analog 07.07.99 ( excerpt from anagram on

I've been cleaning a lot 2 make room 2 get stuff done. preparing my house/mind for more creativity so I've been on cam 3 and 4 more. never did go see the fireworks. it was too dang hot out. sun's coming up again as I write this. listening 2 music on the headphones. bought sister soleil ( which is kind of like curve ), robyn hitchcock's "black snake diamond role"…one of my fave albums ever! and I bought the latest pj harvey..haven't heard it yet ..and bought brandy's latest cd…the 1st half is really good then the 2nd half is really sappy. I'm eating straw berries.i bought a new little tripod which makes my life much better :) I think is gonna cave soon ( sadness ) so go see the archives of when I was there! if anyone can figure out how 2 save them , please let me know! the url 2 that is in the stuff below. dankitti made some mp3's of my cd "spool forka dish "…go hear it! url 2 that is below, too. I'm taking pooka and deiter 2 the vet tomorrow ( in 7½ hours…and I still gotta sleep! ) for a check and deiter has some sores on the corners of his mouth. looks like when my cat had "feline acne" today is the opening of the installation anacam is part of at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. I wish I could be there 2 see it. it's called "fame after photography". it's running through if you're in that area go check it out and tell me what it's like! their website is but they don't have anything up there about it yet. ok, that's all 4 now 'cause I gotta get this up then catch a few hours of sleep!

here are some things I wrote 2 my mailing list: finally put up a few archives and there are archives of when i visited there! yay! i want 2 watch them right now 2 see what i seem like from that point of view ..but now i must sleep...but here is the url of where they are: the days i was there ( and fetik3, too! ) are march 12-14 you'll need 2 download the media player 2 see them, i think ..but i think they might also be viewable on the real player. hear what i talk like! see me move! hehe :) i loathe the sound of my speaking voice. anacam is also going 2 be part of an exhibit at the museum of modern art ,nyc! pretty, cool, eh?it's about fame and the internet. the show starts july 8th and runs through september. i sure the heck wish i could figure out a way 2 get here and see it frustration! that's all for now...i've had a very difficult and sad week so that's why i have not written in awhile and why i have been very distant from the cam.. but perhaps things are getting better from the situation that was making me day at a time i'll take it...i'd tell u what was wrong, but i don't feel comfortable doing that at this time please check out the universal sleep station if u are ever awake while we're asleep :) it's at and 14 people are now participating. some don't participate very often, but there's about 3-5 cams per night that do it every night :)come check out eric from sleep with his cute big stuffed frog :)my back is in knots and it's sooooo hot and humid...tomorrow i'm gonna go put on a TON of bug spray and go see the fire works. what are u planning on doing? ( that is if u live in the u.s.a. )heck. .even if u aren't from the usa.. what are u planning on doing, anyway? i hope all of u are doing well, having serendipitous moments, and eating lots of yummy popsicles during this hot summer as dumb as this sounds. .i appreciate all of u so much...just knowing that i'm writing 2 all of u from around the world makes me feel so comforted:)u r my ether tribe :)oh...and i tried an anchovie pizza the other night for the 1st time. .and holy cow was it GROSS! WAYYYYyyyy too salty. i was surprised 'cause I like anchovies in caesar salad. in fact, i love just about every kind of weird fish product :) so heck.. if u are ever thinking of sending me anything weird in the mail...get me weird fish products .i love the kind from japan with the beautiful labels. sometimes i buy stuff like that just for the labels....and it's always something weird like "triple luck pickled ginger squid" or something :) my address is: ana voog p.o. box 76152 st.paul, mn. 55175 i'll give a free membership to ana2 to whoever sends me the weirdest one!:)


dankitti was so kind as to make mp3's of my cd "spool forka dish" and put them on the net :) that was the last album i made when i was in my band The Blue Up? ( read more about that by clicking on "anamusiq" in the menu of anacam...there are more mp3's there, too if u didn't already know that ) i played almost all the instruments on there plus did all the singing, in case u wanted 2 know. this record was released on columbia. it will probably take a long time 2 download as it's on a very slow server. .so the best time 2 go there is probably late at night. my fave song on there is "spoons for seven" i also really love "blasting xtc" "shine" "sugar and gold" actually, i really love that whole record.. it's my fave one i've ever recorded so far. each song is very very different from all the some songs u might like and others u might if u hear just one , u can't really go by that that the rest of the songs are also like that ."blasting xtc" is my tribute song 2 one of my favourite bands XTC...if u know of ANY way 2 get that song 2 a member of XTC, PLEASE let me know ..i've been wanting 2 show that song 2 then every since i wrote it 7 years ago! i'll get my other records up on the net in mp3, cd "cake and eat it" and stuff oh ya, and i have a question for any veterinarians who might be on this list...deiter has sores in the corners of his mouth that look a lot like "feline acne". i had a cat who had that once. these sores never get really bad.. but nor do they get better...and pooka licks deiter there alot. do u think it will go away on it's own? or do u think i should swab the corners of his mouth with peroxide? or do u think i should just take him 2 a vet? hmmm, i know i had something more 2 say. .but now i can't think of guess i'll write it 2 u later :)


strangers with candy

i love this show. it is so harsh. have any of u seen it? it's on the comedy channel. also, my fave trash show right now is "forgive or forget" i dunno why i am liking so much harsh stuff! like the tom green show and that south park movie..just HARSH! i am both fascinated and repulsed!