analog 07.22.99 ( excerpt from anagram on


today was jason's 26th birthday! it seemed like we celebrated it a bit yesterday and a bit today and will still celebrate it a bit tomorrow…'cause everything has 2 be done when he gets home from work. yesterday I bought him a king sized all cotton lavendar/grey blanket 2 wrap him in. he loves it! and today I took him out 2 pizza. he just wants 2 take it easy and watch cartoons and look for kiss and swan mp3s on the net. I've been playing with the magnifying glass..any way 2 keep my face out of the shot! still feeling gross. I'm starting 2 think that a big portion of why I get creative with the cam is just a way 2 creatively hide , what I think of as, my flaws. necessity is the master of invention or whatever the phrase is. it was blisteringly hot here today and I had 2 go out and search for this place 2 go pick up a thing for jason. I was listening 2 the cure on my walkman. I couldn't find the building. I walked for an hour. no buildings were marked. I kept asking for directions. no one knew what I was talking about. by the time I got home I was drenched in sweat. so many little subcultures I walked through as I went from one end of the street to another…housing projects with little girls with a billion plastic barrettes in their hair, stinky drunken homeless people asking me for a light, secretary types with their sneakers on with their business suits ( the worst thing in fashion, imo ), 2 snooty contemporary composers on imacs. every time I go out people seem 2 reach out for me in any way the can..yelling at me for attention. I put a dollar in 2 a pop machine 2 get a dr. pepper 'cause I was dying yesterday from shopping. and street guys gather around me jumping and singing, "dr.pepper dr. pepper it'll never let u down…"I don't know why I bring this out in people or something. every time I go into a store I feel like they are watching me 2 see if I'm gonna shoplift. they can't decide if I'm a rich arty type that's gonna drop some dough or a little punk shoplifter. so they can never decide how 2 react 2 me. I bought some calvin clein stretchy underwear thingies that I'm bursting out of. usually instead of underwear under my dresses or in place of short I wear these vintage stretchy girdles that I got when I worked at the used clothing store. but now they are almost all worn out after wearing them for years. deiter is humping pooka again and pooka doesn't even pay attention. I have a lot of things 2 scan that I'll put in an anagram coming up. a dead bumblebee. my pubic hair I cut off, some neat little knobs I found. I've been poking around in davidbowie's member section of his site. so far it's really disappointing. and I signed up finally for todd rundgren's thing at I've been wanting 2 sign up for it for two years…u download this software and u can have chat, bbs, videos, music , games etc..all in there. so far it looks really cheesy and i can't get it 2 werk. I'll keep u updated on that. then, as far as I know..those are the only two members only interactive things I can find on the net. hmmmm. I miss laurie anderson's green room website. that was cool. I'm so sad they took it down. I keep punching in domain names into I'm too addicted 2 trying 2 find good website names that haven't been taken. pretty much everything u could think of is taken. I found a cool new cam. it's ants! yep! it's a really cool thing. ok, jason's gonna watch cartoons in bed now so I'm gonna go in there right after I put this up. oh, and I've come up with the stupidest simple obvious merchandise thing. posters! but I kept thinking of posters as one picture..but I can't do that cause the resolution is too awful. but I'm gonna make posters with lots of tiled up images..but with themes. like an all sleep poster, an all bubblebath poster, an all arty shots poster, and I'm going 2 make a poster of the infamous pizza night! I want them printed on nice special thick paper…maybe even a texterized watercolour type paper. I dunno yet. and I have no idea how much it will cost 2 get them done. but I want them suitable for framing. so now I have 2 figure out how 2 go about getting that done. I'm very excited :) because I think they'll be very pretty :)