analog 08.29.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )


i am so tired. it is so grey outside. i was really tired yesterday too. but it seems like i had a pretty nice day anyway, although i can't remember much about it. i think i was chatting in irc for most of the day. and later on i went out to eat with jason and his parents. i was just sort of fiddling around and putzing about all day. looking at adobe illustrator trying to figure it out, which i didn't because i only spent 5 minutes trying. i didn't have much of an attention span. played with dogs a lot. deiter turned one but was oblivious to his birthday but we gave him lots of treats anyway. today is actually cold whereas yesterday was very hot. september is almost here. every september i always play david sylvian's "september" song and then reminise ( sp?) about all the other septembers i played that song and where i was in my life. it's the perfect september song. the first time i played it was when i was living at lorna doones. i found that david sylvian song at a garage sale for a dime. best dime i ever spent. the album is called "secret of the beehive" i was playing it on the realaudio the other day for u but i don't know if anyone was listening. it's one of the most amazing records ever, imo. anyway..lorna had this rundown balcony. and i'd go sit up there and take in the last bits of summer. and i had just broken up with the psycho vampire boyfriend and was just starting to get over the pain of it and feel a little bit of refief and happiness for my freedom come into me. it's such a great feeling when u get over a really bad relationship, like you've been born again. so now when i play it, i still see myself up in that balcony feeling relief and then i feel double relief that i'm not on that balcony anymore, but i'm here. it's a weird happy/sad feeling that i like. knowing that soon i'll be getting out the sweaters and i can dress nice again. i love fall. i wish it lasted more than 3 days in this state. i've been getting up in the morning lately and i don't know what to do with myself lately. i think i'm a little bit depressed lately.but not a ton or anything. it kind of comes and goes. i really want to sink my teeth into a project but don't have that drive yet. can't force it. i know. gotta go with the flow. maybe i should read a book. i never did finish neuromancer. now i'll have to reread it. i think i'll start reading "when androids dream of electric sheep" i never did read that yet. have u read any good books lately?

holy cow! my trash tv show "forgive or forget" is not on! it's something new called "divorce court"! LOL! how harsh is that? why would people want to do that on tv? i'll never get it. but here i am watching it. which is worse?
i'm not the kind of person that stops to watch accidents, though.

jason got a hub for our computers now. and my computer is running on it fine. but my new computer for the streaming won't recognize it or talk to my main computer. so i'm trying to figure out what to do with that. guru in irc gave me some suggestions, so i'll show that to jason when he gets home from work and see if he can do that. because it totally alludes me. i wish i knew more about those things.