but fuck it.
i decided to put my clothes back on and change it to" wear a silly hat
in celebration of the harvest cause i don't feel like being naked"
so there u have it.
it's nice and
warm in my living room tho.
and i gotta clean the house a bit cause i guess the fire marshal is doing random
checks on 60 apts. today. great.
and it says something downstairs like "an extension cord is not an acceptable
permanent plug in thing"
which is basically my whole LIFE. i mean EVERYTHING Is on an frickin extension
cord. so all i need is for them to come into my bizarre extension cord world
and find some naked pmsing girl celebrating the harvest with a silly hat.
there is this
new instant quaker oatmeal called "sea adventures" as u add boiling
water " a blue sea magically appears"
"blue sea with sharks treasures, and divers magically appears as u stir!"
well, it's REALLY
gross. i KNEW it would be. but i had to buy two boxes of it anyway because it's
just WRONG and will probably be discontinued soon.
at least, it better be or i really will worry about the decline of civilization
i mean, the oatmeal turns completely blue with this fizzly blue stuff like when
u dye easter eggs ( maybe your own of those heathen jews so pardon me if u don't
partake in my strange protestant traditions)
and then all these divers and sharks magically DO appear and they taste GROSS
with oatmeal.
ack. i mean i love sugar, but this has gone too far.
so i had to buy two boxes.
i think we should
definitely have a fight on cnn. i have pointy things. i'll win
god, maybe i should go outside or something but i completely don't want to.
i feel crazed. how weird! i am like on some high strung tangent. i mean, hell,
i have extensions cords fo HAIR! i AM a fire disaster!
maybe i'll just
send messages off to my list every 5 minutes and drive everyone nuts.
i think i will take samples of this email and post it to my list cause i hate
retyping my thoughts. u get the first generation thought tho, lucky u :)
ok, bi 4 now...
i think...