analog 08.27.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )

yesterday was too hot and humid to really enjoy. and today, so far, it's very grey and dismal. but i don't mind too much. deiter keeps squeaking the new toy from morgaine. just the elephant is left intact. i'll get the needle and thread out later and sew them up :) deiter sez " yuurejreuyduh" to morgaine!

i got up at 8am today 'cause i went 2 sleep at 10pm last night 'cause i got up at 8am yesterday. what's up with that? i don't know what to do with myself this early in the morning! there is no email to read. there are no postings on the bbs. there are no bad talk shows on. it's not time for lunch. i am confused.

i took my stripey pants out of the dryer and put them on. yes, i do wash them!

i think today jason and i are going to go out and get a hub to network our computers together. and perhaps tonight there will be streaming, if everything goes right. which , u know, in the world of computers..anything could happen :/

what else? god. i don't know! it's just too early in the morning! thank god i had an anagram to do or what would i have done? stare? sigh? make tea? i need a balcony.

had an interesting discussion about the fears and expectations of aging yesterday on anarchy bbs.

ummmm. ohmigod deiter is going crazy! LOL :) i wish u could see! when i get the streaming going hopefully that will capture his craziness. what a tongue on that dog! he is the squiggler :)

oh ya, had this weird dream this morning that i was trying to smuggle this new kind of plastic/polymer out of the country so that people could make wheel chairs out of it. it was super string and the evil government wanted it to make weapons out of. i was seperated from my family. my brother was frozen instantly on top of a mountain and i had to leave him there. i vowed to come back on the spring when it would thaw. i prayed the birds wouldn't eat his face. then i found him later pretending to be dead so he wouldn't die. that was also me at the same time. then he/i turned himself/myself into a hat that was some kind of african hat but it was shaped like a sailor hat but it was too small for me to wear. so i carried it/me/my brother. this hat had hidden inside of it the special polymer ( what is polymer?).

i tried to make it past the guards in the park to make a run for it. i saw that the evil man that represented the government saw that the hat was just a disguise for the polymer. i just had to run and be obvious. i clammered with all my might up some new construction of pine and flaps of plastic floppin in the wind to protect it from rain. i can't explain it. i prayed i wouldn't get shot. then i woke up.