analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 06.24.99

I took those 9 plums seeds and planted them in little pots today :) I woke up day very depressed and anxious. then my day got much happier then it got really sad, them sort of happier. I know that does u no good when I say that. gosh! HOW DESCRIPTIVE!

here are some thing I wrote 2 my mailing list today:
i am NOT going 2 b on Aand E's show The Unexplained tonight :(i am SO DEPRESSED, i was depressed ANYWAY ..and this was the ONLY thing I was looking forward too today. i have been waiting since january 2 see it. argh. i just want 2 cry or something. i was just on the phone with the woman who helped put it together.. and she said she just found out an hour ago they decided to replace it with an episode about DEATH> how fitting to my mood and what is happening in my life right now. god .the reason it is not going 2 be aired today is because i THINK they think it's too racy or controversial 2 be shown on a weekday. it might be moved2 be shown on a weekend. argh .the WORST thing about this is that they didn't move it 2 another's just up in the air now as 2 if it'll ever be shown. the woman i talked 2 on the phone said that if they don't show it in the next two months, that means it won't be shown. TWO MONTHS? argh. i am sooo disappointed i cannot even express .it's just because i was waiting for this for so long and i'm depressed this doesn't help.i will have 2 find a way 2 snap myself out of this. must is all..i will keep u updated. the GOOD thing that happened 2 me today is that the Museum of Modern Art wants 2 use my web site in a show! that should be enough 2 snap me out of my bad mood...and perhaps it will.. but now i'm just feeling all paranoid2 even tell u that is gonna happen. i hope so! we shall see. please put all your vibes into "creating the reality" that the unexplained thing i'm in will air! :)and that the museum thing will happen 2...CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, maaaaaaaan!

please email AandE that u want them 2 air The Unexplained: Fantasies as they have cancelled it for now. i know if we get enough people emailing them it will make a difference! if u can find their actual email address, let me know...maybe they even have a phone #?here is there site: but below is a url where u can email them through your browser! please tell as many people as possible! if a lot of people write in I know we can get it aired!!! :)))THANK U! go to this url to send your comments to Aand E: