analog 09.08.99 (excerpt from anagram on )
there are a lot cooler pix i took in the last few days. but i've decided that i'll stick those in the arcana archive that i've been working on updating. the pictures in this anagram are ones that are still nice but don't quite make the grade to go into the archive. and here i thought i didn't have enough cool pix to make an anasgram..then kinda snuck up on me that i have too many! i was overwelmed, and i'm so tired and i couldn't decide how to sort it all out but i wanted to get an anagram up and tell u what's up. so this is what that is. a kind of hodge podge anagram. the good pix will go into the archive very soon.
i didn't get the winproxy yet 'cause it's 300 i have to wait for a check to clear..then i'll order it on the net..then it'll take a few days to get to me..then i'll install it..and THEN HOPEFULLY the streaming will be going!
i had a three hour interview with mpr ( minnesota public radio ) today. PLUS the first copies of the Yahoo Internet Life magazine i'm in are out. i thought it wasn't coming out until the 15th. maybe just the people that subscribe to it get it this early. i still can't get my hands on a copy. but goofygrape was kind enough to scan a copy and the jeff was kind enough to put it on his page. so i nabbed it and the links are down below to it.
here is a post i made about it:
In Reply to: Ana's Yahoo Internet Life article posted by The Jeff on September 08, 1999 at 13:17:45: wow! i will have 2 digest that. in summary i'd say they did a pretty good job. although there were quite a few things that were very wrong...but nothing hugely important. the pictures of me, to me, look really bad...not because of the photographer but i was REALLY REALLY tired that day and totally not in to getting my photo taken and i think my face looks old and bloated..which it was that day. it was just a bad day to get my photo taken. and i think that comes across in the photos..u can see how "not there" i am ..and how tired i am... but i'm probably being over critical of myself. but DAMN, i was NOT thinking that it was going to be THAT big of an article! holy god! WOW! it is a BIG article! i am flabberghasted and very lucky!! :) it was interesting to see how he "made me talk" since he wrote down notes as we talked..he did word things in a way i would never word stuff...but he did make me sound intelligent! :) ha :) i'm glad the sentences he made me say were well put together sentences...something i'm not THAT great at in "real life" i talk a mile a minute and overly preface my thoughts to the point of getting lost from the original thought. !! it'll be interesting to see what jason thinks of it. what does "affable" mean?
i could say a ton more..but i must get into the bed! too much craziness today :) but in a good way :) i am happy. deiter is running all over the living room. i think i'll put this up now, then have one more beer, then fall asleep.
oh! and monday i'm going to get long braided extensions! all over my head! down my back! really thin braids. blonde and white! for free! the woman who cuts jason's hair is going to do it. i'm so excited! :) lots of possibilities with that! :) is are the links to the yahoo internet life article: