analog 08.30.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

here are some pix from yesterday, the a bunch more left over ones from august thrown in. i'm drinking coffee with chocolate syrup in it. i rarely ever drink coffee because i think i'm god then i crash. it looks like a gorgeous day outside and i have no desire whatsoever 2 go out there. but maybe i'll make myself because therer are a bunch of errands out there that need to be done. an accountant i hired 2 do my taxes for the last fours years is still not done with them. i guess he filed 2 extensions. then he just NOW tells me he needs all my bank statements. so i went and rounded up every one i have saved and i'm just going to mail it all to him and hope that will be good enough. i never did my taxes for the last four years because i never made much money and because i couldn't afford to pay taxes. now it'll probably all catch up to me and who knows what i owe in taxes and fines and also paying this accountant. i'm pretty scared. jason has been working so hard putting in 14 hour days with no weekends off trying to get this project done for his work. he is practically the only person coding it and it's so huge and mind boggling it just makes me hurt to think about it. but supposedly the deadline is sept 15th. so i look fwd 2 that day greatly! my watch stopped and i'm going nuts about not knowing what time it is. i don't know why i need 2 know the time..i don't have a schedule...but i just like 2 know. i once tried going without a watch for a few months 2 see if i could get used 2 it, but it just drove me crazy. i ended up stopping everyone on the street 2 ask them what time it was. i think i need 2 call the geek squad and get them to get my other computer going on this hub thing. because both jason and i are stumped on what 2 do. but i don't want 2 call them until i've cleaned a bit in here because it's embarrassingly messy. *sigh* my newest fun thing 2 do is listen 2 scanners on the net. i used 2 listen 2 ones that picked up airports. but now i've discovered one that picks up people's cell phone calls! woa! very freaky! all of us in #analove on IRC are just laughing our asses off. it's pretty sick. for some reason it has stopped working for me now. maybe they took it down. i don't know. but i wish it would come back. it's gleefully strange! i've got 2 go get myself a scanner!

i went crazy yesterday( or was it the day before?)and bought a bunch of cds at cd now here is what i wrote on anarchy1 about it:

"i am ordering cds online right now!!! i'm going crazy! so far i have: killing joke: what is this for? the marine girls: lazy ways/beach party ( i didn't know there was a cd of this! i have both albums on vinyl! yay! ) the slits: in the beginning ( i wonder what this is? i'm excited! ) the buzzcocks: singles going steady ( i'm already drooling ) polyrock : no love lost ( this is on cd , too?? i'm in heaven! ) bill nelson: what now what next? the best of bill nelson ( ooooo ) b 52s : wild planet the pretty things : resurrection/s.f. sorrow ( *faint* ) the pandoras: it's about time yesssssssssssss now if only i could afford those too Prisoners Imports ( wizermizerdemelza etc...i'd be TOTALLY freaking!!! )have u ever heard toyah? i have always been fascinated with her, but i've never yet heard her music! i also got moby: animal rights and the new london suede! i didn't know they had a new one out! oooooo now i just have 2 get every single siouxie and the banshees cd and nina hagen and elvis costello and... ultravox and... so much... "


i also got moby's animal rights and suede's new one. the polyrock and pandora's cd was not in stock..but i hope they get it in!