Wednesday, July 12th, 2000
3:33a new anagram up in ana2. my eyes are bleary from making anamates for
the next anagram. so many pictures! listening 2 mp3s :) i cleaned a lot today,
but u can't tell. went 2 see mumbleboy's new yummy flash "pampelmousse1" i keep forgeting 2 watch big brother. went 2 the site and
read what had happened so far, and it's pretty boring so far.
i'm gonna get my extension put back in friday morning :) blonde and white
braids. ok, i better get 2 sleep soon
3:38a online magnetic poetry board!
only problem is i could get the plug in i needed to install right :((( *cry*
3:41a oh, cool, i got it 2 install as soon as i told it not 2 try 2 configure
it for netscape, and only did it for IE. :)
3:43a ah, holly made it! i had only skimmed her post with my bleary eyes and
didn't see that she had made it as well as posted about it!
1:17p the air conditioner dripped fluid and i had the guy come up here 2 fix
it. it was just a little bit damp the other day..but i woke up this morning
2 a full blown swamp over there, and jason had some records over there..and
the covers have water damage now, and he is really gonna flip his lid when
he discovers this. eek. i put towels on the floor and squished up all the
water i could. now i'm washing the towels. i also washed sheets that i'm gonna
put on the bed now. listening 2 oasis. i've laid all of jason's records on
the floor to dry them. i'm gonna try 2 get the table that has the keyboards
on it down to the garbage, the guys said they can take it from there. where
i will put the keyboards then, i don't know. but where they are now, they
are just collecting dust and in the way. i am trying so hard 2 get this place
in some sort of order. i don't think it will ever get in order. i just don't
have enough space. it's disconcerting. i want 2 sew and make music. i have
no where 2 do this! i could set stuff up on the floor in the living room but
that would look awful and deiter would chew on it all
10:11p i cleaned like a maniac today for 12 hours straight! wow. i still have
a lot 2 get done but i made a major improvement :) i must lay down now. more
11:14a after the guy came up here yesterday 2 fix the airconditioner because
it was making water, lots of water, go all over the livingroom carpetting...i
turned it back on and sopped up all the water with towels. then at night i
noticed that it wasn't fixed at all and it was all wet again :( the actual
maintenance guy is on vacation and it was the janitor who tried 2 fix it.
so i callled again , and the janitor came back and said there wasn't mauch
moer he could do because he was just a janitor but he could bring up the big
machine to suck up all the water. but i have too many things in my hallway
for him to get that thing through. so i have to sop it up with towels again.
towels i just washed. what a bummer. so now they have put a call through to
the air conditioning co. to send someone out, but i guess they are super
they do not know when a person will come here to fix it. the maintenance guy
comes back 2 work on monday. this aprtment gets way hotter than it actually
is outside because the currents of air do not wnat to flow through it for
some reason and the sun beats down upon my side of the place and makes it
extra extra hot in here..which is nice in the winter..but hell in the summer.
right now the temp is fine. but around 3 and's gonna be just
now i have 2 get ready for a phone call from msnbc...that' s in 45 minutes. they sent a guy out here months ago to interview they want 2 get some shots of the streaming. they want me to give a tour of the house. ha! that cam is on a tripod that is 50 pounds heavy at least. and i DID clean a TON yesterday , in the bedroom/jason's room...but the rest of the housse still needs to get tackled and i have stuff all over the living room floor so it can stay away from the swamp of water over in the corner that i must see to after the phone call.
my muscles
are all sore from how much cleaning i did yesterday. but that' s good 'cause
i need more excercise :)
11:25a i called them 2 see if they could so the phone call tomorrow, since
my house is in such dissaray from this air conditioner thing. and plus my
hair will be pretty tomorrow because i'm having my extensions put back in
:) god, i hope they can do it tomorrow!
12:06p ok, they are gonna do the phone thing at 7pm instead. which i thought
would be a better time, but actually is just as bad. but i guess it's a tiny
bit better in that i'll be more awake. i have this little bitty vacuum thing
that sucks up water. it's taking forever 2 do it that way and my arms hurts
from pressing down on the carpet. sigh. all i know is tomorrow there will
be no more water and i will have my extensions in. i am listening 2 adam and
the ants again :) i can't believe jason doesn't have kings of the wild frontier
on cd in that cd player thing. i have the vinyl of it. i've pretty much worn
it straight through! when i boght that record when it came out ( 1981) it
was the beginning of my journey into EVERYTHING. my parents were not happy.
12:32p well this totally fucking sucks. the janitor guy called in sick today
and i can't get this water off of my carpet just by towels. argh. so everything
in the livingroom is just gonna have to be in the middle of the livingroom.
but at least the air conditioning people say they are coming here to fix my
air conditioner , altho, i have no idea what time they will come. and it's
a gorgeous day, and i finally feel like going out for a walk in it, but i
have to wait around my my hot soggy apartment waiting for the air conditioning
people. augh. and my email is not working. i need a coke. gonna get one.
12:34p god! and even worse is i have 2 keep clothes on all day because any
minute air conditioning people will show up!! argh!!! suckfest.
2:44p bleaching my hair. putting on ban du soleil fake tan lotion. considering
dying my hair bright yellow , then tomorrow when they braid the extensions
in my it will look all pretty and mixed blonde white and yellow on th etop
1/3rd of my head, and plus it'll be groovy for the interview at 7...they are
interviewing me on the streaming.
damn, it's how in here. i never did get a coke...but i must do that now, and i need to get food...but now i have bleach in my hair.
i've moved
the dog gate in the hall back now the dogs can roam freely into
the bedroom/jason's room...then when i get the thing room clean, i will remove
the gate altogether, which will be so nice
3:09p i got an update that the landlord doesn't knwo if the AC fixer people
will have time 2 come today :( but if not today, tomorrow morning. it's 85
degrees out with 60% humidity. which means it's probably 95 in here. but they
said if the AC people don't come they will pay for us 2 stay in a motel tonight!
weee :) that could be fun :)
and i made
an appointment with planned parenthood 2 get back on the pill 'cause i'm sick
of not knowing when my periods are gonna come and i'm sick of using condoms
4:48p i don't know what 2 say...
two sides to every story:
7:28p i waited through 100 degree temps in muy apartment with no food for
this msnbc interview at 7, but the power went off at msnbc ( what a day! )
so i am off to a motel now since the temp in here has made me loopy ( that
and no food, but coke...beverage of the godz )
the bottle says my hair colour glows in the dark, so i'll bring a black light and see :) hopefully cam 2 ( the mobilecam ) will catch it :)
i will be
only on cam2 tonight...but i think we will just get food from
a convenience store than eat it at the motel!