analog 081202

[08 Aug 2002|02:53pm]
today wil be my 4th day of taking .5 of paxil instead of .10
so fra so good , but i have notived that my dreams are getting creepier.
but that also could be becauyse i am under a lot of stress and i am running behind on many things.
then it's bb3 and also american idol? i get the days mixed up.
i was shocked to see christina go! i thought for sure it would be that "punk" girl, or the guy with the poofy hair or r.j.
i wonder why she wasn't on last night. was she sick?
i'm still trying to care about bb3 but i just don't.
i thought the anna nicole show was pretty sad and i wonder if she is even in a right state of mind to even know what she is deciding when she lets the cameras follow her around. it seems that perhaps this show is a cry for help from her.
although, people have said the exact same thing about me, and that isn't true for me, so i could be dead wrong about nicole. who knows?

ok, i must get to cleaning my house a bit before i try tackling all the other things!
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[08 Aug 2002|11:58pm]
kiitos came over and helped me with my ebay stuff. that helped me Sooooo Much! and i got the 1 pound box of surprises all ready to go :)
i gave kittos a bunch of treats for helping me :)
green parrot crochet hat, cookie jar, some of my art, a few knick knacks.

and i got a tiny bit of my house clean. did lots of laundry, too.
every bit counts!
i know that boring to read but that is what my life is about right now. taking care of the mundane things. trying to get ahead.

thank you so much everyone for your positive words of support! [09 Aug 2002|01:42am]
you give me strength! :)
it helps very much!
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scrumbler magazine [09 Aug 2002|01:55am]
i don't need another thing to do by any means. and i shouldn't even THINK about it. but i can't help it. i think i wnat to work on a free form crochet/scrumbling "fanzine".
there isn't such a thing that i can find. i'm going to do this eventually.

if you make free form crochet things and you want to share a picture of what you made in the fanzine, email me

then i can at least have something to start with :)
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inspiring site :) [09 Aug 2002|03:18am]
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dare to be dull :) [09 Aug 2002|03:58am]
from Rob Brezney's Free Will Astrology newsletter.

"August 7, 2002

Dear Beauty and Truth Fanatics,

If the pressure to be an interesting person with something
important and fascinating to say has you chronically on the verge
of a spiritual emergency, take a placebo -- any placebo -- and
get ready to take a nice long break. Beginning Wednesday, August
7 and lasting through Tuesday, August 14, it's DARE TO BE
BORING WEEK -- a holiday that not only allows you, but
*encourages* you to be as dull as you can.

Long-winded, rambling monologues full of
excruciatingly obscure and unprovocative details will be *de
rigueur.* The more clichés and buzz words you use, the happier
and prouder you'll be. Tell worn-out old stories your friends
have already heard several times. Flesh out your conversations
with interminable and unpregnant silences. Discuss in
outrageous length your plans for switching laundry detergents,
the collection of matchbooks you had as a child, and the time you
almost traveled to Maui, but didn’t.

We all deserve a break from the oppressive demands to
be stimulating and entertaining. During Dare to Be Boring
Week, it will be socially unacceptable to demonstrate your wit
and verve. Relax, therefore, and luxuriate in the taboo comfort
of inane blandness.

At some later date, when you’ve recovered your dash, write and
tell us holiday inventors here at the Beauty and Truth Lab how
you bored yourself and your friends into a fabulously empty
thanks thingie for showing me this :)

[09 Aug 2002|05:59pm]
i went to bed at 7am and woke up at 4:30pm again. this has to stop somehow. what i am going to try now is taking my medication NOW so that by the time it's 10pm it will take effect and i will go to sleep so i can get up in the MORNING.

i need to get to the store for food and beverages.

the office asked me if they could show my apartment yet and i was taken aback by that because it is in NO way showable! good lord. i just have to hold them back on that for as long as i can. i start moving my stiff into my new apartment in the 29th. and then on the 31st actual movers are coming to help me with the big stuff.

i am thinking about perhaps lending my musical instruments out to people intstead of selling them. then i don't have to store them and they get to be played and i can get them back at a later time.

i have to get to the store now and also go rummage through the recycling for some boxes. the office told me that they saw someone putting a bunch of really nice boxes in there.

i have grown some sort of colourless mole or wart or something on my chin in just the last month. it appeared out of nowhere. does this mean i am truly a witch now? :)
i have to get to a dermatologist and get it off. it freaks me out. but i cannot afford it right now.
isn't that a fascinating bit of news?

many things to say plus questions [10 Aug 2002|06:54pm]
[ mood | busy ]

fetik3's 16 channel mixer was stolen :(
i received an invitation to the premier of cirque du soleil! :)
my phone was shut off again. i feel stupid.
i want to buy granny squares from someone.
if anyone is interested, name me a price per square that you would want :)
i am also interested in buying 1 inch, 2 inch 3 inch and 4 inch flat round crocheted spiral doilies from someone.if anyone is interested, name me a price per square that you would want per each size spiral thing.
i saw a winter looking sky yesterday.
i hate and love that winter is coming.
mostly hate.
i start moving into my new aprtment on the 29th.
is the anna nicole show on saturdays or sundays?
what is a women's size six equal to in a men's size? a boy's size?
what i want for xmas is an s size crochet hook in clear plexiglass!
i am going to try going back on the atkin's diet soon.
i am weaning myself off of sugar.
i am going to move a computer back into the bathroom.
when i have my new apartment i will have nowhere to hide!
i wish i could find all the partments in the twin cities area ( that are not in bad neighbourhoods ) that accept dogs living with you ( at least TWO dogs...not that am going to get rid of 1 dog...but i think i could pull off them thinking i have only 2 )
i'll probably just stay in this building tho and hope a studio opens up...which is 700 bucks. i will be paying 900 when i move into my new one.
a savings of 425 for me!
i can't wait until they come out with a DIET vanilla coke!
if anyone has any:
granny squares
1/2 done crocheting projects that won't be finished, most likely
junk jewelry
beads of any sort
plastic honey bear bottles
old paintings with frames that you hate

that you want to get rid of, let me know :)

i want to make a house out of coffee cans and cement.

if anyone knows where to find what kind of homes are NOT approved to build in saint paul, MN...let me know!
i think i will sell my hats with a head that i will make...which will also be an art pice.
that way i can sell my hats on those heads as a sculpture.
because i think people like my hats but most people think they are too weird to actually wear.
would this interest you more to buy my hats?
i can't decide with what medium i will make the heads with.
if you have suggestions, let me know :)

maybe somewhere someone has a kiln and would let me use it so i can make the heads out of clay or porcelian?


[10 Aug 2002|08:37pm]

flower's ana voog "moveable art"
click right here to see it! it's lovely :)

[11 Aug 2002|11:43pm]
a woman i know is taking my apartment when i move out! i like that i know her and like her so i feel better about moving now :)
she wanted one of my shelves , so i gave it to her and i also gave her my 301 cd changer since i don't have the $ to fix it right now. she was super happy :)
i am so glad when i can give things away to peolpe who really love them :)
i am on a getting-rid-of-things kick!

[12 Aug 2002|11:42pm]

i cleaned, packed, threw things away, and gave things away for 7 hours today.
i'll be sore tomorrow! but i hope i won't be.
it's a very freeing feeling!

now i am listening to george michael's faith record.
i know that is uncool. but it's a damn good record!
i think he is an amazing singer

i'm eating cherries. i have to start getting ready for bed soon.