analog 09.11.99 (excerpt from anagram on )
i feel like i'm coming down with something today. maybe because i drank two days this week and i don't normally drink that much. plus i went out last night to the 400 bar and saw one of my favourite bands of all time, The Pretty Things. not many people know who they are. they were contempoaries with the rolling stones, but they were far more radical, imo. because i feel kind of sick right now i don't have the energy to go into much of this and that's too bad cause i've got some great stories revolving around how i know two of them. after jason and i went for a walk was gorgeous out...i came back in and checked my phone messages, something i also rarely ever do. and Dick Taylor, the guitarist of the pretty things left a message saying they were in town and playing that night ( saturday). so i completely freaked out in the best way cause i hadn't seen him in 6 years and i bleached my hair and got all decked out! and it was 4 original members of the pretty things! it was their 1st ever appearance in the USA. AND they played about 4 songs off S.F. Sorrow, one of my favourite albums of all time. and it was the first ever "rock opera". The Who's "Tommy" is a beer record, The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" is a pot record, and The Pretty Thing's "S.F. Sorrow" is an LSD record :) they have it for sale at cdnow. i still have to buy it myself on cd. i have it on vinyl, but not original vinyl, a reissue. another fantastic album by them is "Parachute" and then if u love early 60's R&B like stones...then you will LOVE the pretty thing's 1st album. it kicks ASS.
so i was dancing around and drinking too much guiness at that show and i ran into so many old friends it was wonderful :)
now today i feel yucky. but i got the new anapix up, and i'm making this anagram, and i'm boiling some beets!
tomorrow i'm getting braided extensions at 1pm! a girl named bobby from the robert james salon in downtown minneapolis is coming over here to do them. i'm excited!
ok, that's all for now cause i think i'm getting a temperature or something. the next thing i'm going to work on is getting all the past anapix into an archive, and thanks to mister e pointing me in the direction of this great thumbnailing programme called "pink mouse" i can do it A LOT faster and easier than before! i did this weeks anapix with it and it saved HOURS of time! and that's what i used to put up pages 15-47 in arcana. go check out all the new pages in arcana 'cause that took a WEEK of work! i feel so satisfied :)