analog 09.13.99 (excerpt from anagram on )

so I got some extensions yesterday for free in exchange for spreading the word about the wonder of the robert james salon in downtown minneapolis ! yay! here's their # in case u want it: 612-305-1125 :) they do LOTS of stuff. they are the ones that have been cutting jason's hair for years….specifically Bobbi, is her name :) there are not many places that tie in the extensions because of the huge effort it is to do so. lots of places use glue ( ick). but bobbi gets right on in there and ties them all in by hand! it took 4 hours for her to do my entire head. I was pretty amazed! she was so focused! I love her because she is so mellow and kind :) now my head feels all tight. it will be this way for a few days till things get settled and more loosened up. right now I put them in pony tails :) to wash your hair I guess u don't use soap in case that doesn't get washed out completely. she told me to use apple cider vinegar mixed with water…put it all over my head then let it sit for 5 minutes then rinse off! weird! I dunno if I will like that but I'll keep u updated! u can get lots of kind of extensions. u can get braided hair, dreded hair, curly hair, straight hair! in whatever colour or length u want! maybe next time I'll get blues and greens cause this braided long hair reminds me of a mermaid

I feel like the girl in daisy chainsaw. they were a super short-lived band but they were cool as heck!

cnn is on in the background as I type this..talking about hurricane floyd. I can't really comprehend it.

I had a dream last night that there was a huge earthquake in san francisco and it made this huge crack that went right up into washington. I was watching it from an aerial viewpoint.

I didn't sleep well at all with my extensions. when I put pressure on my head by laying it against the pillow all the knots that keep the extensions in press against my head and it felt like I was sleeping on a bed of nails. I guess that gets better and does not hurt after a few days. my hair is also really heavy. I can't wait till everything adjusts. I am so tired I could go right back to sleep.

had a really intense conversation with my mother today that kind of drained me ,too. she started in on me again about my cam asking me if it was a sexual thing because I guess the last time she tuned in I had the caption up asking people to send me non sexual pictures of their genitals.( luck of the draw) I guess she missed the word "NON SEXUAL". as if sexual is even BAD. ya, what if it WAS purely sexual, so????? god. whatever. so she said "well, that is going to draw a "certain" type of crowd" and I said "ya, mom, it's gonna draw a crowd that is opened minded and cool and into shedding old stereotypes and is nonjudgemental !!" jeez. then we started getting into the old "gay is against nature/the original plan, etc" debate. which I said if it's against nature why is it that 1 out of ten people are gay and nature is making this? and I said if being gay is against nature and that is your argument as to why it's "bad" or something..then I guess YOU mom, are MORE into sex than I …because if we are just into relationships to have children then are we then just animals only? what about LOVE? is LOVE not a factor? I said gay would be bad I guess if our only mission in life were to make sure as many babies are born as possible. and I'm like "the original plan"??? what on earth is THAT? ya..i'm sure she was there when this so-called original plan was being written. and she was saying how anal sex is just not natural..yet…why has it been happening from the dawn of time then? gee, how come anal sex WORKS if it's so unnatural??

what's up with kissing then? should another's tongue not go into another's mouth simply because the mouth was meant for food only? what about q-tips? better not put THOSE in your ears! better not get your ears peirced for that matter either or drive in a car or have air conditioning either. are pickles natural? is smoked gouda cheese? are contacts? are scissors? isn't it natural that we just want to LOVE? and if she was so non judgemental why then did she start crying and tell me that she didn't want me to go to hell when I told her a few years ago that my next boyfriend could be a girlfriend? then she goes, ' oh I didn't say that!" she has a REALLY selective memory. then she proceeds to tell me that I am not any more a lesbian than she is. and I said ya, mom u know u can like BOTH. it's called BISEXUAL. and she just goes, " oh u just like to shock people" that's it..i would get myself into a relationship to shock I need that sort of falseness in my life. unreal. thanks for the vote of confidence , mom..i think I know more about my sexuality than U do…gadz.

mothers. gotta love them but MAN it can be hard. so we might get together next week to hang out. oh joy after that conversation.

she mentioned to me that she is finally maybe going to get rolfed. has u been rolfed? it is a very interesting thing. it's like a realigment of the body done in 7 stages. it costs $100 bucks a session. it realigns your connective tissue or something. the stuff that connects your muscles to your bones. people say that after they get that done a lot of people are completely transforrmed both physically and emotionally. I PRAY that my mom ges this done cause god knows she needs it. she doesn't even go get a massage even though people have given her certificates for a massage. I don't know WHY she won't go. I hope she goes.

I think I have to take some aspirin cause my hair is hurting me!

ok…tangent…I am making my mom sound worse than she actually is..i'm sure u know what I mean. :) she is a great mom. I wouldn't trade her in or anything at the mom factory :)

the wind is whipping around outside. it's coldish. the sun keeps dipping in and out of clouds.

oh wait..i have to go on one last tangent of the day about being bisexual. why on earth do so many people think that just cause you're bi you'd like to have a threesome or something? jeez! just STOP it. get a clue. ( that comment was only for the people who might want to write me now and say..oh when do we get to see u with a chick?..well, never K? cause I have jason. end of story. :)

I am listening to the marine girls now. it was traci thorns 1st band. I was pretty floored to see it was out on cd! if you'd like a really mellow sweet girly lounge summery cd, GET it. love love love! I miss that daisy chainsaw band..i wish they'd get back together! that girl was THE coolesy. did u know that gina from the raincoats did their video for "love your money?" she was going to do my video too when I was on columbia. I picked her out from a pile of a hundred video people. I didn't know it was gina from the raincoats. I just saw that she'd done a raincoat video too…so I told her I thought that was so cool. then she said she was IN the raincoats! wow! I was talking to her on the phone in my bathroom with the door closed 'cause it was the quietest part of my apartment becausethat day the wind was REALLY loud. it was insanely loud it sounded like a train trying to crash through my windows. I told her about my cam a month ago, but I don't know if she ever checked it out or not. I hope she did, I think she'd like it.

so I just have been super busy and if I haven't been busy I've been recooperating.

I went through all the anapix ever and picked out 800 of my fave to put up in an archive soon. maybe I told u all of this already! I think I did! sorry if I'm repeating myself. the sun is shining on me now. I'm going to do lots of cool pictures wit my new hair :) I want to sew embroidery thread through it if I get the energy. I probably won't have that kind of energy since I think it'd be hard to do that to yourself on your own head. the angle would make your hands fall asleep.

I should eat something but I'm totally not hungry. I have had no appetite lately. I've been really hyper and nervous. I think this is all I can type out for now. here is something I posted in anarchy right after my hair was finished yesterday:

Posted by ANA on September 13, 1999 at 19:57:53:

yes! i really like them! at first i thought i wasn't going to because they came over with a different colour than i wanted. i wanted white ones with intertwined pieces of ash blonde. but they came over with a yellowish blonde which i thought would lok terrible! but it doesn't, it looks really cool :) my head feels bizarre like i have a ton of little screws in it. i need to eat sometjing i'm all shaky. so more later! i got them for free ( but i tipped her ) as long as i keep their name in my caption fort awhile and let the word out. and she was super fast! it only took her 4 hours! so i have LOTS of stuff on my head to play with! when it stops hurting a bit i'll start messing around with it :) but right now i just need some food and to go watch some tv! :)))) btw, i went through all the anapix that ever were sent to me and picked out 760 of them to put in an archive! i had to transfer all of those and then some off of my old computer onto floppies then put them on my new computer. so that is my new project i'm working on :)