analog 07.27.99 ( excerpt from anagram on

when tony came over 2 take my picture for yahoo internet life ( I think that's a clumsy name for a magazine ), his assistant broke one of my silver balls. :( thankfully, it's still pretty so I have the remnants on the table in the living room and that's what some of those pictures in this anagram pointing can into the broken ball. I still have some thistle pieces in glasses on the table, too. jason just got home from work. the simpsons are on in the background. I danced around today to remixes of ingrid chavez's " elephant box" song. I was playing it the other day 4 u in realaudio. when I play stuff on the realplayer for u, is anyone listening 2 it? no one ever emails me telling me they are listening. if u listen, let me know. oh no, I'm getting a heachache again. not a big one. I think it might be the air conditioner or something, dunno. yesterday I had a headache all day, too. but I think that's 'cause I drank two ciders in the afternoon.
I read jennifer's journal today ( from ) and she is really bad off and terribly depressed. I just recently started reading her journals ever since she joined the sleep station. now I feel like a mother hen watching over everyone while they're sleeping. I've been getting more emails from women that say that when they went off the pill the same thing happened 2 them…the zits all over, the constant irritability, the weight gain. it's nice 2 know that others have had this happen 'cause I thought I was the only one. seems it takes a few months for the body to normalize. how long has it been since I've been off? I've not been keeping track. 3 months? I've been taking less amitriptyline, too…to see if now that I'm off the pill my headaches will be gone. and I'm drinking ginseng tea. after all that normalizes I'm gonna try 2 go off of xanax for the first time in years. I think I've been taking that everyday since about 1993.
I did an email interview today for a magazine that has something 2 do with orchestra hall. I'll include it in herre, even though u probably already know everything I'd say in it. and I'm also including here a post I made in the bbs about some new cam arrangement possibilities.
1st here's the post:
Posted by ANA on July 27, 1999 at 15:09:51: quickcam pro came in the mail so i took my quick cam UN-pro and hooked it in cam4...which is now looking into the messy kitchen. cam4 was cycling previously taken cam images...but now every 5 frames it will show u a cycled pic and the rest will be the least until jason gets might be difficult trying 2 figure out where 2 place it when he's home. i'll figure something out.
the only way i can stretch it into the kitchen is because i have these usb cord extender things that usually i use on my laptop. well, now i need MORE of those cords PRONTO! cause i like the long cord on cam4 cause now it can go in the kitchen, in the hallway in the 2nd bathroom...i just don't know what it's taking a picture of exactly because i'd need a monitor to see.
now i have the quuckcam pro on my laptop and i'm fiddloing with it to see the "pro" part. so far i actually like it less. it's really..grainy or speckly or pixilated or something and really hard to focus.
PLUS i ordered the lens pack that attaches only to the quickcam pro. a wideangle and telephoto. well, they are pathetic and hardly work plus are so cheaply maede i can't even believe they can get away with that.
not to mention their quickclip which SUCKS beyond everything. never buy one of those.
and the black and white quickcam emmett gave me is pointing in the thing room, not at the tv for the moment. just cause maybe i'll go in there later or something.
i'm thinking of making a cam page for ana2 more like what stephanie from stv has ( )
where u can click a button and switch between all the cams but still have the same frame around it.
how many of u actually watch cam 1 and two at the same time?
or do you just switch between the two a lot?
do u want me to make a page like stv?
or do u like that u can watch cam 1 and two together?
do u want another page that has cam 3 and four together, too?
or do u just want one page where u can click on buttons and see what's happening..switching "channels"?
i am more going for the switching channels route. because i am usually just focused in on one camera at a time. it's pretty near impossible to keep two cams always interesting let alone 4!
but then i'd still have a page where u could see cam 1, 2, 3 and, 4 all together..for those of u with computers that can handle it.
and yes, i still have to make a button to the big cam ( )
what do u think?
this is so hard to figure out. i want to make a page where all the cams are accessible in the easiest way possible.
so, in reiteration...
this is how i would like it ( then u tell me what u think )
a page that u can click around to the 4 cams like stv.
another page with all four cams on it together ( like i have right now)
and another page that has the big pic ( like i have now)
then i need some sort of button that will go to the streaming whenever i do that...
and sound eventually.
hard to figure out and keep simple

and here is the interview:

i just did this email interview. here it is:
1. Describe your earliest exposure to classical music. Did you discover it,
or were you led into it?
first of all, let me explain that I'm going to use the term" classical" in a very broad include pretty much everything that is played by an orchestra, or quartet, etc. including in there baroque and expressionistic etc. my boyfriend, fetik3, pointed out to me a few months ago that "classical" did not entail everything played by a violin! god, it's embarrassing to admit I did not know that! but there you have it. I'm not much of a stickler for the facts. I just like what I like and listen to it and I don't try to define it or find out it's history very often.
so , in using the term "classical" in that way, I was exposed to it since birth. that was the kind of music my dad loved most, so it was always being played around the house. and we had a piano and my dad would play it quite well. I loved it most when my dad would play some of bach's 15 two part inventions. in fact, I still can play a few of those rather poorly. I figured out how to play them by looking at where middle c was, then counting up how many notes until the next note. and so and and so forth. then memorizing that. I always loved playing the piano. I never took lessons.
then in 6th grade, my family moved closer to the twin cities and a woman came into our class one day and told us that we could learn to play violin if we wanted to. and I completely freaked out! I had come from a very small town with about 800 people in it, so I had never even seen a real violin before! I thought of it as this very expensive untouchable instrument. so I signed on to take lessons and be in orchestra. I couldn't believe I could have and hold my very own violin! it was an incredible feeling.
2. What orchestral instrument(s) inspire(d) or excite(d) you most? Least?
well, you can tell from my answer above, it is the violin. actually now in retrospect, I love the viola more because of it's lower rich sound. I also adore cello, but I don't feel like ever trying 2 tackle that. it's too large and I am a tiny person. my least favourite instruments are pretty much all the wind instruments, but not because of their sound, but because I loathe how they have 2 drain all that spit out of there after they play. I just think that is so disgusting, I could never do that. I know that sounds weird. but I think it stems from that my brother when a child chewed and drooled on all my toys. and now I have this great aversion to spit ( except when kissing ). but I'm starting 2 like wind instruments a lot more and I like them all, sound-wise, pretty much equally. I don't think I'm a great fan of the oboe, though. slide trombones kind of crack me up :)
3. Did any particular composers or styles influence your musical
yes, definitely. I love the composers who have melodies and counter melodies and it's like an escher drawing in sound. I love when it is so playful like that and not just a big grand "1812 overture". anything that is the OPPOSITE of the 1812 overture. I love haydn, bach, vivaldi. and that is just the ones I remember a lot because they are so often played. there is so much I never sought out 2 buy. I'd hear it on the radio then I'd never find out who it is. there have been pieces that just made me cry, but I have no idea who composed it. tragic. I wish I could give u specifics but I can't! I love messian ( sp?) "le musique pour le fin du temps" (?)
I'm sooo bad at remembering the names of things. in my last cd "" is a song by me called "gone", and if u could hear that you'd be able to hear how "classical" music is all over in me :) the only thing is that I could not afford to have real violins play it, so it's synth violins and I shudder ever time I hear it. I hope to rerecord that song with real violins in the future.
I also love john cage and phillip glass, but I know they are not at all classical. but can I just throw them in there anyway? heck, they use violins sometimes!
4. Do you have specific recollections about seeing live orchestral concerts?
Especially any by the Minnesota Orchestra or at Orchestra Hall? If so,
describe your lasting impressions of the place/event.
yes! and it has nothing to do with the music, but since it's such a funny story I'll tell it anyway :) the 1st violinist from the st. paul chamber orchestra came to my school once to show the orchestra class I was in some stuff which was wonderful! I think I was in 9th grade. well, pinchas zukerman was the conductor of the st. paul chamber orchestra at that time and I had this wild mad passionate crush on him! he was the first person I was ever a total groupie for! when I learned that he was moving here and was going to become the conductor I pretty much fell out of my chair in excitement. then when this violinist from the chamber orchestra came to my class I saw this as my golden opportinity to meet pinchas zukerman somehow. so I want up to the guy and starting spouting off how much I ADORED pinchas, and he took this as a sign that I was obessed with playing my violin. so he told me he would put me on the list for the next st. paul chamber orchestra concert and introduce me to pinchas zukerman! wow! so I did that and afterwards the guy brough me backstage and I was able to shake pinchas zukerman's hand. I was just SHAKING! heaven!
then I found out that the harpsichordist for that orchestra was a member of my church I attended ( or some sort of connection like that ) . so I called up that guy, and he was very gracious and told me that since he is in the orchestra he has season tickets but never uses them! so I got on the list again and this time when it was over i walked backstage by myself and i remembered where pinchas zukerman'' dressing room was and i knocked on it and he answered the door and i handed him this note i had written him and he politely took it and said thank you. I wish I could connect my brain with your brain right now and just show you how it was..because these words are making it sound so lame. argh. anyway, I had written him this love letter about how he was even cuter than robert redford and why had he shaved off his goatee? I loved him in that goatee. I was like "mission accomplished! now I have announced my love!" and he actually DID write me back! he wrote "thank you for the very nice note." and signed it. I have to dig around and find that and scan it and put it up on my website! ( )
ok, the 2nd most memorable because of the MUSIC ( and yes, this was at orchestra hall ) was when I saw messian's ( sp???) musique pour le fin du temp. now I'm looking all over my house trying to find that cd to get the spelling correct on that, but I can't find it because I still haven't put them in alphabetical order. *sigh*
seeing that piece played live was riveting ( ooo, RIVETING..i never have had a time or place to use that word before..but now that we are talking about "high culture" perhaps riveting is a good word! or maybe even compelling! hehe :) I love dissonance.
5. What do you see as primary difference(s) and/or similarities between
contemporary pop/electronic music and classical music? (Could involve
composition, presentation, audience, cultural importance, etc.)
hmmm. they are just totally different in almost every aspect. it might be easier to say the things that are similar. like both styles are "composed"( at least mine is anyway ). you'd really have to compare/contrast between specific composers. I couldn't get into that speaking about it in such broad terms. pop music is such a wide term. and the way we are using the terrm "classical" is also too wide to be about to compare/contrast anything. I stereolab and phillip glass are a lot more similar than the flaming lips and mozart.
6. What and when do you listen to classical?
I wish I was in the mood to listen to a lot more classical than I do. I guess I don't listen to it very often because I own only about 5 classical music albums ( all with pinchas zukerman on the cover! )
when I want to go out and buy some more that I like, I get too overwhelmed because I can't choose from the wide selection and cds are so expensive. lately, whenever I turn on ksjn they are playing that sappy ballet music kind of genre. ( sorry ksjn , I'm sure I'm just tuning in at the wrong times, for me! )
so, I don't listen to it very often. I haven't been in that kind of mood for a few years. I should go online and see if there are some cool radio stations somewhere who would play some things I'd be interested in buying.
which composer I would play at which times depends upon my mood. bach is more for bubblebaths or dusting the house giddily or maybe even speeding down the highway..but I wouldn't know that since I don't drive nor own a car. some composers are good for when it's dusk or nighttime. some would be better for the morning. some are good to calm your nerves. some are good to make you more nervous. some is good to put on when you want your company to leave.
7. Can you give me an update on what you're doing these days? Writing?
Recording? With whom? For whom? If you have any background stats you'd
especially like to stress, you can share those too, but I'm already pretty
familiar with your work. And if you have a URL for the latest and greatest
Ana Voog promo photos, please pass it on.
what am I up to these days? wow! so much it's gonna be hard to summarize! first I'll try to tell you about about my history. I was the lead singer/composer/guitarist for the all-female art/pop band The Blue Up? for 11 years. we made 4 records: "now", "introducing sorrow", "cake and eat it", "spool forka dish". then I decided to delve into electronic music because that was my first love as far as genres go ( and I didn't want to have to tune my 12 string rickenbacker ONE more time! ). you can go download "introducing sorrow" for free at then click on "ana musiq" in the menu when you get there. that will tell you even more history, like how I got the name ana voog and all that. and if you email me at I'll tell you where you can download another record of mine.
the rest of The Blue Up? didn't want to do electronic music so I was on my own for that one. it's a cd called "" there is nothing at that website anymore because I am GLEEFULLY off that label. and it's that is my website, not a few people get that confused so I wanted to clarify. and also let you know that is for people who are 18 years or over because that is my cam project where I am documenting my life online through a photo taken every 30 seconds, and occasional sound and also written word. so if you catch me online I might be *gasp* naked. because it's summer and it's very hot in here!
I don't know if you have seen the movie "a clockwork orange" but I feel a bit like the villian when he was "cured" but then also got violently ill whenever he heard beethovens 5th. I have been feeling sick whenever I delve deeply into music because the major label recording industry has disgusted me so with their infinite stupidity and infinite lack for anything that has feelings. so I have not written a song in two years. but I can feel a few songs incubating in me right now getting ready to pop out into the world. and when I release them I'm going to give them to ana2 members ( for free via mp3, and u will also be able to buy them. I'm going to go back to making vinyl singles with homemade covers signed and numbered. I want to get back to the girlish fun I used to feel before things like "marketing strategy" ruined my spirit.
I'm not going to be making any more "big records that will define who I am for the next two years". at least not for awhile! I can't describe what kind of music it's going 2 be, I just FEEL it right now…kicking in me. I'll see what it is when it comes out. but I know it will definitely have acoustic piano in it. it will be very raw, because I'll be recording it on my trusty little fostex 4 track from 1982 :)
basically what I do every day though, is make "anagrams" which are daily visual/written diaries which u can access at I've always been a visual artist more than a musical one. I picked music because it was hard for me to do and drawing was easy for me. I wanted to challenge myself. but now I've gotten back to the visual more which is my peaceful core. I create everyday 24/7 so I feel very satisfied and fulfilled.
now I am looking for a way to combine the two. my visuals and my music. ( which is what I wanted to do when I was in my band..make videos, but I never got to do one! *cry*)
it's all a very expensive thing..the things I want to do..merging sound/music with moving and/or still pictures. so it might be awhile before I can realize what is in my head and heart at this time. I know I could look for grants and sponsors, but due to my semi-nudity once in awhile…I fear that will scare sponsors and grants away( isn't that ridiculous???). however, maybe I should try anyway.
I'm trying 2 think of a way to put microphones all over my house and also catch what people are saying in my chat room with a speech synthesizer and incorporate that into it…then somehow feed all the noises into various machines that could cut it up randomly, put various effects on it then broadcast this back out to the net. so it would be a random noise symphony that would go along with my other idea of having at least 9 cameras on all the time tiled up like a moving mosaic.
I could incorporate sounds from other people's house, too, or cams from around the world and turn it into a random spontaneous live worldwide noise symphony. so that is one of my goals, to get the money to achieve that.
i am also working on my project "the universal sleep machine". what this is is a place where u can go on the net ( ) and watch people sleep.
so far 30 people are participating and more and more join each day. they log on and off depending on when they are planning on sleeping. i started this because, curiously, i found that a lot of people find it a peaceful experience to watch me sleep. and since i am usually sleeping a lot during the workday ( in the usa ) because i am such a nightowl, a lot of people watch me sleep while they are working. so i decided to make a "station" where u can watch many people sleep at once. and i am working it out as to how to add a "soundtrack" to that. maybe there will be several soundrtracks that the listener cam choose from. also, part of the point of it is that i'd like each sleeper's cam picture to link to a poltical cause of their choice. so it's kind of a "sleep for peace" thing. i guess you could say it's rather like what john and yoko did when they did "bed peace". but it's the internet equivelent :) if you would like to participate in this project please email:
and I would like to make a vrml world where concerts could be played in fantastical scenarios and everyone could download cool little instruments and play along! how cool would that be? it might sound awful! it most certainly would crash your computer! but ya! it must be done!
I am also procrastinatingly in the process of writing a book and transcribing my heaps of diaries filled with too much too much self evaluation and whining about past horrid boyfriends and hellish experiences in retail :) no really, it's a lot better and worse than that , actually :)
and I have a billion paintings in my head, a billion things to sew that are like sculptures you wear. and I have 2 other books that are kind of in the edward gorey vein waiting in the wings. one called "the violent alphabet" and another is a series called "the king and the snake"
will I EVER do any of these things?? or will I just sit on my couch wearing the same pair of stripey pants thinking up more fantastic things to do as thousands worldwide watch and wonder "why?"