analog 09.20.99 (excerpt from anagram on )

sorry it took me SO long to get a new anagram up! i have been SO tired lately, just exhausted! i'm fighting off a bit of a cold. i have the oven on for heat right now and i'm playing with the streaming vid. u can see it by clicking on my head in the cam menu. but by the time u read this it might be off because i can't run it at the same time that jason has his computer on. but this will be rectified after i get winproxy which i WILL order today!

here is something i wrote to my maling lists and posted in anarchy just now:

Posted by ANA on September 21, 1999 at 12:46:15:

oh shoot i have to type this all over because i accidentally erased it :(

a few weeks ago i was interviewed by marissa helms for MPR ( minnesota public radio ) and jennifer of jennicam told her about me ( thanks jennifer! ) and just yesterday marissa brought to my attention a radio interview that jennifer did with KCRW on a programme called "which way. L.A.?" KCRW had emailed me a few weeks ago asking me if i would like to be interviewed on their "which way LA" show, in which i responded, "yes!" then a few days after that they wrote me back saying " nevermind we found somebody else to be our guest" which i thought was rather odd and abrupt! but c'est la vie. now i have deduced that the person who they found was jennifer! hehe :) ah, so i am reminded once again where i am in the food chain of cams. lol :) ( i mean that in a very silly way, not in a bitter way..ok, well, maybe 1% bitter :) i went to their site and clicked on the which way l.a. button then found the show about internet voyeurism and clicked on the RA ( realaudio) symbol and listened to the show. it was jennifer and three guy guests. i couldn't keep the men straight in my mind because their voices were all too similiar for me. but ONE guy, maybe two WERE kind of bitter, i think...that webcams are so popular. because i think the one guy was a writer or producer of some tv shows like the real world or something...and i think he was completely perplexed that something could be of interest that wasn't planned and had "content". well, i couldn't disagree with him more on that. he thought that people watched webcams as a backlash against the over hyper media and that we all wanted to watch something boring now and that this was bad because it did not evolve us as humans. i might be getting this all wrong..that was just my deduction. i think i'm going to see if i could order a transcript of that show so i can get it right.

i was very happy 'cause jennifer told them about the Universal Sleep Station ( ) and it seemed like everyone on there thought that was a proposerous idea! why would anyone watch others sleep? gadz! so they all pondered that this must be a bad sign for covilization or something. a revolt against the television. it didn't get brought up or discussed that people love to watch others sleep because it is just peaceful to do so. at least that is what a lot of people tell me who watch me sleep. that it is very relaxing for them. so that is why i started the sleep station. it is also relaxing for me to watch others sleep while i am in my bed trying to go to sleep. it's kind of like a slumber party. :) it is rather comforting. i think a lot of people watch cams because it is a comforting thing to do. like when i'm typing at the computer up until dawn..i will get email from others doing the same saying that it helps the time go buy more pleasantly to have me doing the same thing they are doing and that we are doing it "together". i like that :

) more than any kind of revolution or revolt or escapism into the void or nonpersonalness...i think it's just nice to know someone is "there" "with" you, even if thousands of miles apart. if that was all my cam was ever "about" that is enough for me :) this one guy on the radio show thought that the reason people watched others sleep was because of apathy. like"we're just going to watch people sleep because we don't care" how TOTALLY off base. i have a lot more to say about this subject, but i'll wait until i get a transcript of that show.

in other mind boggling news i'm starting to get a cold, so if u see me sleeping more than average or just laying there in a big pile of pink packing peabuts..that is why! i'm taking lots of echinacea and zinc lozenges. i woke up and the house was so cold today i don't think i'll be able to do an "all naked all week" in celebration of the autumnal equinox unless the landlord turns on the heat soon. so right now i have the electric oven on. i have a space heater too, but it blows a lot of fuses so i opted for the stove. there are new anapix up now ( each saturday i put new ones up ) and i'm 1/2 done with putting up the "favourite anapix" archive, there are 11 pages up so far. u can see alll of those amazing things in the "anapix" section. there's a link in there. maybe i'll work on getting more up in the archive today.

ack, i just had a small wave a nausea. not feeling well. :(

here is a GREAT new shockwave site: sign their guest book! you will not BELIEVE how cool it is! it is WONDROUS!!! the alphabet goes flying everywhere! and u can watch how others typed in their comments, too.i cannot explain it in words..u just have to go there and see for yourself!

i am playing around with the streaming video on ana2 today. i can have it on when jason is not at his computer. but if he's at his computer, because we are on hub without winproxy, it sucks all the power from his computer cause the streaming takes a lot of "juice". so i 'll have it on until jason gets home. and i better order that damn winproxy today. i just sigh to do it because it's 300 bucks. *sigh* but i'm gonna do it today, i swear. the thing i'm using to stream is emulive. not everyone is able to get it to work on their computer which is sad. but that's how it is in the computer world. i hope someday everything will be compatible with everything else. i wanna get the realvideo thing set up too, so i can switch bewteen formats. that way everyone should be able to see the streaming some of the time. not that anything super fascinating is happening on the streaming right now. i'm just typing this message. but u can see how i type with only one hand and two fingers, which is arather an amazing skill of mine considering how fast my hand is whipping around.

i am going to try to read more of "do androids dream of electric sheep" today. i bought the biography by john lydon a few days ago. i'll probably get around to reading that in a few years. i also bought a book of ee cummings poetry which everyone always tells me to read. and it's looks pretty cool. strangely enough, i am not much of a poetry person. just never got off on it much. maybe because i never was shown any poetry i'd like. maybe ee cummings will change that for me. most of the poetry i've been subjected to is too flowery or overly romanticized, imo. i always think of poets as people who take themselves too seriouslyt and go mope in the corner of a coffeshop emoting about their torment or lost loves. i don't mean to insult the poets on this list! i'm SURE their IS GREAT poetry out there. i just haven't seen much of it yet. and i've gone out and lived with for years, too many mopey poets. so that is where i'm getting my ideas. it's just from my personal experience, not the whole picture. i mean, heck i sometimes write poetry but i shun to call it that. i like what mere from concretecam calls it "verbage". maybe i'll just call mine "word arrangements". dunno.

! i'm getting used to my hair finally. it doesn't feel AS heavy on my head. but i have a new admiration for people with long hair! man that stuff gets in the WAY of stuff!! like sitting down on a chair my braids get caught under my butt. or fastening yourself up in a car or putting on clothes. the way they told me to wash my hair was to put apple cider vinegar on my head ( diluted with water) then let that sit for 5 minutes then wash it off. yuck. so i did that.. what a pain, what a smelly mess leaning over into the tub trying to get it only on my scalp and not on the rest of my hair! then i just smelled like vinegar. so i said crew it and went into the shower and soaped it out. then u have this big mop of wet plastic sticking to your body. ick. so i blow dried it but it turned the ends all frizzy. so then i cut all the ends off. which u can see an animation of here:

he also made some BEAUTIFUL anapix! so check it out :)

lemme see, what, i knew there was something else to say but i can't think of it. i guess i'll send this off then and then go make some tea and eat something and then make an anagram for ana2.

ohmigod, i know something else...i got this HUGE 4 foot box sent to my p.o. and it was this miniature mannequin that was for a sears sweing machine display. it looks like from 1930. wearing a burgundy silk velvet dress. well, i haven't named her yet and she is sitting to the right of me by my computer so if u see her tell her hi and tell me what u think i should name her :) THANK U JACQUI U SWEET SILKY CREATURE FOR SENDING TO ME SUCH A DIVINE AND SPECIAL GIFT!!! all the other manneqins have raised their eyebrows at her and are wondering what to think of the new addition, but i think once they get to know each other they'll all get along just fine :)

oh! AND i am going to try to put together a website that plays people's music videos and short films ( under 10 minutes ) that don't get played on mtv or anywhere else. if u or someone u know would like to send me a tape of your video or short film, send it to my p.o. box:

ana voog p.o. box 76152 st. paul, MN. 55175 USA

i'm not going to be getting this website up in the super near future, it is at the ideas stage right now, but i AM going to do it, so i thought it would be a good idea to start collecting the videos and films now so that when the time comes that i can make it all happen, i have a bunch of content ready to go! i am VERY excited about this!!! if anyone has any ideas about this idea that you'd like to share withme, PLEASE let me know. like ideas on the best way to do it, or of u or someone u know would like to sponsor it or anything like that. :) i see it like but videos and films instead of music! :)

much peas,
