analog 08.21.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )
2 1/2 hours until anacam's 2nd anniversary :)'s probably the 2nd anniversary right now 'cause i think the 1st pix from anacam were taken on the eve of the 21st. but i just say 22nd 'cause it's a pretty # :) i finally cleaned off my desk...which means i just threw everything that was on my desk into the thing room. then i gotta go into the thing room and go on the computer that died ( anacam's 1st computer ) and get everything off there i need 2 get. then i'm gonna take the black monitor off of the other computer i have in there ( just this little slow thing ) and take that monitor and put it on my desk in the living room and hook it up to my new computer. then take off the semi-broken monitor off of the dead computer and put that on my little computer 'cause i have tonssssss of anapix on there to get off of there and put back on the net in an archive. then i realized that even though i have this kick ass computer for streaming, my other line is just a phone line! ack! so i HAVE 2 get a hub! PLUS, i need another cam 2 then connect 2 the computer 2 stream! DUH! so there is A LOT i still need 2 get and do. a lot. anacam shifts and moves and groans and expands and contracts and breathes and wonders and sighs and looks at u ...right into the 3rd year :) THREE the number of creativity. i wonder what's in store? i'm excited! oh, and as i go into the next year i'm gonnna try to make no more 2's and u's because i just started that to cut down on time 'cause i couldn't type. but dammit i'm gonna learn TO type in the next year, i sure to hell hope so. so i need TO get back TO typing my journals and i need TO break myself of the habit of typing 2, even though i think it's pretty. although i'll still keep it for captions 'cause there is limited space on those. and i'll keep it for writing pretty in art things :)
go here and check out these amazing haunting handmade dolls!