analog 09.05.99 (excerpt from anagram on )


all today I renamed 1.639 jpegs that I managed to compile together from anagrams and various folders. then I downloaded lots of thumbnail programmes trying 2 figure out what would work best for me. found a thing called au2thumbs at I like. very simple. I'm waiting for my registration code so I can make it work again! it only let me do thumbs once before stopping! ack! my brain is mush. I'll probably dream about renaming jpegs now. my dreams were so weird last night I couldn't even begin 2 describe them. tomorrow morning the computer fixer guy is coming, so perhaps by the early afternoon there will be streaming vid going! I sure hope so! although don't expect me to do anything spectacular with it yet, I'm in thumbnail making mode. I got the new anapix up, too. in case u didn't know that. and here are some posts I made:

Posted by ANA on September 04, 1999 at 16:15:13: i'm doing the anapix if any of u have some that u haven't sent one in yet and u want in to be shown in this week's anapix, send it to be pronto at: jpeg and gif files only. and to the jeff...can i add your rough sketch to anapix this week?

i was in the middle of making the anapix and everything was going fine, then i remembered that i take all my pictures that are non-nude and put them on simplenet..which is a huge pain in the ass. so i had to delete everything then start over again. then...i must have made the folder in the wrong place or something 'cause nothing is working right :( i don't know WHY it made sense to me last week just fine, and today i am so horribly confused about the whole thing! ACK! so i have to start over all over again. *sigh* that is why there is a wondow of oppurtunity to get your anapic in...'cause i'm stepping away from it for a bit so i can calm down. otherwise i will throw my computer out the window! things would be so much easier ( but so much more expensive ) if i had all my pictures on instead of three different servers. it's insane. i will prevail tho. i will figure this damn thing out. and then i have to figure out a SIMPLE way to archive all my faves and winners. it's so hard to keep it all straight. i have a folder with every single anapic ever made in it, with the names of the pictures just the way they were sent to me. then i have another folder that is the "anapix to do" folder..where i rename them so that i can understand it, then a folder within that with the thumbnails. and it's so hard to keep typing things like yourname-thisisaverylongtitleforananapic.jpg !!!

ack then i have another folder that i move them all over to where it i actually take the pictures and put them on the html page, and then that's just too many folders to keep track of...all containing the same thing. so i have 2 simplify or i'm going to run out of room on my harddrive very fast. and then, after i pick the winners and faves to go into THEIR seperate folders and their corresponding thumbnails. what on earth? i am so confused. this is hard. maybe it is simple and i haven't worked out a simple strategy in my head. i'm trying to see the map of it..the logic of it..but my brain is mush. i'll figure it out tho, eventually.

i'm just typing this out because i need to just type anything right now just to keep my brain busy and to keep my gears from gridlocking. jason is having an even worse experience right now where the work he has been doing for his friend's website keeps getting erased. and it was just erased for the 11th time just he is totally freaking out understandably. maybe it's bad day to be at the computer.

it's really grey and hazy. nothing is running very smoothly today. maybe mercury is in retrograde?

maybe i should just read today. i started reading " do androids dream of electric sheep?" i can't believe i haven't read it yet since bladerunner is my fave movie. so far it's nothing like the movie, in a really cool way. i love the mood machine thing! very humourous :) i wasn't expecting the book to start off in a humourous way. yesterday was very fun. kind of the opposite of today, although today did start out very nicely with jason making me scrambled eggs! mmmmm :) but now it has deteriorated into computer i'm slowly backing up out of that by writing this... anyway..back 2 the fair...

when i go to the state fair i almost always go with my dad. but I haven't gone in about 3 or 4 years because I went so many years in a row back then I got kind of burnt on it. the reasons I go to the fair are: 1) to see the llamas 2)to eat mini donuts 3) to get free plastic rosaries at that catholic booth I love llamas so much. they have such big cute eyes and smooshy noses. someday I hope I can have some llamas and dye them colours like pink and purple and tie little bells into their fur and ride them into town when I need to go shopping! did u know that llamas make great "watch dogs"? I didn't either! this year their was a llama obstacle course contest. their were only two entries! (???) the owner had to take their llama on the leash and guide them through three fake bushes, I tiny little thing to step over, a tiny little step stair thing, a kiddy pool full of water….weird. the first llama did not do very well. it was completely obstinate. but the 2nd llama passed with flying colours. this year I saw that people are starting to shave their llamas very similar to poodles! maybe that was always the case and I just hadn't noticed it. but it was awfully cute :)

I got a free pink xreoxed paper hat thing from "the oink booth" and there was no hat at "the moo booth" which I was sad about because I wanted 2 get that for dankitti and send it to him along with his cd cover he has from my single that I was supposed to autograph and send back to him about 500 years ago ( you'll get it dankitti! I swear!) there was a big mama pig with baby pigs that reminded me of deiter. my dad gleefully took me to the machiner that automatically milks the cows and he made me put my thumb In it. he was grinning like a sadist or something..and so was the guy in charge of the machine…and so I trusted my dad and stuck my thumb in..and THAT was thumb almost got sucked off my hand! eeee. my dad grew up on a farm so he knows all about these things :)

I finally saw the dairy princess exhibit where each princess gets her head carved from a 50 lb chunk of pure butter. they put the winning princess' in this cold revolving glass case..and u can watch while the lady carves the heads from butter and the girl sits in their all dressed up in a parka very cold. which was weird because it was a dreadfully hot day on the outside with tons of humidity, I was sweating up a storm. I guess each princess ( about 6 of them ) get to keep their butter head after the fair. you'd have to buy a special freezer just for it! I guess some of the girls save it till their wedding day then stick it on the buffet on tha day. most bizarre. only in minnesota!

I actually didn't eat any mini donuts this time around…I stopped at the cream puff stand instead! mmmm :) mostly what is at this fair besides deep fried foods like cheese curds and rides is just stuff to buy. tons of kitchy stuff. stuff that is too horrible to describe, but it's fun to look at it anyway because it's just so awful u can't believe it. I love kitch :) but I'm pretty picky about what kind I would actually buy. like I'm not gonna go get anything that says "home sweet home" on it on a deer antler.

I got my name printed out in braille. I love braille. it looks like aliens made it. it's so pretty . and I want 2 learn how 2 read it someday :) my dad made me get my picture taken so it could be instantly printed out onto a piece of paper with the 2000 calendar on it. it was the most god awful picture of me ever almost. the light just hit my nose and nothing else. blarg. then when I said that to my dad that he has to do that now for me, he wouldn't do it! I got jason a present. it is a foot tall green flourescent clear plastic space alien guy drinking cup with a straw thing. eeee :) I saw thee guys make a 15 feet tall ice sculpture in the blazing hot. it was a giant eagle with spread wings on top of a swirly mountain pedestal thing. it was melting so much it looked like a river was flowing over it and it was gorgeous glinting there completely transparent. I wish I could have stayed long enough to watch it crash.

I saw and heard lots of terrible country bands. I'm glad my dad doesn't like country either so we split that scene whenever that would start happening near us. I like patsy cline kind of country..but not that southern fried redneck keep your hands offa ma woman I'm so drunk kind of country. lemme, see what else… just walked through everything…fine art building, arts and crafts, the bandstand, 4-h ( where I got a fan in the shape of the 40h clover…I also got a hat in the shape of a pickle!), the place where all the honey is and u can see the bees. I learned that it takes 500 bees making 20,000 trips at 1.6 miles on the average each trip…each trip visiting about 60 flowers, to make a pound of honey. or something way worse than that. it was just beyond comprehension. it was a lot of bees, a lot of miles, a lot of flowers…my dad and I were just freaking on that. my dad says now he doesn't know if he could eat honey again because he feels guilty over how much effort goes into it for such a small amount of honey. I will still eat honey..but I will give thanks even more for it now! god, so much more…

I see it all in my head but it's too much to all write down. I think u get the jist of it. I was there for about 8 hours! the time just whizzed by. when I got home I had that great exhausted feeling from having such a physical day. I haven't felt that physical tired exhausted feeling in a long time! it was nice. I took a shower then watched movies. last night I watched "suicide kings" very good movie! other movies I watched lately are "the wife" "what happened was" and "bakara" and "u turn" all really great! right now I'm wearing this dress from the 30's that I've been wearing for days now. I stick it in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet to get it cleaner. my hair is sticking up all over in the stupidest way from sleeping on it. I should get in the shower to redo my hair or something. and I gotta get my rent to the landlord. and then after that maybe I'll try to figure out how to get the anapix up again.

thank u everyone for you're great emails u send me :)I love them so much! I just smile and smile and it gives me so much energy for the day! thank u very very much! oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo (except for the guy who keeps writing to me whining that all he ever gets are these mass emailings and he never gets a personal letter from me. DUDE! DO I EVEN KNOW WHO U R? NO! DUDE! WHY DID U SUBSCRIBE 2 A MASS EMAIL LIST IF U HATE MY EMAILINGS! DUDE! UNSUBSCRIBE THE DIRTECTIONS ON HOW TO DO THAT ARE RIGHT BELOW! LOL :) ok, I guess I'll end it here for now :) I have suffiently calmed down from my anapix nightmare! :

) luv and gummi worms, ana

Posted by ANA on September 06, 1999 at 12:50:27: In Reply to: my grandfather died last night posted by eris on September 05, 1999 at 15:27:47:

i'm sorry for your loss :( it was weird for me when my first grandparent died ( which was my grandfather on my dad's side). he was the one i liked the most. he was a farmer in northern minnesota. he was very soft spoken and seemed so kind and down 2 earth. i wish i could talk to him NOW when i could have actually had a conversation with him. back then, he just seemed too huge a figure to actually go up to and talk with. my dad has his eyes, and i have my dad's we all share this and it makes me feel happy and connected :) my grandfather died in the hospital. i think it was a cancer thing. i had a prominition dream that he had died. and then i had another dream where i helped him die. i was in this train with him with the doors open, and i told him it was ok to leave the train. it's too much 2 write here quickly, maybe someday i will elaborate. but i felt very close 2 him because of those 2 dreams. after he died, i had a bunch of dreams where he showed me all the cool things he could do now that he was in another dimension. stuff like putting chairs on the ceiling and stuff. :) after that i've never dreamt of him again. so i feel assured he is happy. :) but i do dream about the farm a lot. and the big house. i wish i could afford to buy it. i feel very fortunate that i was able 2 see a real family farm the way it was done in "the old days" :) *sigh* when the funeral came, i didn't go see his body in the casket. i refused to look at it. i never wanted that to be in my memory. my memory of him is always him alive, sitting at the dinner table eating my grandmother's chicken soup with dumplings. :) she made THEE best soup. now i know how to make her soup , too. all my grandparent's are dead now. it's a weird feeling. i can't fathom my parent's will die. i think when that happens i will totally lose it. and i REALLY can't comprehend that I will die. i just can't believe it. i keep getting struck with that truth more and more lately. really really weird.