analog 071202
bear with me as i try to get caught up with anagrams! not having an internet connection fo almost a month really screwed me up! now i am just trying to get EVERYTHING up that i missed getting up and i am so far behind! i will make it up to you, i SWEAR!
a flurry of werdz:
yay :) [11 Jun 2002|05:50pm]
this guy:
wants to take photos of me and PAY me!
plus i'd get free photos, which is always good :) i need some more high res
and he'd fly me to chicago to his studio to do it! he wants to make me into
a faerie :)
sounds good to me!
his wife does the make up. i like that his wife would be there, too :)
he says his models usually get around 300 bucks a day for a photo shoot.
what do u think i should charge?
keep in mind he can sell these he makes $ from them.
21 comments|post comment
[11 Jun 2002|07:02pm]
i hope when i go on the plane, i can get a tiny crochet hook through so i
can crochet on the plane. i think i can. i hope i can. 'cause otherwise i'll
be sad. i'll put it in with my sony vaio. it's only 4 inches long. and it's
not even sharp. that can't be thought of as a weapon, can it? i mean...knitting
needles...THOSE are weapons..but a tiny thin 4 inch crochet hook?
i'm going over to jason's
to watch that "american idol" tv thing now.
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smoking sage [11 Jun 2002|07:06pm]
oooooo [12 Jun 2002|03:23am]
dig these gorgeous wooden crochet hooks! yum!
oh wow...there are a
ton of beeeeauuutiful crochet hooks on ebay!
too numerous to list!
( Read more... )
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[12 Jun 2002|04:17am]
i should be in bed...but i'm not.
*falls over*
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YARN! [12 Jun 2002|04:37am]
ok, massive bummer. i cannot find all my bookmarks to websites that sell REALLY
so if u know them here! thanks :)
if you have oddball yarn, string, embroidery thread, wire sitting around your house that you don't want...send it to me!
these people will spin
your pet's fur into yarn FOR you!
11 comments|post comment
crow chez [12 Jun 2002|02:05pm]
today i have to clean and pack. then at 6:30 i'm going to eebomb's
and kiitos will be there, too :) we are going to crochet :)
drinking diet code red
and listening to ingrid chavez
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[12 Jun 2002|02:37pm]
how could a 4 inch long blunt crochet hook be any more a weapon than a pen
or a pencil..which are FAR more sharp?
[13 Jun 2002|11:11am]
today i leave at 5 for austin texas for the remote viewing conference. i'll
be listening to speakers the whole time, so there won't be anything cool to
take pictures of or people who want their pictures taken...but i'm going to
bring my vaio anyway and be connected there at times that are appropriate
and not bugging anyone. i'll also bring my little camera and take pix with
that so i'll have lots to show you when i get back :)
i'll be back on the 17th!
i have to shut off my
computers while i'm gone because the fire department is going to be doing
an inspection of the the entire building and their can be no extension cords.
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my little books [13 Jun 2002|12:48pm]
click here to see my little books for sale :)
i'm home! [17 Jun 2002|04:32pm]
so much to say! haven't even unpacked!
I'M SO GLAD TO SEE MY MONKEYS! :) i missed them so much :))
kiitos took care of them and did a wonderful job! thank you!!!
she even cleaned my kitchen and left flowers on my desk! WHAT A SWEETIE!!!
you can't beat that with a stick :)
i'm just gonna take it
easy tonight and smoosh with my munchers, then i'll get to the task of telling
you about my trip :)
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out of body experience [17 Jun 2002|05:21pm]
i'm reading a great book on the subject called "astral dynamics: a new
approach to out-of-body experience" by robert bruce. best book i've read
so far on it!
post comment
where does the tax money go? [17 Jun 2002|08:58pm]
anyone know where i can find out what percentage of the federal tax money
goes to what? like what percentage goes for education? welfare? the military?
other stuff?
and with soc sec.....will
there really be NONE of that money soon? what is the deal on that anyway?
6 comments|post comment
[17 Jun 2002|10:31pm]
i'm looking for this book:
The Crochet Workbook
by Sylvia Cosh
2pm [18 Jun 2002|11:35am]
the streaming with sound will turn back on as soon as the fire dept. is done
inspecting. i am guessing that will be around 2pm ( or sooner ).
i will then read some more from "the art of happiness" for you :)
i'm catching up on my
friend's list. i have to clean my house really fast soon because the fire
department is inspecting all apartments today. if my cam pic stops refreshing
for an hour or so, it's because i shut off my computers to get rid of all
extension cords while they are here.
then, i am going to start working on my my little books. i am still taking
orders for them, but will most likely stop taking orders sometime this week.
i just paid off a 665.00 server bill, so that felt good and i was able to
pay it because of you buying little books. THANK YOU!
1 comment|post comment
[18 Jun 2002|01:48pm]
well, the fire dept took one small look at my apartment and told me it was
too messy and said they will come back in 30 days to do another check. fuck.
this is one aspect of apartment living i could do without. i hate being told
to clean my apartment when i am a grown adult. grrr. but i have too much stuff
in the hallway for them in case they need to get in and out with a stretcher
or whatever. which is totally not true, they have room for that. but i guess
i can have NOTHING in the hallway, which is a HUGE drag because that hallway
is HUGE and if have to keep it open, then that is just massive amounts of
rent space that i am not going to be using for things and that's a waste of
money for me. if the fire department can't get through to me in a fire then
that's MY probem, y'know? augh. i am so so so sick of having to deal with
"the man" lately. i'm just a girl who wants to crochet and be left
alone. i don't put any other people in harm's way. they shouldn't fucking
tell me to move everything out of my hallway. there is PLENTY of room to walk
through it. fuckers. but everything has to be done to the letter. anal fucking
bullcow of a woman with a whiny stick up her ass. just leave me alone! it
seems all i ever do is rearrange my house for other people. fuck. i spend
so much time lately on crap like that. I JUST WANT TO CROCHET!
i so much want to move to the country and just live my life how i want. i
want a sustainable farm . i just want a garden and some solar power and some
wind power and a couple of llamas for transportation and to spin and crochet
their fur and then i've got ALL i need. paint my house pink and never mow
my lawn and have my dogs and doodle around in my garden and can veggies and
let the dogs run around. if i could just raise 60,000 to buy a little farm
house i'd be so out of here.
9 comments|post comment
[18 Jun 2002|02:27pm]
i'm making some jasmine rice with tofu to eat now. and i'm cooking a roast
for dinner :)
i'm working on getting the steaming back up, then i'm going to wash the floor.
then eat. then have a bath.
1 comment|post comment
[18 Jun 2002|02:33pm]
those who want to start an eco friendly sustainable farm with domehouse and
llamas and have a communecam raise your hand!
like this place:
17 comments|post comment
[18 Jun 2002|04:58pm]
i just gave sebastian a summer haircut! i did an awful job :/ i will have
to keep working on it bit by bit because he hates when i cut his hair and
he tries to get away the whole time.
1 comment|post comment
my recipe :) [18 Jun 2002|05:34pm]
mmm, i made the most delicious roast! here is my recipe:
cover the roast with lots of salt and pepper and tandoori spice. also cover
with lots of toasted sesame oil and add lots of soy sauce. cover and bake
for 3 hours at 350 degrees :)
you can also do the same thing in a frying pan with smaller meat. works with
chicken or tofu, too :) adding lots of soy sauce and oil makes a yummy sauce!
for desert:
thinly sliced raw ginger dipped in honey and fresh squeezed lemonade!
13 comments|post comment
ooo, survivor is taking applications :) [18 Jun 2002|08:44pm]
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fruit [18 Jun 2002|08:53pm]
anyone have a car and wanna go food shopping with me tomorrow sometime? i
need fruit really badly!
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survivor [18 Jun 2002|11:02pm]
i'm thinking about how i'm going to go about making a 3 minute video for the
survivor application. it is coming to me :) i only have two weeks to get it
all done.
i need to get healthy and walk everyday, too! this will give me something
very cool to focus on. i think i would make a good survivor! i think i have
a lot to offer the show and also the other contestants :)
[19 Jun 2002|01:29pm]
my dsl was shut off so i am over at jason's now getting it turned back on.
i didn't even receive a disconnection notice. and one side of this company
is saying it's permanently disconnected so i need to talk to sales and set
up a whole new account. and so they send me to sales. then sales says it's
not permanently disconnected and won't be til tomorrow so they send me back.
then those people send me back, yet again, to the other side and they all
treat me rudely. i ask which is wrong...that it is disconnected
ot not disconnected and they say no one is wrong. ??? GAH.
so they side with the disconnect one and say i have to set up all new service
with them.
so now i have done that.
but my phone won't be turned on until 3 business days...for some reason they
couldn't explain to me WHY...and since the weekend doesn't count...i won't
have a phone until monday!
and they can't even put the ORDER in for my dsl until 3 business
i can't put the ORDER in for dsl on monday which SUCKS INFINITE ASS.
so i am totally incommunicado until monday. then i can get my cams up through dial up.
i still have my wireless modem, so i will be sending to ana2 with that.
at 4pm kiitos and i are going fruit shopping, then we are gonna go to her parent's, who are out of town, and watch american idol. plus i am going to work on the little books :)
ok, today i paid: 167.40
to the phone and dsl
electric co: 195.55
wireless: 91.65
and my dial up: 59.95
so i am ALMOST caught
up with my most neccesary bills
which leaves me about $100.00 to go food shopping with today.
must sell things on ebay!
[20 Jun 2002|12:44am]
being without internet access and a telephone sucks ass. i miss all of you
so much :(
i had fun with kiitos
and i got her into elimidate and shipmates. i am evil :)
she is the only other one i know who loves cheesy reality tv show stuff, like
me :)
i can't believe that lame barry manilow dude made it into the final ten on
that american idol show! wtf?
i bought lots of cherries! i am hyper. i have pony tails!
now it's back to my quiet
internetless house...
13 comments|post comment
[20 Jun 2002|01:57pm]
i woke up, ate cherries. came to jason's, checked email (i cannot check my
webmaster email...only my hotmail and juno)
it is a GORGEOUS day outside. the humidity has subsided a bit. i'm going to
go for a walk and take pictures then work on little books.
by monday i should have lots of new pictures for a big anagram :)
i am feeling a huge pull in me right now to move to the country and crochet and crochet. this worries me since it doesn't fit into my life right now. and i know jason hates the country.
my rent increased by
35 bucks a month :/
my little dream dollhouse
[21 Jun 2002|06:11pm]
when people say how much square footage a room is, do you just times the width
by the length?
'cause my livingroom is 22' by 10' is the square footage of my livingroom
the ceilings are 12'...i don't know if i have to figure that into the square
footage or not.
i found this little dollhouse
house for sale in the town i grew up in til 6th grade. it's total square footage
is 520' so it's very small. it's 17,500 to buy.
i wish i could buy it then never worry about rent again. it's only 2 hours
away from the city. i could just go hang out at jason's for days at a time
then go back to my house whenever. then, because i wasn't paying rent, i could
save all my money up to buy a better house someday.
i don't know if that idea sounds nuts, but thinking about it makes me happy. i LOVE that little town soooooo much and i know it like the back of my hand. to be back where i grew up and have such fond memories would be so happy and healing to me! i could even visit my favourite tree and go swinging on my favourite swing!
if i sold almost all my things, i think i could almost get that house. but i really don't want ot sell my things like my piano and my mannequins because those things make me sooo happy. and i'm sure i could get that house for less than 17,000.
there has to be a way to get it! it even has a tree on it and it's sooo cute!
i worked on little books last night until 6am! all night long and all morning
were thunderstorms. tons and tonssss of rain.
my phone got turned back on! so that's 3 days earlier than they said! however,
i asked for a new number and they gave me back my old number, so that pisses
me off.
i tried to get online with my dial up, but something was wrong with my connection and i couldn't get online. i will work on that. i only get 15 hours of free dial up a month, so i can't be connected on it 24/7 while i wait for my dsl to get back on...but at least i can check my email when i figure out how to get the dial up thing to work.
jason and i were going to go see the minority report tonight but he cancelled 'cause he is to exhausted. jason has been working wayyyy too hard.
i'm over at his house now waiting for him to come home. we are going to hang out and watch cable which is good because i haven't seen much of him. even when we were at the convention it was just too busy to spend time together.
i miss you!! [23 Jun
i'm sorry i still can't get connected to the net. not even with my dial up.
it's beyond my control.
tomorrow i put in my
order for dsl.
i'll keep you updated!
i've been crocheting and reading
hi :) [25 Jun 2002|09:34pm]
well, i finally found out a date that i will be getting my dsl back. it is
july 3rd! yay! but what a freakin' drag to wait this long! it's driving me
NUTS i tell u!
what more can i say?
xox! miss you all so much!!!
i will ask jason if i can ftp stuff up to ana2 from his computer to make anagrams at least! i think he has an ftp programme on his computer. he has to! how else did he make his website?
i will also try to get
a new campic up every hour so there is SOMETHING going on there.
also: to people who take other people's names for their username (unless it's
REALLY THEIR name) when they sign up for things: FUCK YOU!!!!
i signed up to msn today
and someone has taken anavoog and someone has taken anacam
also, when i was on aol a few years ago someone had also taken anavoog there
as well. and i know for an absolute positive fact their are NO more anavoogs
on this planet than me. if anyone can prove otherwise i'll give them a free
ana2 membership for a year.
so to these people:
FUCK YOU!!! now i can't even have my own NAME when i sign up! did that EVER occur to you how RUDE that is???
please write to these people, the MSN ones especially ,and tell them to get their OWN UNIQUE username so that i can have my own freakin' name for MY email!
this special announcement
was brought to you by P.M.S.
question for crocheters:
what are the names of the complete set of crochet hooks?
some are numbers , some are letters. it's confusing to me...but i want to
collect a complete set but first i have to have a list of what they are all
Pledge of Allegiance ruled unconstitutional [26 Jun 2002|02:21pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
what do you think? i think it's a good thing. that "under god" part always pissed me off. i don't know why it is ok that it says "god" on our money too. hmph. god is all well fine and good but i don't think god belongs on our money and in our pledge. i didn't know that the "under god" part was added in 1954. how did that ever get passed?
i'm getting ready to go see my shrink at 5. i hope he will prescribe somthing for me to get off paxil! then, i think, kiitos and i are going to watch american idol.
i crocheted a really
cute elf hat using soft grey wool yarn. i love it so much! all my other crocheting
i decided to undo because it was just awful. i had a really screwed up crocheting
thing going on there for a bit!
i find that when i try to force my crocheting to go into a shape i see in
my head...i fail...but if i just let it take me where it going to go, it turns
out really neat.
67 comments|post comment
[26 Jun 2002|02:39pm]
post whatever you like to this post :)
the vedge of all bee
giants [27 Jun 2002|12:20am]
[ mood | silly ]
i vedge all bee giants
to thee voog
of the untied crates of estonia
and to banana republic from sandwhich stand,
one station,
invisible with liberace
and ice teas for all!
cleaning, crocheting, john entwistle, little books, stock, avocados [28 Jun
[ mood | creative ]
i've been cleaning cleaning
cleaning! :)
i'm getting rid of a lot of stuff. like things i save for art projects because
now that i have discovered crocheting, i realize that i would rather do that
than make some of the other art projects. it's nice to finally narrow things
down because i get so many ideas it overwhelms me.
it's a weight off my back!
i am still taking orders
for my little books! you can see them here:
re: john entwistle who
passed away:
i'm glad i got to see him play with another band at first avenue. and i got
to meet him at an instore. i showed him my version of his song "boris
the spider" and i had him autograph my cake and eat it cd , the album
that has my version of boris the spider.
what a great man.
yesterday i sold my stock. it's the only stock i ever bought. it is worth
less than a third of what it once was worth. i lost over 2,000. thank god
that loss is tax deductable. the stock i bought was DNAP which stands for
dna print.
so goes my experiment with the stock market.
that was the only $ i
ever invested in anything.
kiitos made yummy avocado dip the other day and now i have taken the seeds
and i am attempting to sprout them :)
[29 Jun 2002|03:48am]
4 days til i get my dsl back!
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new things discovered and to be discovered! [29 Jun 2002|05:56pm]
i'm so exited! i have discovered that i want to learn how to make glass beads
and marbles and incorporate these into my hats!
i didn't even know that
the technique i want to learn, called lampwork, is also the method to make
marbles! i have always wanted to make marbles and didn't know this was a possibility
for me! marbles have been very important to me, and me looking at my marbles
in the sunlight is my very first memory...before i was one years old.
to make marbles would make me so happy!
and i will make beads,
too! crazy abstract beads! and i LOVE fire and to melt things!
how wonderful!
i have been looking at
all the gorgeous lampwork beads on the net and i am so inspired!
to add a unique bead that i made to each hat i think would be so special!
now, i need to buy a
TORCH :) mmm :)
i'm such a pyromanic! :))
if anyone finds cool
links to see lampwork beads or anything to do with them at all, please post
them here :)
shopping [30 Jun 2002|12:37pm]
plastic wrap
garbage bags
rice cakes (cinnamon apple)
(sesame tamari)
lime juice
lemon cascade
downy singles
cheer ultra
lipton chai spice
cherry coke
vanilla coke
diet cherry coke
apple cinnamon granola
vanilla rice dream
red bull
glaceau water (rasberry lime)
stuffed chicken roaster
spring mix salad
cherries (tons!!)
vanilla yogurt
5 frozen dinners
2 comments|post comment
[30 Jun 2002|01:03pm]
3 more days til i have my dsl back!
i want to surf the net at MY house.
i ate a bunch of cherries. those yellow coloured ones. so pretty!
i am going to freak out when cherry season is over.
it's so sad that shopping at cub is 10 times cheaper then going to the coop.
cherries were 3 bucks a pound instead of 6 or 7 bucks at the health food store.
i feel so sad for the farmers. they work so hard for so little pay. i have
been learning more about their plight lately. it's really sick how much this
society devalues their work and they are the ones feeding us.
it makes me cry when i see an old farmer cry. and , believe me, it takes LOT
to make an old norwegian farmer cry!
my brain is going in 500 directions at once. i want to do everything all at once! crochet, clean, read, learn about beads. i think the prozac is making me hyper. it feels good. i NEEDED some energy. funny how people who know nothing about prozac think it's a sleepy zombie thing...when actually it's a very energetic thing. everything is a little more vibrant on prozac.
i need to get a razor blad so i can cut my paxil in 1/4s so i can start weaning myself off of that.
it's reeeeeeeaallly hot
outside. it was in the 90's yesterday and very very humid, too.
i can't even comprehend it. i haven't really gone outside all summer. it's
totally wrong of me. but it's just too hot now.
jason and i have been practicing remote viewing. it's bizarre how it works!
and jason bought me a hemi-sych cd to help with bad dreams. i need to listen to it more.
my dreams didn't make
any sense last night. it was almost like they were someone else's. also, i'm
talking in my sleep more...i forgot how prozac makes me do that.
i said the STUPIDEST thing outloud...i was asking the space aliens if they
could bring my robots back to life. THAT part of my dream was definitely mine
7 comments|post comment
[30 Jun 2002|05:05pm]
i want to find a website that tells which foods are the highest in nutrients
because i would like to eat more of these in my diet. i also want to come
up with a recipe for the healthiest dogfood i could make that would be low
calorie and high nutrient.
i just watched a show
on PBS that said that people and animals who eat low calorie high nutrient
foods can GREATLY increase their lifespan. it was very interesting!
[01 Jul 2002|01:54pm]
i'm looking into all the things i have to buy in otder to start making glass
beads and it really adds up in cost because there are so many things you need!
it is well over a grand. augh. plus then you need a small kiln to "anneal"
your beads ( it toughens them up so they don't break later ), and that is
about 300 for one of those. so, i won't be starting to make glass beads anytime
in the next few months, that is for sure!
but i still am tracking down all info on glass bead making and bookmarking
all the places.
i think perhaps saving up money to fly to a glass beadmaking seminar should
be the first step. or finding a bead maker here in the twin cities to help
me learn. i don't know where to start to look for bead makers around here.
it's 91 degrees here with 50% humidity. according to it feels like 97.
i am at jason's in air conditioning so i'm ok.
i am crocheting a really extraordinary hat the last few days! i can't wait to show you!
i keep pondering and
pondering doing music again, and i know i will, but now that i have discovered
crocheting my will to make music at this time has waned.
i feel kind of stupid about that because crocheting seems like such a "lesser"
thing to do. it doesn't hold the impact of importance like "i'm recording
a new record" does.
i think i am feeling this way because i have learned from society to feel
this way. it's hard to let go of learned ways of feeling and behaviour.
there is the potential for so much more "glory" in making a record.
you don't really see any rich and famous crocheters on the cover of newsweek,
you know?
so i am trying to let go of the idea that crocheting is lesser than recording
a new album because what i love to do is learn NEW things. that is why i started
doing music in the first place...i had never done music before and it was
challenging and hard. what comes easily to me is drawing and painting. that
would have been the obvious choice for me to do. but i decided to do music
because i had no idea how to do it, and so learning expanded me and surprised
now, i have done 5 records and i BASICALLY know what will come out of me when
i do music so it is not as challenging and surprising to me. and also i have
so much bad feelings towards it because of the biz.
crocheting isn't nearly as difficult as doing music by FAR, but it surprises me immensely and i LOVE that! with each stitch i haven't the faintest clue what will become of what i am crocheting. because i have NO idea what i'm doing! plus it has the extra , very important element, of meditation and relaxation...which i feel is absolutely ESSENTIAL to my wellbeing.
wellbeing. yes, that is the word. i feel an incredible sense of wellbeing when i crochet.
i don't feel that when i do music. music is more like rockclimbing for me. terrifying, exilerating, difficult, nervewracking, and exciting! i definitely love it. but it makes me tear the hair out of my head and cry as well as laugh with joy when i have finally wrangled that song and tied it down.
for the reason of meditation, centering, and wellbeing and DISCIPLINE ( there is GREAT amount of disipline in music, too! ) i need to crochet right now. perhaps crocheting will somehow lead me back into music. sometimes the paths i have to take don't make much sense until later.
i feel actually APOLOGETIC
for crocheting instead of making music! i think this entire entry is some
sort of apology and justification to you for crocheting instead of making
a new record!
isn't that ridiculous????
wow, that's just sad. i wish i could rid myself completely of this guilt i feel!
ah, another reason i like to crochet over doing music, right now, is that when i write songs there are almost always about terrible pain in my life. that is just what comes out of me when i do music. and...that's a hard place to go. it hurts very much.
crocheting is ALWAYS happy for me and is not about going back into the past and excorcising old is about staying in the present moment...something i needed to learn.
ya, that sentence there
IS the biggest reason that i crochet instead of do music, at this time.
29 comments|post comment
help! [01 Jul 2002|03:05pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
for the heck of it...i
am looking into this 8,000 house! i mean, WHAT would an 8,000 house look like
y'know? i am curious!
the realtor is trying to send me pictures of it but she doesn't get how to
do that, i don't think, because she sends them not as attachments then they
come to me as line after line of seemingly random letters and numbers garbly-gook.
is there anyone out there
i could send these to who could decipher this back into a picture and then
resend it back to me in picture form?
[01 Jul 2002|06:52pm]
this is my fave online yarn store:
( Read more... )
5 comments|post comment
pet psychic [01 Jul 2002|08:06pm]
[ mood | curious ]
tonight is "pet
psychic" on animal planet :)
10pm CST
would you take or have
you taken your pets to a pet psychic? :)
the last of: pussy tv,
bear spirit guide, upsidedown deiter dog [02 Jul 2002|08:49am]
[ mood | productive ]
i found some extras and
they are the last of them!
so i'm selling these off. they are unbound (you can easily bind them yourself,
or put them in a nice little box :)
or i will make you a crocheted pouch to keep them in for $4 more.
i will autograph them and add extra surprises in the envelope!
i have 5 pussy tv with
a few extra pix that didn't make it in the first round: $37 each
i have one pussy tv of lesser quality and a free deiterdog book thrown in:
i have 6 bear spirit guide (bound): $5 each
i have 6 colour upside down deiter dog: $5 each
i have 3 black and white upsidedown deiter dog: $3
add $2 for shipping
i will accept paypal
only for these.
my paypal ID is:
they are ready to be
shipped out tomorrow!
as soon as i get my dsl back (which is tomorrow) i can pick up where i left off making the new little books :)
here is the info on those:
each book contains 16
of my favourite and very best colour pix from anacam on high quality paper!
each book is only $4.00 (that includes the shipping and handling)! each book
comes with a special handmade bookmark! each book is limited edition and autographed
by me! if you would like a special crocheted pouch for your book that i made,
add on $4. if you order 3 or more books, you receive a special surprise!
pick and choose between any of these 33 mini flip book themes:
1. my favourite anacam pix of all time
2. my ass! my ass!
3. the best of boobs
4. god iz in your bubblebath (fave bath pix!)
5. the best of bald (when i had a bald head)
6. future girl! (body art-face art)
7. the best of deiter!
8. the best of pooka!
9. best of hair (see all my hairstyles i've had through anacam!)
10. mannequins and mannequin sex
11. the ugliest of ana (eek!)
12. the modern grrl iz entertainment valu
13. anacam's weirdest pictures
14. all dolled up (the best of dolls)
15. black and white pin up pix!
16. best of eyes
17. faces-favourites
18. faces-orgasms
19. stupid cute!
20. fave feet pix
21. the best of food (nummy!)
22. like goths to a flame (fave goth pix!)
23. fave pix of hands
24. best of my mouth pix *kiss*
25. favourite nudes
26. fave pink pix
27. fave purple pix
28. best blue pix
29. spooky pix of anacam
30. fave shoes and boots
31. fave smiles
32. things in my house
33. my best screams
34. the best of my black and white pix!
35. SLEEP! the very best sleeping pictures :)
or $90 for ALL the above mini books + $5.00 shipping for a savings of $45, (not including boob tv).
with boob tv: $120 for a savings of 3 more bucks
boob tv!
mini flip book! you need
it and it needs you!
the very finest selection of 160 colour pictures of my famous fake breasts
with the nipples that point in kooky directions (i paid extra for that!) from
my cam throughout 4 years! happy squishy saline fun for the whole family!
autographed by me :) limited edition. hand bound. special laminated cover.
each one comes with one of a kind polaroid of my breasts, also autographed
by me, and one of my hair extensions to use as a bookmarker!
only! $29.00 plus 4.00
shipping and handling.
(free shipping and handling for ana2 members...simply tell me your ana2 username
and password with your payment)
i accept paypal (my paypal
id is
and cheques or money orders made out to:
who is rachael olson?
sent to:
ana voog
p.o. box 76152
saint paul, mn
any questions:
[03 Jul 2002|02:17pm]
i have dsl! i just have too hook it up now :))
i spoke too soon [03 Jul 2002|10:54pm]
the dsl is not working yet. goddamn msn.
jason tried for several hours. the first time he called msn support, they
hung up on him!
AND this new dsl modem won't let me have a LAN...i have to buy a separate
hopefully, i will have at least ONE computer up and running sometime tomorrow.
in happier news, i have just discovered the art of judith scott! and that has inspired me on my hats more! :)
oh!! and i just now found the name of this artist i have been searching for for over 10 years!!
adolph wolfli!
soft sculpture [04 Jul
there HAS to be some web pages out there with SOME actually COOL soft sculpture
and art done with fabric and string,'d THINK , wouldn't you?
if you know of it here...'cause i can't anything but really stupid
dolls and quilts :/
i am needing this book!
i found a book on soft sculpture for sale here:
i must have it
ok, i FOUND someone cool
hours pass....
9 comments|post comment
i'm connected! [04 Jul 2002|04:03pm]
but i can only get connected with one computer at a time :/
i will fix this when i get a router.
my cam isn't back up
yet...i'm getting to everything in due course
[05 Jul 2002|12:16am]
ok, most cams back up :)
2 comments|post comment
one moment [05 Jul 2002|12:17am]
1 comment|post comment
another moment [05 Jul 2002|12:17am]
post comment
it just goes on like this [05 Jul 2002|12:17am]
post comment
forever [05 Jul 2002|12:17am]
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[05 Jul 2002|01:14pm]
it's nice to have my computer back :) i wish ALL my computers could be connected,
but i'll just have to wait until i get a router.
i'm getting caught up with anacam biz...subscribing and unsubscribing, etc.
i have to get outside today to do a lot of errands, as well.
i'm going to start getting ready for that now.
after that, i am going to work on little books :)
i've hardly gone outside
this summer. i don't know what's my deal with that.
i'm trying not to beat myself up about it.
i didn't get my tape
in to survivor...i'll have to wait until the next round.
3 comments|post comment
[05 Jul 2002|03:03pm]
i'm scanning drawings and paintings to sell on ebay and also make a new anagram
post comment
[05 Jul 2002|04:42pm]
i've scanned in about 50 paintings and drawings of mine to sell on ebay! and
i think i have about 30 more to go :)
but NOW , it's friday night and jason and i are going out for ciders :) yum!
[06 Jul 2002|02:32pm]
lots of things to do today.
cleaning, remote viewing.
learning more about remote viewing.
remote viewing is very fun and so far i've been pretty good at it!
i slept too long and now i'm really groggy. drinking coffee and watching skate
boarding on channel 4.
[07 Jul 2002|03:04pm]
watching pbs thing about airplanes
smooshing with the pups
sleepy sunday
hot rice and almond cereal
cold day old coffee
i'm in love with point 5 colinette yarn
thinking about
my little house
thoughts creep in about
how i should have a baby
i try to imagine how stupid that would be, financially
and how travelling the world and making art would be hard if i had a baby
i wish i could have a baby when i'm 60
it's not fair.
14 comments|post comment
art that has inspired me lately [07 Jul 2002|03:47pm]
( Read more... )
4 comments|post comment
art that has inspired me lately [07 Jul 2002|03:58pm]
( Read more... )
5 comments|post comment
art that has inspired me lately [07 Jul 2002|04:04pm]
( Read more... )
1 comment|post comment
my little 10,000 house :) [07 Jul 2002|04:12pm]
21 comments|post comment
TONS of drawings of mine on sale on ebay! (more added hourly and daily) [07
Jul 2002|04:42pm]
CLICK HERE TO SEE all i have for sale. i am adding new pictures hourly and
daily! so check back a lot!
as cheap as ONE DOLLAR!
my obsessive love of
point 5 [08 Jul 2002|02:06pm]
i want to tie colinette
point 5 yarn into my hair :) it looks like dreads and soooo soft!
i wonder if it would be too hot...and i wonder if when it got wouild
frazzle or take wayyyyy too long to dry?
i am IN LOVE with colinette point 5 yarn. LET IT BE KNOWN! (no, jason, i'm
not drinking :) *inside joke*)
i received my book "how to make glass beads" and i'm soaking in all the info :)
i feel very happy today. i ate a "twist and sprout" microwavable dinner and i'm having also day old coffee. i am too lazy to make new.
i bought a glass bead
on ebay and i am disapointed at how SMALL it is. it really looked HUGE in
the picture! when i make glass beads i am going to make HUGE glass beads.
what's up with all this small stuff? if you go out the wya way to make this
intricate design...why not make it larger so it can be seen? jeepers.
TONS of drawings of mine on sale on ebay!
CLICK HERE TO SEE all i have for sale. i am adding new pictures daily! so
check back a lot!
as cheap as ONE DOLLAR!
tomorrow is crochet night
at eebomb's. i'm excited to see her 'cause i haven't seen her in ages! and
then the next night i'm getting together with kiitos to watch american idol
and other such shenanigans :)
1 comment|post comment
shrinking? [08 Jul 2002|05:29pm]
does anyone know if colinette 100% wool shrinks? is it preshrunk at all?
5 years [09 Jul 2002|09:26am]
i just realized that anacam will be 5 years old in a month!
16 comments|post comment
[09 Jul 2002|12:51pm]
there is weird yucky music being played outisde. gack.
i am baking a chicken. it's really too hot to bake , but i've got to have
my dreams were so weird...i am still stuck in them. i was singing " i'm leaving on a jet plane", but in this very eerie punk way and i had changed the lyrics to be about committing suicide by cuitting yourself on broken glass. it was actually a really cool version, i wish i remember more of how i did it.
i have a headache. i
slept too much.
it's so hot and humid and i'm so sick of the sound of the air conditioner.
i should work on little books today. and i have to remote view because i didn't do that for 2 days. then at 7pm it's crochet night at eebomb's
and i have to get to the P.O. box to pick up the cheques people sent me for little books.
is it tomorrow that big
brother 3 starts?
12 comments|post comment
ouch! [09 Jul 2002|03:55pm]
ahhh, i keep getting this crack in the corner of my mouth lately. you know
the kind? when you open you mouth it cracks and bleeds? *shudder*
and i wear lipgloss all the time and it's super humid here so it can't be
that i have dry skin.
why would i be getting this? am i deficient in some vitamin?
my avocado seeds never
sprouted :(
so i am trying three yams now!
gonna watch oprah now...
42 comments|post comment
B2 [09 Jul 2002|05:36pm]
what foods have lots of B2 in them?
[09 Jul 2002|06:45pm]
ok, i'm off to eebomb's for crochet night. i'm taking deiter with me :)
(the dogs take turns :)
TONS of drawings of mine
on sale on ebay! [10 Jul 2002|11:55am]
TONS of drawings of mine on sale on ebay! (more added daily)
CLICK HERE TO SEE all i have for sale. i am adding new pictures hourly and
daily! so check back a lot!
as cheap as ONE DOLLAR!
[10 Jul 2002|03:56pm]
it's only 64 degrees and raining like crazy. i am sooooo sleepy!
i am excited to see BB3 tonight
human breast milk [11
Jul 2002|02:04pm]
oh! i forgot to tell you that when i went over for crochet night at eebomb's
she let me taste her breast milk! she was breastfeeding her little August
boy and pumping her other breast with the pumper thing because she told me
that the milk comes out easier when she is breastfeeding. i have never tasted
breast milk before as i was not breastfed. i was a month early and stuck in
an incubator for the first few weeks of my life and they wouldn't let me mom
breastfeed me because back in the 60's they were retarded about these things.
so i asked eebomb if i could taste it and she past over to me the bottle with
her breast milk in it! the bottle had come out of the fridge so the milk wasn't
body temperature. i've heard that breast milk is super sweet and because f
that i guess i was expecting it to be as sweet as condensed milk or something...but
i didn't think it was any sweeter than cows milk and it was a lot like skim
and eebomb's other friend who was over ALSO tasted it. :) yay!
i told this to jason yesterday and he was like "ewww". i have no idea why anyone would have that reaction as human breast milk is THEE most natural food for human's there possibly could be! i mean it's MADE just for us! eebomb's husband also was not at all interested in tasting it. but then i found out that he doesn't like milk. and jason doesn't like milk either. so, i guess i could understand it from that standpoint.
eebomb said she read a survey where it stated that of breastfeeding mothers, only 48% had tasted their own breastmilk. i can't imagine it. i mean, just from the standpoint of i would like to KNOW what my baby is eating before s/he eats it, y'know? i wouldn't feed anything to my baby that i wasn't willing to try and eat myself.
if i had breasts that made milk, i would make ice cream!
eebomb is going to a conference about etymology in a few weeks and she'll be gone over a week so she will have to pump her breast every day of her extra milk. i was like, you should save it to make ice cream! but she didn't know if they'd have a fridge there. i told her that she shouold just drink it then and she said she would probably do that. i think it would be very good for you! it's full of vitamin's and things and i'm sure it would replenish her body.
another thing that was
so fun is she and her husband, P, like to sing old time songs. and they always
try to get me to sing along but i am too shy AND i don't know the songs very
well. so i have vowed to look for mpegs on the internet and learn some. P
plays the piano and then eebomb plays trumpet or bass bassoon! and she can
play upright bass and viola, too. i am going to learn "my funny valentine"
for next time.
it's so funny to watch eebomb play trumpet as she INTENTLY watches her little
august so he doesn't get into trouble :) you have to see the expression on
her face! :)
i think i am going to
put an ad in the paper to find some old grandma to come over on crochet nights
and teach us how to crochet. eebomb and i are both baffled over how to learn
knew stitches. there has to be a grandma somewhere who would LOVE to come
over on crochet nights and be a crochet goddess for us :)
[11 Jul 2002|03:06pm]
i moved 13 of my auctions that were not bid on yet to end tomorrow instead
of sunday so i could have not so many ending on sunday and to hopefully move
along the ones that weren't bid on yet.
once again i am sitting here procrastinating on getting to the p.o. box. it's just so rotten humid and hot out there and yesterday i was going to go but it rained all day. i havvvvvve to get there! augh. i have to force myself to go. i will feel so much better when i have done that.
and i need to put cheques in the bank. i have to force myself to do this! augh. i hate when i get like this., when i do not want to leave the house. i haven't wanted to leave the house all summer. i'm perfectly happy just to sit at my computer or crochet.
i'm not in the mood for
interacting with strangers. but i have to get out there and do this. i have
to have to have to. *psyching myself up psyching myself up* augh.
don't wanna don't wanna don't wanna.
[11 Jul 2002|03:57pm]
if u take an avocado seed then let it dry and then peel back it's outer thin looks like a tiny cool brain underneath!
[11 Jul 2002|05:01pm]
i'm washing different yarns in hot water to see how they hold up and if and
how it changes them. i am a yarn scientist.
i am doing everything in my power to procrastinate going outside and getting
things done that i've needed done for weeks. yep. that's what i do.
[11 Jul 2002|06:47pm]
ok, i made it to the p.o. box! i have everyone's cheques's for the little
books now!
i'm trying really hard
not to fall into a funk. i sat by the river and listened to lush's first record
and watched the dirty water swirl around. it's so nice outside. i feel pathetic
for not getting out more into it. although lately it HAS been too hot and
summer DID start very late.
i feel summer will be gone before i even had a chance to comprehend it was
here. again. :(
all i can think about is my littel house. but it is in north dakota. and jason couldn't move there or be happy there. i feel depressed about my finances because, for one thing, i could not even get a loan if i wanted to because i have bad credit.
i could somehow come up with 10,000. i think i could be happy in north dakota in my litte house away from everything. i would have money to fix it up because i would be able to put all my money into the house.
but i love the twin cities so much, too. but there is no way i can afford a house here. i mean, i could if i had good credit. i could easily get a house. but i don't have good credit. i also like that the house in north dakota is so cheap that taxes would only be a little over a hundred a year.
but why do i even torture myself with thinking about this house when i know that if i went there i'd hardly ever see jason?
why does it have to be so either or? i do not like this situation at all. it's making me really depressed because i feel like i cannot have everything i really want.
i DO feel that the only option i have ( that i would be HAPPY with ) to someday own a house in a city someday is to buy a little house that i can afford with bad credit and then while i'm living in that SAVE money. i cannot save money if i stay in this apartment. i cannot save for a house, for a future, or for my old age.
there are some cheaper artist type lofts around here that i could get on a list for...but i don't know why i feel resistant to that. i guess i just feel that i want a house NOW. i want something i can paint how i want NOW. i want a YARD. i'm sick of renting. i'm sick of feeling like i can't really ever settle down somewhere.
even if i felt i wasn't going to live in that little house in north dakota for the rest of my least if i bought it i wouldn't feel like i was throwing my money away because i would always have a need for that little house. and it would always be a place i could just go to to get away from it all. and at taxes only 150 a year on it...that's just nothing.
but if i got there, would i feel happy really? or is my depression about something deeper than finances. i think it is just finances. i think if i knew i had a house i could do whatever i wanted to to it i'd be pretty happy. it feels absolutely primal in me to want a house. to settle down. to have somewhere to call MY home. to have my little 100 by 120 lot, my little patch of earth to call home.
and if it sucked...well then...i only spent 10,000 and that isn't the end of the world then if it didn't work out. maybe that is what i like about it , too. i like the fact that it is SO cheap it would not be a terrible loss if the whole thing turned out to be a terrible idea. it's a place i could go to learn all about houses and how to fix them and what is the whole deal with owning a house, etc etc. and what would it eb like to live in a little place in north dakota?
if the whole thing turned
out to be the worst decision in the world....well then it's not like i ended
up with a place that costed 60,000 or 200,000 in the middle of nowhere that
i hated. y'know? at the very least it will be my 10,000 sculpture learning
like before you get pregnant you can practice on a doll. i can practice the
house thing on a dollhouse. i like that idea.
i like the idea that i have to fix it up. i'm sure i'm wayyyy overromanticizing the situation. but if i big deal! better to get my stupid notions OUT of the way on a 10,000 house than a really big huge house.
and better to paint a little 10,000 all the wild colours i want then a nice house that if i did that to it might devalue it. with a 10,000 house you can't exactly go WRONG, can u?
and if it has a leaky roof...can't i buy some of that black tar stuff and put that all over the roof? won't that stop it from leaking at least temporarily?
maybe if i just went to live in that house for a year i'd get all of this out of my system.
i don't know.
[11 Jul 2002|07:01pm]
ooo, someone sent me some adam and the ants buttons. cool!
and now it's time to watch BB3 :)
ooo, and i white stripes
button, a bar of lush soap and a phone card! :)
cydniey needs your help [11 Jul 2002|11:43pm]
she wrote me this:
"could you please
help me with the below item?
i know a lot of people
see your journal and it might help.
i'm desperate for help
thank you ana."
[12 Jul 2002|12:19pm]
when i washed the colinette point 5 in hot water then stuck it in the
shrunk to 1/2 it's size and dreaded all together. i didn't think i was going
to be able to get it apart but i did. i was kind of bummed about it but then
i started crocheting with it and i LOVE it. it's really organic looking and
super bumpy and dready and thick :) it makes a very cool dense texture. so
that yarn, which is pinkish red, is not the top of a hat and i am continuing
the hat with some point 5 red parrot yarn and the two go together very harmoniously.
i'm trying to get the bad dreams out of my head. they went on forever. very violent. a friend of mine was being posessed by the devil and then pooka got possessed by the devil! it was so awful. and knives were being thrown everywhere by demons and poltergeists and i was trying so hard to get my stuff out of my mom's house and get it back to my childhood home that i wanted to move back into. i found a cab and we were making many trips back and forth and in the end the bill came to $1,900 and there was no way i could pay that. and i finally got pooka and my friend frozen in ice so that i could figure ot later how to get the demons out of them. augh.
today i have to get to the bank and pay some bills.
my new hat i made :) [12 Jul 2002|02:22pm]
i made it from colinette point 5 red parrot yarn and carnaby red :)
( about 40 bucks worth of yarn )
it comes down on one side to swirl around and make a scarf type thing,
or tie it around however! :)
mannequin heads are a bit smaller than the average human head so that is why
the hat is big on her...but u can see how it fits my head ( which is the average
size of 21 inches circumference )
what would you expect to pay for a one of a kind hat like this?
ending in a few hours! 14 of my auctions on ebay! click here to view :)
ooo, i received in the mail today some absolutely scrumptious multicoloured pastel eyelash yarn :) mmmmm :) i am way into eyelash yarn now, too :) la la la :)
the red painting in the background of these pictures was painted by kiitos
[12 Jul 2002|03:57pm]
working on little books. takes forever.
i'm about a month behind on reading my friend's journals! ack! all that time
without an internet connection did it.
me hungry.
i think i need ice cream!
[12 Jul 2002|08:04pm]
ooo, ebay is irking me. i want to relist an item...but i DON'T want to have
it in a second category like i did the first time i listed it. i keep going
back and saying NO SECOND CATEGORY and deleting the number of the second category
and it keep putting back in there and oooo! augh! rrrr. why?
i'm not a criminal [12 Jul 2002|09:34pm]
i received a letter from the IRS and i am no longer the subject of a criminal
investigation. yay :) so they turned it over to a civil small business/self-employed
division for consideration of my civil liabilties. that's a little bit better
question: why DOES wool shrink?
( i'm putting this link here so i can remember the url )
i am liking the new angle
on my cam. i don't know why i didn't think of that sooner. it's nice to finally
have a cam by my computer again. since i am mostly always at my computer and
i can see my cam and the chillcam both at the same time...i think this will
propell me back into making more pictures. if i don't have the cam and the
computer right there in my face, i tend to do less pictures. i used to have
a cam that totally rocked that was small and had the best quality picture...but
that broke..and ever since then, things have been a bit lamer.
but i hope to rectify that situation :)
of course, that being said now i'll be sleepily crawling into bed very very soon. as in right now.
i haven't been sleeping on my cam much because the noise of the computer drives me bonkers. i have to get a cam into the room that i prefer to sleep in these days. the old bedroom. nice and QUIET! i sleep on the old big green couch which isn't green anymore.
ok, i'll try to drag
the cam in there tonight. gotta figure out how to do that.
my darling richard sharah :) [13 Jul 2002|01:28am]