analog 072202

[13 Jul 2002|02:33am]
i think i'm turning into a sedimentary rock.

funny things for sale :) [13 Jul 2002|04:15am]
my toothbrush for sale on ebay! only 7 cents! click here
1 personal handwritten letter for U from me! only 7 cents! click here
i will sing to you over the phone! 7 cents! click here
a pair of my underwear. 7 cents! click here
a pair of my socks. 7 cents! click here
a 1 pound box of surprises! 7 cents! click here
i'll bake you 12 chocolate chip cookies! 7 cents! click here
12 comments|post comment

hmong frog [13 Jul 2002|12:21pm]
ooo, this morning, all of a sudden, i remembered it was saturday and the farmer's market was open AND that i had an american twenty dollar bill that was sent to me from a girl in japan who wants some of my little books!
so that twenty dollar bill flown to me from japan got me:

*hippy mode on*

7 organic tomatoes ( and they look like mutant tomatoes, i don't know why! ) $6.00
1 big cucumber .50 cents
1 loaf of whole wheat bread $3.00
1 very pretty vintage doily $2.50
a bunch of lettuce $3.00
a vase worth of pink flowers: $2.00
1 tiny, red, with silver polka dots and sewn by Hmong FROG! :) (too cute!) $3.00

thank you *girl from japan* named junko! :)
it's nice to be a part of such an obvious showing of how we are all interconnected on this earth :)
small world :)

*hippy mode off*

your name on my forehead! [13 Jul 2002|12:44pm]
click here to bid or watch the auction!

origami riot [13 Jul 2002|01:16pm]
i have found my new favourite radio show and it is Origami Riot! click here then click on the orange enter button then click on archives then choose origama riot then yay!

if anyone knows who they are playing, let me know! i know at first it is the raincoats and then it is suicide...then it's someone sounding like very early devo... WHO IS IT? IT IS KICKING MY ASS!

then after that i haven't heard yet

of my goofy auctions i just put up. the "my underwear" has gotten the most hits...and surprisingly, even though no one has bid on it..."my toothbrush" comes in second!

no one want a dozen chocolate chip cookies for 7 cents? has the world gone mad?

[13 Jul 2002|02:25pm]
DAVMO is bidding 7 cents for me to write his name on my forehead with permanent marker.
excellent :)
i'll write his name on my forehead any day!
go davmo go :) i hope you win :)

ah, he just bid on my toothbrush! BLESS HIS HEART! :)

this link put here for my purpose:
( i learned a new stitch. go me! )

[13 Jul 2002|08:54pm]
shit i missed BB3!!!! what happened?

augh factory [13 Jul 2002|09:23pm]
me and my" i wanna move to north dakota and save my money" and he with his "that's the dumbest idea ever, it's a money pit".
he is probably right and maybe that is my downfall.
but maybe that is also my strength.
who knows?

[14 Jul 2002|10:39am]
wow! one of my drawings of an iguana is up to over $400.00!!! i sure did not expect that! :) wow!!! :)

message to the winning bidders! [14 Jul 2002|08:29pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]

yay! THANK YOU!!!
if you won and you read this and you live in the united states:
add $4 for shipping and handling :)
my paypal ID is:
(if you'd like to pay that way)

i will, obviously, write you all a personal note saying this, etc etc :)
i just am writing this here, too, 'cause i'm over at jason's right now and not at my email.
and i will answer any questions you may have. just write to me at the same email address as my paypal ID :)

[15 Jul 2002|12:38pm]
i'm getting together with my dad in an hour. i am going to show him all my crochet things :)
i have so much to get done today! emailing all the ebay winners and getting all that ready! possib;e food shopping with eebomb! gotta get to the bank! pay bills! clean!

[15 Jul 2002|01:23pm]
my webmaster and anacam email is not working for me right now. i can receive emails...but i cannot send. it all gets bounced back to me. i will get to EVERYONE today about EVERYTHING. i am sorry for all this fuss and running behind on everything and my cams being so incredibly boring! this will change.

[15 Jul 2002|05:40pm]
i had a REALLY good talk with my dad this afternoon about so many things. it was such a good talk and so healing! more later

[15 Jul 2002|08:35pm]
jason got my email working. i cleaned a tiny bit. sent off invoices for the paypal stuff.
for those of you who have paid already, i'll get yours in the mail tomorrow :)

i'm watching dog eat dog

[16 Jul 2002|12:33am]
DAVMO did a painting of me, and it's on ebay :)

jason's birthday is the 22nd [16 Jul 2002|12:53am]
i bought him one of his birthday presents just now :)

i'm crocheting a red mohair sweater. i'm going to make the sleeves extra long and it's gonna be really nice and big :)
this colinette mohair is so furry, i feel like i'm crocheting up a big fuzzy monster :)

i learned how to double crochet and do that treble stitch thing and how to cast onto a single chain. altho...i don't have the hang of it yet.

tomorrow is crochet night at eebomb's. i can't believe a week has already passed!

my avocado seeds are not sprouting yet. and my yams are just turning moldy! what is the deal? last time i had no trouble with sprouting yams.

my journal is beginning to sound like jennifer ringley's :) of jennicam

we always said we'd be knitting on cam one day :) i should write to her. i haven't written to her in ages and i miss her.

big brother 3, the mole, brides in alaska, anna nicole, osbournes [16 Jul 2002|01:55am]
why do you suppose big brother didn't have any live cams on the web this time around?

also, did they tape this current season awhile ago? or are the people living in the house right now? and i wonder why we don't get to vote people out like we got to last time.

i am surprised that a tv network would give up all the money they could make from those webcam subscriptions and dialing those 976 numbers!

i've total lost interest in "the mole" is that show still going on or is it over now? who do u think is the mole? i think it's that whiny woman who has that stuffed animal cow. just because you'd least suspect her.

did that brides in alaska thing end? i can't keep up with these shows. that was a particularily cheesy show to watch. i only saw it twice.

i can't wait until that anna nicole show is on! when does it start? she is a crazy woman. i love her. i just want to give her a hug. did you know she tried to start an "annacam"? long ago? it never happened, tho. because of that i know she wanted to do a reality thing before the osbournes.

which i can't wait until that show starts , too! osbournes osbournes!

i never get sick of reality tv. the more of it the better! kiitos feels that way, too! she is my reality-tv-soul-sister :)

and the sopranos new season! i'm waiiitinggggg :)

sonia5 is gonna do my hair wednesday night! i'm going to give her that new hat i made

what's the deal with minnesota and rape? [16 Jul 2002|03:28am]
i am at comparing cities.

saint paul and minneapolis has twice the amount of rape compared to new york or L.A.

it is "crimes per 100,000 population"
average in america is 32.8....we have 76

and the quailty of water in L.A. is 50% better than here.
we also have wayyyy more robberies are car theft than L.A.

what the hell?

if you find a city in america that has more rape than saint paul or minneapolis...let me know.

oh wait...i just found one. BRAINERD minnesota with a whopping 96
what is WRONG with minnesota??? what's going on here?

new york is at 22.9

also brainerd has twice as much burglary and larceny than new york city.

ok, jackson , mississippi has more rape at 130.6

[16 Jul 2002|06:12pm]
i'm not going to crochet night tonight because i am running too far behind on things. i didn't get the ebay drawings in the mail today but i will tomorrow, for sure!

i have a lot of remote viewing sessions i have to do. and i have to do the anacam biz, and i have to clean a bit, and i have to get the ebay stuff more organized. so...i am going to be very very busy tonight trying to get all caught up.

i wish i wasn't so sleepy. i need some energy. i haven't been sleeping well at all the last few nights

it's rrrrrrrreeeally hot here!

[16 Jul 2002|06:22pm]
big brother isn't on tonight?
i thought it was on tuesdays, wednesdays and saturdays.
did they change the days?

i wrote a song today [16 Jul 2002|07:08pm]
i went to bed at 6am and woke up at 11am because there was music outside. but the notes were distorting and echoing off the buildings and that put a melody in my head.
i often get melodies in my head for really good songs but i never had a big enough urge to drag out my 4 track and put it down.
but this was was so especially cool i got up and i'm my sleepiness still managed to hook up my 4 track and hum the bass part and the 3 part harmony into it.
i hope i find the time and energy to get the whole thing worked out because i really want to.
you just never know when a song is gonna hit you, grab your attention, and make you record it. it's like being pregnant and the baby has the say as to when it's going to come out. and when it wants to come doesn't matter if you are sleeping, or if you have a 4 track hooked up, or whether you even have the time for it or whether or not you even want to write a song at ALL. it's just boom. there.

i'm going up to jason's now to remote view and watch american idol

[17 Jul 2002|12:10pm]
i hope i win the lottery tonight

[17 Jul 2002|07:27pm]
in big is a .18 acre lot?

[17 Jul 2002|11:21pm]
didn't win the lottery :(
but so close...sort of :)

i moved the cam into the bedroom so i'll be sleeping on cam tonight. sleeping on the old big green couch which is now a sort of white

i wish i cared about BB3...but...i just do not, so far

and what is the deal with american idol? WHY do these people sing the lamest lamest showtune type material? it's worse than the days of captain and tenille! why does everyone think that "radical rock chick" is at ALL original? there is nothing radical or rock about her.

things i do when i wake up [18 Jul 2002|12:29pm]
smoosh the dogs and give them treats
check "under the bed"
check my juno email
check my hotmail email
check all 4 of my pegasus email
check ebay for new crochet hooks and colinette yarn
get a pop or something with carbonation in it
take a prozaz
check my ebay
send off emails
check paypal
check my bank
do the anacam biz
brush my teeth
wash my face
turn on the tv or music
check my snail mail
go through saved campix for anagram
eat something

[18 Jul 2002|12:31pm]
things i have to do today.
get to post office to buy things to put my drawings in to send them
get to the bank to get the money to buy things
write down absolutely everything that is happening with my ebay on a piece of paper so i can keep track of what is going on..who has paid me yet who has not, etc.
do anacam biz
clean clean clean

sonia5 does my hair at 7pm!
she isn't going to do dreads she is just gonna stick some funky short extensions in :) multicolours

[18 Jul 2002|01:50pm]
i nuzzled with the puzzlewumpuses and now i'm mega sleepypo

[18 Jul 2002|05:19pm]
wow, i am so tired! i don't know why. i can't even function! yesterday and today i even took a xenadrine to wake up and both times i fell right to sleep for several hours regardless!
i have to get my act in gear and get ready for sonia5 to come over at 7 is doing my hair on cam at 7pm CST!! [18 Jul 2002|06:20pm]

[18 Jul 2002|11:50pm]
sonia5 did an AMAZING job on my hair! ( of course she always does! )
everytime she does it i say THIS is my fave. i look like a tropical bird! i can't wait to show you when the sun comes up and i can take pictures of it in the light! it's absolutely gorgeous! i feel like ME again :)

i wish i could be totally totally happy right now but i have a lump in my throat and i'm trying not to cry. because i gave her sebastian to give to her wonderful dog loving friend. you know i have always felt 3 dogs were a bit too much for me to handle and i cannot legally have 3 dogs where i live. and sebastian is a dog that really needs to be the star of his own show. someone who can devote total attention to just him. and i felt i was spreading myself too thin with three dogs. well, alll of a sudden the planets just aligned correctly for him to just happened so fast.

god, i can't even think about it. and he just KNEW he was going to go, too. it was WEIRD. he gave me this look that broke my heart. but i know that he will be happier in a place where he can really get all the attention he deserves. i love my little wooket man. who knows...maybe i'll get him back. if things don't work out with him and his new human, i'll take him back. the wuzzler. the beast. the wooket. i love him and always will. this is so hard.

*trying not to cry trying not to cry but i'm going to cry*

[19 Jul 2002|12:37am]
gah. my heart is breaking. i hope tomorrow will be easier.

[19 Jul 2002|02:10am]
sonia5 just wrote me this:
"we made it back fine
he is a bit nervous
checking out the space
what a good little guy..."

i'm glad he is in good hands with her.
i am going to attempt to go to sleep now.
i wish i didn't feel like such a traitor.

[19 Jul 2002|03:20am]
i don't know if that was the right decision. life might be easier without sebastian...but life might not be happier. if i still feel this bad after 2 days, i might have to take him back. he is my little smash wombler.
augh. i hate this. my house seems so empty. fuck. t

[19 Jul 2002|01:22pm]
the mood of my house is SO different without sebastian. so quiet! way more mellow. i thought i would like it, but i don't so far. it's just weird.
i feel a lot more stable than i did last night. last night i just cried and cried.
i think i did the right thing by giving him away. i hope it was the right thing.
i can give deiter and pooka a lot more attention now. and we can go running in the hallways again because they don't bark. and i can take the dogs for more walks because it's so much easier with two than 3. with 3 it was almost impossible as they tangled up the leashes every 2 feet.
and sebastian can be an only child and get all the attention solely on him like he deserves. and i know i made his future human super happy because she wanted a dog sooooo much. she was so excited to get him. she will love him a lot. he is a love monster.
it was that look he gave me last night that just KILLED me. dogs are so psychic. they know so much more than we think they know. and sebastian is a scorpio.

[19 Jul 2002|02:28pm]
i want to consolidate my cds by putting my fave songs from my cds onto compilation cds and then get rid of the originals. i have so many cds that i only like one or two songs from them.

so, i have a deal for someone. is there anyone out there who would take my cds and put the songs i like onto a single cd? and THEN in return you can keep all the original cds!

so, if you made me a compilation cd of 30 songs....that would be 30 cds you get to keep for yourself!

anyone game?

the monkey [19 Jul 2002|11:30pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

i may have to take him back. i miss him too much. i miss his little wuzzler noises. i miss his eyes that look like brown marbles. i miss his soft little paws. i miss playing fetch with him. i miss his tiny little toes. i miss smooshing his wuffle belly. i miss his crazy ways. i miss how he sings along when i sing. i miss waking up and seeing him staring at my face waiting for me to wake up. i miss the way he smushes into my neck. i miss the way he nibbles my fingers. i miss his wagging bushy tail. i miss his silly face.
he's my little marshmallow. and i love him.

[19 Jul 2002|11:50pm]
i bought new sheets today and two new big king sized pillows. i'm putting them on my bed now and then i'm gonna watch late night tv and crochet. the dogs are checking out the new sheets.

[20 Jul 2002|10:53am]
sebastian is coming home :) he'll be here in half an hour :) sonia said he was such a good boy and had a fun adventure :) but now he is coming home :)

[20 Jul 2002|11:36am]
sebastian is home! my whole house is alive again :) pooka and deiter are super happy! sebastian is happy and playing fetch! all the puplets are dancing! i am dancing! everything feels right again :)

[20 Jul 2002|04:01pm]
jason's mom and dad are taking us out to eat at 4:30pm because of jason's birthday on the 22nd. (he'll be 29!).
when we get back, jason and i are gonna hang out and wuzzle with the poofin hoovers.
life is good :)

remote viewing [21 Jul 2002|12:22pm]
today i have to hold a different picture in my hand every 10 minutes. no, this is not a test of obessive compulsive behaviour but rather has to do with remote viewing. jason had me remote view what picture i would see in the FUTURE at a particular time. like my target would be "picture i will be holding in my hand at 12:20 pm, july 21st, 2002".
now i have to hold the correct picture in my hand at that time to make it true and complete the "circle".
sounds weird, i know. but i did about 30 sessions like that and now i have to hold in my hand 30 different pictures at 30 different times today. *whew*

also, i am watching a thing on pbs about antarctica and i am eating candied ginger and making instant thai ginger soup. and crocheting hats :)

a happy sunday :)
HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY , JASON!!! :) [22 Jul 2002|03:55am]
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[22 Jul 2002|03:11pm]
drinking vanilla coke.
listening to david bowie's new cd, which kicks total ass, of course :)
taking pictures of hats i've made since i'm getting behind on that.
i might sell some on ebay.
hard to part with them!
feeling overwhelmed with all i have to get done.
trying to take one step at a time so i don't shut down.
i'm in a good mood regardless
i'm taking jason out to dinner tonight and i bought him the sopranos 2nd season on dvd
4 comments|post comment

[22 Jul 2002|04:04pm]
gadzooks i am so disorganized and behind on stuff.
i am trying REALL hard today to rectify all of this. i am drinking lots of caffeine to keep me going.
i finally separated all the emails about things i've bought on ebay from things i've sold on ebay. and now i'm combing through thousands of campix that i have made and saved.
i will get caught up. i will get organized.
2 comments|post comment

new voog hats! [22 Jul 2002|04:47pm]
i call this one the "ana-tenna hat" :)
it is made from 100% wool imported from wales and it is exceptionally soft!



i call this hat the "french acid hat"
because it reminds me of being on acid in paris. i've never BEEN on acid in paris. but i imagine i might wear a hat like this if i ever were :) it even has secret pockets in it that you can put secret things in :)




i call this "the green parrot hat"
because the colours are that of a green parrot. made from extremely smooshy soft 100% wool imported from wales :)



DAVMO and GUS FINK [23 Jul 2002|02:44pm]
my hats are now for sale on ebay :)

getting all the ebay stuff sussed. feels good.
still working hard to get ahead of all the things i need to do.

my two fave artists on ebay:

DAVMO and GUS FINK, check them out :)

tonight is crochet night at eebomb's

i'm working on a new anagram and eating candied ginger