analog 07.20.99 ( excerpt from anagram on


it's 12:30am and I have a rotten headache so I might have 2 stop writing this and finish it tomorrow. I as going 2 go 2 the robyn hitchcock instore at 2pm today because I didn't want 2 go 2 the concert at 1st ave. 'cause I thought it's be too crowded and hot. but then it was super rainy out and I couldn't deal with taking the bus and I as so tired that I slept until 2pm. then I did get on the list for the show from a wonderful girl named allison who works at a radio station in st. cloud. and I still couldn't deal with the bus and I was going 2 stay home but then I knew I'd be too sad I didn't go 2 see robyn hitchcock so all of a sudden I decided 2 go and I got ready really fast and wrote robyn hitchcock a quick 2 page letter synopsis about what I've been doing for the last few years, which is pretty darn difficult 2 summarize. ok. must stop here and I'll continue this tomorrow. head hurts toooo much.
ok, now it's the next night and I have too much 2 say…but I don't feel very well so I'll just have 2 write it in the next anagram about how great the flaming lips show was and I got robyn hitchcock my email addess and a copy of my cd and today I shopped all day for jason's birthday..which is tomorrow…he'll be 26! and I bought him a huge king sized lavendar/grey cotton blanket 'cause he keeps stealing my blankets :) and also I had 2 sent 2 him an enormous bouquet of purple flowers 2 his work office today .and just so much 2 say but my stomache is all gurgly I just got back from eating at perkins and it didn't agree with me or something. so I'm just gonna get this anagram up and stop putting it off!
and all the retail people were swarming on me like flies. I tried on too much perfume. I ran around outside the other day for hours exploring and drawing flaming hearts in chalk in secret places around. lots of stuff 2 say. but…just too much 2 write all out right now.