analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 06.16.99
it's a quarter
to 4 on the 17th but the pictures are from yesterday. I got up about an hour
ago 'cause I didn't get 2 sleep until 5am this morning. got up , ate a bagel.
now I'm making this anagram. then I gotta get outside and do errands pronto.
yesterday I did a lot. I cleaned and bleached my hair and then the geek squad
came over and fixed my laptop, so now cam2 is on the laptop again. they are
so GREAT! I called them up 2 see about their prices and I just knew I couldn't
afford it but I had to find out anyway. so after I found out they were $132
minimum I was bummed. then I had the idea that maybe I could give them a banner
on anacam in exchange that they fix my laptop. I didn't even know if they knew
who I I was pretty shy and and kind of tripping over my words on the
phone. I was like "hi? this is ana voog and I have this site called anacam
and thousands of people view it a day and I know this sounds like an odd request
but I don't have any money to get my laptop fixed could I give u a banner in
exchange I have no idea if you'd be interested I know it's weird but I thought
I'd try" and they were like" ya, I know who who u are, can u hold?"
but I didn't know what that meant like if they were laughing or something, then
a different guy gets on and I think he was the owner and he said" banners
come and go, how about if u wear out t shirt on your cam and we can be the official
anacam fixers?" and I was so happy! I'm like "YES! that would be GREAT!"
and I am still just so elated! so one of their "cadets" came to my
house and he was dressed all swanky like the 50's with black trousers with a
crease and shint black shoes and a white shirt with a black tie and really well
groomed, he looked like if the men and black were friendlier :) and he looked
at my laptop and said "do u have a paper clip?" and I remembered that
out in the hallways I had seen a paperclip and picked it and and thrown it more
towards the wall which was really pointless, I don't know why I didn't just
pick it up and throw it away. but good thing I didn't 'cause I ran out there
and it was still there, and I'm doing all of this running, and I'm like why
am I running? so I slowed down. I don't know why I get all nervous when people
are over because I think they are going to think my house is a horrible mess
and maybe I'm supposed to be more together or something. and deiter is jumping
for the guy like a basketball star just totally in love with him. 'cause deiter
is is love with anybody and he turns into such a spaz when a new person comes
over to smell. so I had to get them in the kitchen. and the guy took the paperclip
and pushed it into a tiny hole called "reset" and then my laptop was
fine! so it was a good thing I remembered the paperclip. so I got that done
for free AND I got two geeksquad t-shirts! they are XL so they are super duper
large on me so I wore one as pajamas last night. oh, and their url is
they drive really neat cars and I cannot explain them, they are COOL! just go
look at their site! they have some cool stories 2 tell on their like how they
saved the rolling stones and the weinermobile! :)
oh, and then yesterday also I went to jason's parent's for a family dinner right
after my laptop got fixed.
now oprah is on so I gotta go watch it 'cause I love her show
and today's show is about multiple personality disorder which I find totally
so I'm going to get this anagram up, then watch oprah, then go do errands.