analog 08.16.99 ( excerpt from anagram on )
what i'm really
working on is this 94 page anagram. i made this little cute collage punk collage
book once full of drawings and diary entries from 1976-79 that are hilarious
as hell. i'm ALMOST done with it. it took forever to scan. then type out all
the things that were too hard to read. and rename all the pictures and make
sure i had them in the right order. no i have 2 make the html page so u can
see them.
i went to bed last night at 11:30. i had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night
before and 3 the night before that. but i still woke up at 3am and laid there
until 6am doing positive affirmations to try to make myself sleepy. well, i
AM sleepy! i just can't sleep. i'm out of xanax. i see the dr. on the 4th so
who knows how much sleep i'll get. i'm anxious about being anxious. and for
some reason my body is so bloated that i can't get into any of my shoes and
i can't get this one ring off my finger. it feels so uncomfortable. i can feel
this layer of water underneath my skin making everything taute and puffy. it's
kind of freaking me out.
now it's 10am and i'm gonna try 2 sleep a bit more. blarg. blarg is my new word
for how i feel.
jason left for work.
i'll maybe get the 10 pound anagram up later tonight...
oh and i can't
get cams 3 and 4 working now! argh. it's the computer..they are on the first
anacam computer. one day it stopped working and i bought my new one. then when
i turned it on for cams 3 and 4 it was working for awhile there, but now it
has reverted back to not working :(
on a good note, it looks like i'm going to be getting yet another computer and
i'm going to have streaming on that for as close to 24/7 as possible. i think
jason would lose his mind if it were on 24/7