analog 080500

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2000

12:22p my random music stopped playing sometime in the night. it seems that if i don't have 301 cds in there, the random stops sometimes. bummer
hard weird dreams with tori in them. trying 2 keep her safe from harrassers when she just wanted 2 shop. uncomfortable, anxious

4:24p i'm hearing music on my stream that i have never heard and don't know what is is!

4:26p ok, thank u for the link to this cd carryring case:

but does it hold the cd covers? i don't want to put cds in it..just cd covers...know what i mean?

6:29p fake fur
now i am looking online for a place to buy some really fluffy fake fur. i want to cover the couch cushions with it. i need green or black for the couch, but i'd also like to get other colours like pink and white

Thursday, August 3rd, 2000

2:10p ooo, i just got my new grado sr60 headphones :)
nummy :)

i have never owned a goof pair of headphones, and they were very cheap for how good they are. 80 bucks :)
bleu llamma told me about them in my chatroom
( #analove)

yep, pretty damn nice :)
and they are very light on your head.
i got them from

i got the 15' extension it just BARELY makes it over 2 my thank god for that :)

i don't know what i'm going 2 do with today.
i guess i will start deleting people from my mailing list like said i was going 2 do days ago.

hereandnow has invited me to come and visit them next, so i have 2 figure out which days to go :)
to hand out streaming! so, if u want streaming vid..go there and check it out :)

3:22p i cannot figure out whatsoever how to sign up to so i can put my music on there for people to listen to. augh.
i did try to set one up long ago, and i found that email and tried to activate it..but..i don't knwo..i got in but the only options it gave me is to listen to music. or else i can sign up a new i am the manager of that artist..but that makes no sense since i am the artist. the whole site makes no sense to me at all.

3:26p i did a search on anavoog at
and found a page that looks like a page i should put my music on..

but if i put in

it will only take me to the main page...i though if u sign up your url gets to here

plus u still have no idea how to access it to upload any songs

3:35p when i click on that i want to sign myself up i get this:

Master Admin
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Become a NMA Member Master Page Administration for

You do not have any Stations associated with your account.

Do you want more info? Read the FAQ.
Do you want to create your own Station? Create one now.

You do not have any artists associated with your account.

Do you already have an artist on this site? All you need to do is Associate it with this account using your old username and password.
Are you signing up a new artist that's not yet on the site? Signup a new artist here.

You are not signed up for the New Music Army.

Do you want more info? Check out the NMA Home.
Do you want to signup? Join the NMA.

and i can log in and then it takes me to this place where i had mail waiting for me, like spam, so i deleted it..and ....there was nothing else i could do...

3:40p well, i created my own "station" called anavoog at
altho, that is not what i wanted 2 do...
i just want to put my songs on there so people can make cds of them and stuff.
am i that retarded? jeepers.

3:46p i guess i am anavoog at, it seems i do remember my password and got in...and i have created a station. but still no understanding about how i can put MY music up there for sale :(

6:15p i just manually unsubbed 202 people from my mailing list. augh, that was so boring!

7:50p ok, i figured out the thing, thanks 2 u guys :)
i tried 2 upload an mp3 and it was not 2 their requirements, tho..i so i downloaded their mp3 making software

Friday, August 4th, 2000

6:31p free jazz
right now i have 2 go get ready to go see the milo fine free jazz ensemble!
i wish i had a tape to stick in my cam so i could take that with me then show it 2 u in streaming later! augh! so much to do!
here's an album cover i made for them...
if u love free jazz u will LOVE the milo fine free jazz ensemble. it changed my life!

Saturday, August 5th, 2000

1:11a u know a typing frenzy is just around the corner :)

1:14a only one day left 2 bid on my paintings on ebay!
and the winner gets extra secret surprises :)

11:09p jason and i went shopping today and i bought 200 bucks worth of food and 100 bucks worth of cleaning supplies. then we watched jean cocteau's "blood of a poet" and now "trekkies" again. i feel bad that i have been extremely uncreative with my cam lately. but...that i sthe way of it. i am trying not 2 force myself into doing anything just to say i did. but i DO feel very creative inside, it's insane. i don't need any more ideas! it's just that all my creative ideas are not anything to do with cam pictures..they are scuptures, and clothing sculptures, and stuffed animal sculptures and hom decorating sculptures. i feel like getting really making something out of wire and glass and welding.

does anyone know how u could drill holes through glass? what kind of drill do u use for that?

i hope u are enjoying listening 2 the music on the streaming. i am :) it cracks me up what order it puts it in. killing joke to patsy cline :)

i am doing so much creatively in my head. i wish i could ftp it 2 u...i wish i could make u all your own individual stuffed animal made of antique velvet with secret pockets in the belly with a tiny book inside made of handmade paper and inside pretty werdz just 4 u :)

Sunday, August 6th, 2000

1:06a i had 2 turn my time back on my computer so i could use livegrab..then i wondered why my post didn't show up, it was 'cause i posted it into 1999 :)
so here is my post from midnight:
12:00a of course, as soon as i say i haven't done anything creative, i start 2 do something ceative..altho i think it's rather generic of least this style for me has become generic but what the hell , i'm just goofing off and jason is downloading punk songs on his computer next 2 me.
as i was making pix with the streaming cam, i forgot it was streaming and the people watching that aren'r seeing the effects i'm putting on the pictures, so it must lok rather goofy to them as patsy cline plays in the background.
the thing i am doing right now that is ultracool is i have the streaming cam on my monitor, then with livegrab, i have anacam, ana2's cam1, and the still picture from all making a squrae around the streaming so i am watching the moment move then 3 pictures taken at different times of that moment all around the streaming.
and that is just what i've been wanting to do with a webpage fpr so long: to have a streaming cam in the middle and then ordinary changing-ever-few-seconds-webcam pictures all around it.
i just wonder if that would crash everyone's computer.probably/. but it would be so damn cool. and soon i will make a webpage like that dammit.

other posts:

from the jennicam forum at

Re: Female friends
Posted By: AnaVoog <>
Date: Friday, 4 August 2000, at 6:55 p.m.

In Response To: Female friends (Jester)

actually , jennifer and i had a very good beginning of a discussion a few days ago in icq. but i told her that it would be better if we could talk about this after some time had passed to get some perspective nad also to be able to talk to her in person as this is such a volatile emotional subject it would be better if we could see each others eyes, mannerisms...tone of voice, etc

i am still friends with her, but i am still angry the way she went about what she did. she said she could understand what i was saying, and i told her i understood what she was trying 2 say, too...altho we still are not on the same side of the fence on this at all.

but i have my whole life ahead of me, and so does we both have a lifetime to discuss this ( godwilling ). i am a patient, stubborn, loyal person with my friends...and i don't need things to be "fixed" asap. that isn't realistic.

i don't give up very easily on people, which is my blessing and also my curse.
i couldn't possibly throw to the wind what jennifer and i have in a blink of an eye. i am a very thorough investigator and analyst...which is also my curse and my blessing.

i hope osmeday things will be healed and we can go forward and be 90 years old on cam sharing knitting tricks :)

from under the bed:

Posted by ANA on August 05, 2000 at 03:08:18:

In Reply to: press/sarcasm? posted by you+see+x on August 05, 2000 at 02:34:04:
no, i'm not being sarcastic in the least.

since i have been in the press for 16 years of my life now...i have a pretty good knowledge of it. and 90% of it has been barely researched. they go for the easy target , the easy way out mostly.

not ALL journalists are this way. but most are, from my experience

i know that some of it is not their fault,'s the whole industry...they have too short of deadlines and their bosses want the sensational, not the truth..and what the journalists write are censored and edited.

why am i not a journalist? because i do not like my writings to be censored and edited.

Posted by ANA on August 05, 2000 at 01:26:43:

this was posted at
Posted by Kirk on Jul 31, 2000 at 10:36:44:

There is a review in this week's Entertainment Weekly on the Big Brother web site.
As part of the article it gives tips on how to improve it (my suggesiton is : SHOW NUDITY!!). They use the AnaCam site as one example of how to do a cam site correctly.

Nice plug for Ana.


anyone have a copy of this?

Posted by ANA on August 05, 2000 at 01:30:11:

god, i forgot that they interviewed me at shout200, does anyone have anby way 2 get a copy of the tv part?,20008,2106775,00.html

By Erin English

Ana Voog is a singer-songwriter-performance artist who says she wants to push the boundaries of how women are perceived. She uses her Webcam as a means to express herself and create original works of art. Her goal is to share "fun things with you," everything from a close-up of her tootsies to stream-of-consciousness "analogs" delivered while tripping on psychedelic mushrooms.

Ana's not above doing everyday stuff in front of the cam, but you're more likely to find her in decidedly unconventional poses and contortions... sometimes her cat Pooka makes guest appearances, as do her collections of mannequins and antique stuffed animals.

Not only do fans collect and display favorite images of Ana, they take the time and effort to manipulate photos and submit them to her site as artwork.

What Ana doesn't share with you via Webcam, she shares in "anatomy." In case you're curious, Ana's biggest dream is to live in a dome-shaped house in the desert and watch lightning storms. Her worst fear is throwing up in public.

Thanks, Ana, for sharing.

Check out the Anacam here.

from the forums at

SUBJECT: Re: LOVE FOR THE see-me-oh :)
FROM: ana
DATE: 08/02 01:51 AM

ok, first of all, what is so bad about dating someone in "the industry"..and when u say "the industry" , what industry do u mean? i mean..who are u running in to? are u talking entertainment? advertising? computer programmers? artists?
i would say that if your business is your 24/7 life, then the only way u can have a successful relationship is if u dated someone that was part of what u do. or where would u have time for them?
that's rather obvious.

but then it comes down to how u define a relationship. what is a relationship to YOU? what do YOU want from one?
there are many kinds of relationships and first u should define what a relationship IS to u.

is it doing things together?
is it having the same values?
is it quantity or quality or both?
etc etc etc

make a list

maybe u are just looking too hard. it's sad but true that when u aren't looking that's when a potential mate will pop up. when u are desparate they are no where 2 be found! :)

SUBJECT: Re: sexist!
FROM: ana
DATE: 08/04 06:24 PM

erik wrote, " and besides, the vast majority of women don't even know what a "CEO" or a "dotcom" is anyway! It's a lot more like me saying, "Um, yeah, I work on the net..." and leaving it at that..."
ummm...excuse me , erik, but i think u are making quite a vast generalization about women in that statement! it actually might be showing in u quite a hostililty towards women in that u don't feel that women could grasp or care about what u are doing.

and maybe THAT could be a deterrent 2 u finding the "right" woman?

anyway, i might be reading a bit too much in that...but i DO know that the sentence u said is very sexist.

it might be your experience that the women u have talked to so far don't know what a ceo or a dotcom is ( altho i don't see how u can say that when u were at shout2000 on the webcam panel and u were the ONLY guy on it and the rest of is were women :)...but don't make rash generalizations about women.