analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 06.23.99


i'm feeling really depressed again, despite that the day part of the day was good...i made some nice pictures that exude the happiness that now eludes me. heavy heavy. so here is a thing i wrote 2 my mailing list today when i was in a rather good mood. perhaps tomorrow i will snap out of my depression if the tides turn in the direction i wish they would. i cannot explain it anymore than that for now. thank u 4 being here with me. just knowing u r all here gives me strength, erven though a lot of u might not ever even write 2 me or speak 2 me or i 2 u..directly...i know u r thank u :)

here is my post:

tomorrow i'll be on AandE 's show called "the unexplained" :) the theme for that epidsode is "fantasies and fetishes" i don't know if i'm a fantasy or a'll be interesting 2 see how they edit all the footage together! i am curious and excited and nervous! even dave navarro accepted 2 b interviewed 'cause i asked him 'cause he watches my cam sometimes :) i hate 2 "name drop"..but i just think it's so cool that he was interviewed 'cause i think he is wonderful :) u should check out his cool site but be warned that the stuff there is controversial and dark. plus they interviewed two ana2 members, the illustrious and fabulous jacqui queen of the cats and sensual delights, plus a fiery red headed actress! and davin the mysterious polite christian who has disappeared and i hope he pops his back in 2 say hi! other people featured on the show are a foot fetishist, a guy who loves 2 dress up in drag and has a thing for latex ( always a must ) and a couple who do D/s online. :) i think it's D/s ( dominance and submission ) or maybe it's s&m..i'm not sure... ohmigod, and i totally forgot! robert from the infamous "pizza night" was also interviewed! he is my swanky rockabilly x-boyfriend ! god, what will he say? i am SO curious! argh@! and also , of course, my now mate/lover/best friend jason/fetik3 was also interviewed... the mastermind behind making my cam page run smoothly and not crash plus a billion other things! ( but btw, i designed my site, in case u were wondering )check out his gorgeous music and incredible taste in webdesign and creation: he is available for webdesign and all that! he is a multitalented programmer as well! he is really nervous and doesn't want 2 see the show tomorrow 'cause he was not prepared 2 be interviewed that day. he thought they were gonna interview him the NEXT he was taking a nap in the bedroom while A&E was over..then i had 2 wake him up 2 b interviewed when they decided 2 do it that day. if u are a member of ana2 and u have not yet seen the anagram i made when A&E was's is here: and for all of u who are not members...i want 2 let u know that there are over a HUNDRED anagrams in ana2...anagrams are a almost daily visual/written diary of 6-20 best pix of the day..a written journal entry...( that's where almost all my writing is )...sometime art i made ( like drawing/painting i did on the computer...but i don't do that very often..maybe once a month ) lots of scans of strange things around my house, diaries fromm when i was 14 and sometimes varous parts of my body :) even pooka's paws! sorry 2 sound like a "commercial" but i'm so serious...each person that becomes a member makes a SERIOUS difference in my what i'm going 2 eat that month , etc! and the Universal Sleep Station ( ) is working out really well! so far about 10 people are "plugged in":) "do u want 2 sleep with USS?" :) write 2 me: ok, i was gonna write a bunch more but now jason is home and so i'm all distracted with other stufff.. so i'm gonna go now :)

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