2:18a me hungry. me go hunt in kitchen for tasty treats :) Current
Mood: hungry i
feel so AUGH lately because 15 pounds have crept onto my body and
will not leave. i know i am still skinny-ish, i am just morer curvy
now, which is kid of interesting and fun to play around with in a
marilyn monroe kind of way. i am glad i have my big breasts to match
what has adhered to the lower portion of my body. it's one of the
reasons i got them..so things would "match" better, in my
mind. it takes me so long to get ready to get outside. i still need to find my walk man anbd decide what music to put in it. i need a new walkman , too i need to make myself the ultimate REM compilation tape Saturday, September 9th, 2000
i got your videotape of your show, shannon kringen :) and i watched that and thoroughly enjoyed it :) that's
all for now , i hope your saturday was pleasant, too :)
i saw curtis at the emmy's..his prize ( the guy from big brother ) it would seem they are not going to walk out en masse on wednesday. i wonder what changed their minds? i
wish they 'd walk out. i think that's be very ORIGINAL :)
the salon is a really good place to go to read a lot of things about big brother. except that they hate chiquita, the pug :( and also it seems that they WANT the houseguests to be mean to each other, for our entertainment. which is what big brother wants. i
agree that drama is , for the most part, more entertaining than regular
ordinary days. why is a house full of diverse people being friends a disapointing thing as opposed to a house full of diverse people ripping each other's hair out? i guess THAT'S why i find the show "refreshing", even tho other's do not. the amercian big brother tv show did NOT "go as planned", and isn't THAT the crux of what "reality tv" is supposed to be about? REALITY? i
am really disapointed in the big brother show that they have repeatedly
tried to make this all as fake as possible, and have changed the rules
as they went along. and then finally the other day, the household was going to walk out en masse on wednesday to make a statement that friendship rules over competition. and that dignity rules over money. and i thought that KICKED ASS! so what does the show do? well, u can read about it at salon at that url above. big brother IS the perfect name for the show. absolutely. i can't wait to hear what these houseguests will feel about their decision to be swayed by big brother not rebel...after they have left the house and they find out the whole story. and
when they have big brother 2, it will be very interesting to see what
kinds of people they pick to be in the house as opposed to who they
picked this time around. i
wouldn't be surprised at all, if , for the next one, they picked some
actors of their own just to make sure the house will be full of action
packed turmoil so
far i have not watched big brother on the internet because the sound
was so cruddy. but now , with the high bandwidth version, i am totally
hooked! my oh my...jason will be so thrilled (jason hates the big
brother show) today
is grey and humid, and i am very happy and satisfied to just watch
movies and big brother and putz about the house doing not much in
particular. i also got my period today and my face is all broken out and i'm all puffed. i had a weird dream that i had a baby, and my baby was a paint marker! curtis and cassandra and learning to juggle in their backyard. i guess it's very very hot there today. the chickencam is hilarious :) and the studiocam is eerie.planes keep going by at big brother saying mean things. so does anyone know what eddie said to the others about his night at the emmies? i haven't heard a peep about that. how many days exactly are left of this show? does it go on into october? there are a ton of interesting looking links at www.bigbrotheru4l.com it could keep me busy for awhile :) i might take out all my extensions today. they are getting too frazzly and yucky. i
have yummy butternet squash soup i might eat soon :) dennis
rodman tv? what the fuck? 30 bucks a month. it's
spreading like wildfire. it overwhelming! but i like it cause i'm in control, not anyone else :) it
is going to be a VERY interesting day indeed, when streaming with
sound is available to everyone and EVERYONE has a tv show :) i can't
wait! and what is L-Lysyime? ( sp? ) i am finally ripping yself away from the computer to fry myself some eggs. and hopefully take a bath and get outside for a few errands. it's
a strange day. it could be very happy nad peaceful if i would just
succumb to it's flow and not fight it can i rip myself away from the computer? aaa! ----minutes
pass..many minutes... all i can hera is airplanes airplanes airplanes on bigbrother shane
from interotique.com got me streaming video on ana2 going :) i
will work on getting sound going, too :)
i got in a horrific fight with my mom last night. it keeps getting worse and worse between us. she hates my cam, she hates what i believe and what i do and what i am trying to achieve. she thinks my site is disgusting and promotes rape. she thinks my site is the kind of site that rapists go to to get all jacked uo before they rape someone. this hurts me more deeply than i can express. i feel shattered and heartbroken i had dreams about her disowning me. she told me that all her family in canada has now called her expressing that they feel so bad for my mom because if what i do. and she says all her friends say this, too. i will write about this more. but right now i need to get more centered and try to process the entire argument and....something i am so exhausted and so sad. so today i will work on the anagram to at least try to keep moving forward |