analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 06.14.99



here's some pix from today and from when i was at the coffee house listening 2 jason play. i basically just laid on the couch today and felt depressed. then i started feeling a bit better while smooshed up next to jason watching the simpsons. not much 2 say. perhaps tomorrow i'll snap out of this funk. i don't know. the laptop is still fritzed so cam2 is still in the thing room pointed at irc. tomorrow i'll look up places to take the laptop in to get fixed. it feels weird to not have the laotop humming and shining at me as i sleep. to be honest, it's kind of that it's nicer that it's quieter and darker to sleep. but mostly i miss it 'cause it's my blinking connection 2 all of u silent watchers as we make it through another night just doing our thing.