analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 06.11.99
while doing errands
yesterday I ran into two cool things on the sidewalk. 1) a yellow rose that
smelled so yummy and 2) a dead dragonfly. so I scanned them both :) good thing
I look down a lot while walking. I look down so I don't look anyone in the eye
so they don't bug me. it's been pretty rainy here lately. sometimes so hot and
this morning I turned on the space heater! I could really go for some sushi
right now. I'm so hungry. I didn't each much today. mostly coke, coffee mochas
and a rice krispie bar and a banana.
I went out tonight with an old roommate friend I haven't seen in years and years.
we were supposed to go to a sale of a friend of his. but when we got there nobody
was home and there was a note on the door saying he cancelled it. which was
a drag 'cause he supposedly had some mannequins for sale. so we walked around
instead and I found issue #9 of dame darcy's meatcake comic so I was happy :)
then I found out that this great body piercing place I love is owned by the
girl who pierced my nipples long ago. they have the most INCREDIBLE jewelry
there. it makes u wanna get pierced anywhere just to wear it. everywhere I really
wanna get pierced is a place that would most likely eventually push the piercing
out. like on the eyebrow or somewhere on the forehead. but I found out that
there is a guy that comes in once a year that could put horns on my head. so
I reeeeaaaamly want that and I gave them my email address 2 tell me if he ever
comes in. it's a really scary thing 'cause he puts metal disks in your head
that the horns screw onto. and u have 2 b awake. but I want horns so much I
think I'd probably do it. then I can unscrew the horns when I want and I could
screw all sort of different horns or antennas! ohmigod I want that sooo much!
I am thinking too of maybe making the openings of my ears larger so I could
insert these beautiful clear glass cylinders in. but I have 2 think about that
more. hey have beautiful horns made of swirly glass and even real amber that
u can insert in various holes. pieces of finely curved silver that look like
delicate but vicious claws. or u can get then in flourescent clear pink. *sigh*
so gorgeous , words cannot do it justice.
not much more I can say right now. the days are just sort of going by and I
don't know what I;ve been doing. seems like a lot but I don't know..i am wandering
in my mind. the campix are pretty boring this time around. oh, I know what I
was gonna say. I have such a love for the blurry pix when I move too fast..or
the ghosty ones because they represent time passing to me. time and movement.
so maybe u get bored of them, but I never do which is why I keep including them
in my anagrams. they say so much 2 me. I have no idea if u get anything out
of them. oh, and I'll include in this anagram a postcard I have of this women
with all of these piercings in here. I think it is such an intense and beautiful
picture. I wish I had the guts and tolerance to do that myself. maybe someday
oh, and i forgot 2 say that when i went out with my friend today, jim..he used 2 live with lorna doone and i. he was friends with lorna since they were kids. they were the 1st punks in minneapolis..coming out glam..during that rocky horrot picture show period. i found out about the wonders of glitter from lorna. i went back 2 jim's house 2 see his new place. the rent is only 350 for this huge apartment! i'm jealous. i met spike, his tailless black cat and his fantastic iguana. it was a BIG iguana and it was gorgeous. i used to be OBSESSED with iguanas from 6th grade till 10th grade. i have no idea why. but i drew them all the time and i drew this cartoon iguana all the time. jim also has two stuffed iguanas. and he also had a real human skull that he found at an estate sale. that's what he has mostly done for a living is be in charge of estate sales ( lucky him! ). i would love 2 have a job like that so i told him 2 keep me in mind if ever he needed help. i told him 2 save me diaries and letters if ever he comes across them, which he does. i am SO happy. god i'd love to go into someones house after they die and look through there things. see how they organized. what things were important to them . what secret's the drawers had. like jim said he found magazines of gay porn in one old man's house who had married. or little sex toys..secrets. i don't know why i am so fascinated. but that is why i love biographies and why i document myself i suppose. i find myself interesting as i find others interesting. so i wonder when people come down on me so hard about why do i think i am so interesting..i wonder if they do not consider themselves interesting which is why they cannot conceive that any one else could be interesting. i think i could make a good psychologist sometimes but i wouldn't like 2 have 2 remain so detached as many psychologists have been to me. but i understand it is necessary.
anyway, about the human skull. it was so little. maybe it was a woman's. i held it right in my hand and tried to grasp that it held a brain that held memories, likes and dislikes. conversations, happiness. tears had poured from it's eye sockets. it had seen many things perhaps. people had loved her. she was perhaps a wife, a teacher, a loner, the life of the party. i tried to comprehend that she probably could not comprehend that one day her skull would be held in a shoebox, and that i would have the honour of holding it in my hands wondering. what was her favourite food? will my skull be held by someone in 2073? perhaps an ashtray in a cyberpunks house? i feel jealous. i want to hold my skull. i want to be the one to ash in it. i want to see it's squiggly lines and run my fingers on them. i want to know it.
so i told jim to put me in his will that i get all his collected bones and taxidermy when he dies. we are so alike when it comes to things. we feel we are their caretakers, not their owners. i should make a will. who should get all my cool clothes when i die? who should get anacam?
i was also thinking of maybe taking the copyright off of a lot of things in long as thay give me credit, who cares really? what bad could happen? what do u think of that? why would i not want my things dispersed as much as possible? i guess maybe so i could have quality control? i don't know. i'll have 2 think about that a lot.
it was my dad's birthday today, but i couldn't get a hold of him. tomorrow is my brother's 30th birthday.
i feel tension in the something is about to happen. i don't know what. do u feel that?
let me also take this time out 2 tell u , in case u do not know..that i appreciate u so much for being a member of ana2. u are my angels allowing me 2 create and giving me safety and peace. i could not do this without u. thank u sooo much for sticking by me through thick and thin :) the future will be interesting :)