analog 07.12.99 ( excerpt from anagram on
:) it after 6am
and I'm super tired and once again I have a lot 2 say but just no
energy left 2 type it. and the pix in this anagram are pretty bad, but I've
been doing other things. like today I was on the phone with my mom a lot and
she is going up 2 see her relatives and I told her 2 please give everyone my
email but she was like "oh I don't want anyone 2 know what u do because
you're too controversial" and so I was like "mom, u have an email
address but u don't have a web page , right? " so I was trying 2 explain
the difference between email and having a web site. it's sad that she is so
embarrased of me because I'm really proud of what I do. and I really love her
family a lot but I never get 2 see them 'cause they all live in canada. and
the family on my dad's side are pretty much all dead.
the sun's coming up.
then the rest of the afternoon I was emailing and on the phone wit yahoo internet
life magazine and a bunch of photographers trying 2 get a photo shoot set up
on wednesday for their october issue, I was trying 2 get them 2 understand that
their logic is skewed that they want 2 get a photographer 2 try 2 capture what
it is I do on cam
when what I do on cam is TAKE photographs. and they wanted
2 shoot a picture that looked like it was through a hole peeping at me because
they wanted it 2 capture what it was the viewer saw. and I'm like
the viewer
is NOT peeping in on me through a hole in my wall. I said I don't want the picture
2 depict that somehow the viewer is peeping in on me in a secret sense because
that is not what my cam is about and I don't want it portrayed like that. I
think I finally got through to them to not take that angle photographically.
I showed them the pictures from my cd that erika kudwig had done and they really
loved them and wanted 2 use her
but then they STILL needed 2 see her portfolio
and I think that is just retarded and insulting.. and erika doesn't have time
for that
so now a different photgrapher is gonna take my picture..a guy
named tony..i have had my picture taken by him a bunch of times for der speigel
and cake magazine so that is cool.
then I went out 4 a walk and I found this 7 foot tall thistle! so I crashed
it down with my pink vinyl baby doll platform shoes and dragged the thing home!
what a sight that was! people stare at me anyway
but they were REALLY staring
as I dragged this thistle home with me. it's the size of a xmas tree! I'm sure
I must have looked insane! I as gonna take pictures of it but then I ws so tired
from the whole ordeal and from getting all riled up about photographers that
when I got home I fell asleep until 9pm and now I've been awake all night figuring
out how 2 get emulive running and stuff.
so I was in chat with isabella from and shane from
and right now I have it all running. shane is letting me run it for as long
as I want today so I can test it's limits on my computer.
so u can go there right now and see it ( if it is still running by the time
u read this )
I am going to be doing an erotic show on there at 8pm CST today ( the 13th )
so I hope u will be able 2 be there. please tell me if it is working ok for
u. I'm just trying out and testing new things!
if everything works
out ok and I like doing it I'll be doing one show a week :)
I wanna say more about it but I'm falling over in my chair right now from tiredness.