analog 07.14.99 ( excerpt from anagram on

here are some pix from the streaming show i had on tuesday night. the first few are taken from cam2 and the rest i did by pointing the camcorder at the archived streaming i have. i am still digesting the whole experience and what i thought of it. partly it was fun and partly it was very stressful because it was very hot in there with all the lights and i broke a bunch of lights in there 'cause it was so cramped. but all in all, for those who could see it, it turned out well. the thing i am mulling over in my mind though, is wondering if i will be able 2 keep doing a preplanned show. that's why i love my cam is because i make it up as i go along. i do stuff as the mood hits me. but this was like "at 8:00 u must get in an erotic mood" which is a difficult thing for me 2 adjust to. so i am working through a lot of scenarios and ideas as 2 how i could accomplish a preplanned show wihout driving myself nuts about it later. i have so many more pictures 2 show u too..i'm kind of running a bit behind on anagrams. yesterday i had a 5 hour photo shoot for yahoo internet life magazine and i was just zoned out of my mind because i only had 4 hoiurs of sleep and i was still regaining my energy from putting on that show. i hope the pictures turn out ok because i could not garner any energy 2 really put my all into it. bummer. so today i just took it easy and started taking pictures of the giant thistle that is now on the living room table. i'll put those pix in the next anagram. it felt happy and calming 2 get back to taking still pictures without anyone around and pointing the cam at things that we not me. all these thoughts are very condensed and i'll try to go into them further on another day but now i just want 2 get into bed. it's so humid. today it was over 90 degrees with ovr 60% humidity! thank god 4 air conditioning! oh, and i sliced up lemons and scanned them and also scanned this german magazine i was in called "tomorrow". i've GOT 2 get a copy of that! so i'll show those scans in the next anagram, too :)