Test Your
[04 Jun 2002|11:55pm]
this is a VERY cool thing!
[05 Jun 2002|12:53am]
i'm very excited to be going to this with jason:
jason bought me this for my birthday (which was in april :)
36 yummy mini books by me! [05 Jun 2002|05:10am]
each book contains 16 of my favourite and very best colour pix from anacam
on high quality paper! each book is only $4.00 (that includes the shipping
and handling)! each book comes with a special handmade bookmark! each book
is limited edition and autographed by me! if you would like a special crocheted
pouch for your book that i made, add on $4. if you order 3 or more books,
you receive a special surprise!
pick and choose between any of these 33 mini flip book themes:
1. my favourite anacam pix of all time
2. my ass! my ass!
3. the best of boobs
4. god iz in your bubblebath (fave bath pix!)
5. the best of bald (when i had a bald head)
6. future girl! (body art-face art)
7. the best of deiter!
8. the best of pooka!
9. best of hair (see all my hairstyles i've had through anacam!)
10. mannequins and mannequin sex
11. the ugliest of ana (eek!)
12. the modern grrl iz entertainment valu
13. anacam's weirdest pictures
14. all dolled up (the best of dolls)
15. black and white pin up pix!
16. best of eyes
17. faces-favourites
18. faces-orgasms
19. stupid cute!
20. fave feet pix
21. the best of food (nummy!)
22. like goths to a flame (fave goth pix!)
23. fave pix of hands
24. best of my mouth pix *kiss*
25. favourite nudes
26. fave pink pix
27. fave purple pix
28. best blue pix
29. spooky pix of anacam
30. fave shoes and boots
31. fave smiles
32. things in my house
33. my best screams
34. the best of my black and white pix!
35. SLEEP! the very best sleeping pictures :)
or $90 for ALL the above mini books + $5.00 shipping for a savings of $45, (not including boob tv).
with boob tv: $120 for a savings of 3 more bucks
mini flip
book! you need it and it needs you!
the very finest selection of 160 colour pictures of my famous fake breasts
with the nipples that point in kooky directions (i paid extra for that!) from
my cam throughout 4 years! happy squishy saline fun for the whole family!
autographed by me :) limited edition. hand bound. special laminated cover.
each one comes with one of a kind polaroid of my breasts, also autographed
by me, and one of my hair extensions to use as a bookmarker!
only! $29.00
plus 4.00 shipping and handling.
(free shipping and handling for ana2 members...simply tell me your ana2 username
and password with your payment)
i accept paypal
(my paypal id is ana@voog.com)
and cheques or money orders made out to:
who is rachael olson?
sent to:
ana voog
p.o. box 76152
saint paul, mn
any questions:
southpark ana and southpark jason :)
[05 Jun 2002|01:50pm]
[05 Jun 2002|04:47pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
wow, i am in big trouble. i do not make enough money to live here anymore. i am going to have to find a roommate or something. i have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less members than i thought. i thought i had 300 but i figured out that 80 are getting free ana2...so...that is not enough to survive here.
i figured
out that if no one unsubscribes right now, next month i will make $2,245
and my rent is $1,355....
so that is not going to fly.
i knew this day would come. it was fun while it lasted to live here by myself. but now...it is a new era. everyone i know is being hit hard money-wise. people losing their jobs right and left. it's a total different ecomomy that it was 4 years ago when i started. and so i must adjust.
i am going to have to go through all my usernames and see who is getting free ana2...because i know that i didn't give away 80 free ana2 accounts. i thought i had given away about 20. something went awry there.
if any ana2 members that are getting ana2 for 10 bucks right now would graciously accept going up to my current price of 15, please let me know...it would be greatly appreciated.
and anyone who is getting free ana2 right now ( except those who i owe free ana2 from a trade of some kind ), i think i am going to have to delete you. i am so so sorry. i just cannot afford to be giving away free ana2 right now :(
i really do not want to move from here. i want to find a roomate and live in my livingroom as i do now. i can put a door on the livingroom so it's totally separate. then i can have a big loft built in here so i can take the stuff that is in the other rooms and stick it in here. i have 12 foot ceilings so that will work. and i only stay in this room, anyway..i hardly ever go into the other rooms anymore.
well, i have to go give my rent now, which is totally going to bounce. in 3 more days i'll have the moeny in there, but not today. fuck.
i have a piano
to sell. i do NOT want to sell the piano.
[05 Jun 2002|06:08pm]
i thought i would handle this better. but i'm not doing very well at all at
this moment. i feel like the rug is being pulled from under me again and i
feel like my dreams are being shattered. i have to get a grip. i don't know
how i can have 3 dogs in a smaller space. if i have to move i don't know where
i could live that would let me have 3 dogs. i can't go back to eating only
ramen and rice again and never having an extra 5 bucks to spend on a magazine.
i lived that way for 32 years. i'd rather die. my heart is in my throat. i
feel like my dreams are dying. i'm trying to get a grip. thiings could be
worse. i have my health. all my things haven't perished in a fire.
i have to go hold the pooka.
[05 Jun 2002|06:24pm]
[ mood | determined ]
i'm gonna go crochet at eebomb's. i'm gonna take the pooka. i need to go hang around some grounded people. i will figure something out. i always do.
[06 Jun 2002|12:02am]
Dear Ana, here is your Horoscope for June 06, 2002
Issues may
be a bit clouded today, Ana, and the things that seem real
may actually be just a big delusion. You might find that you are feeling
a bit more reserved than usual and that you want to hold on tight to
your material possessions for comfort. Keep in mind that other people
are extremely important to you now and that you would benefit greatly by
offering your hand out to those who are less fortunate.
Best wishes
for today, from the Astrologers of www.astrocenter.com.
[06 Jun 2002|12:06am]
i'm ok. this is just a hump. i am going to hold on tight and make it through
it. i'm not going to move. where there is a will there is a way. and i have
the will.
had a little freak out session there. i'll work hard. sell some things, and
make i through this. i've done it before and i can do it again. this apartment
is my home and i'm not moving out of here. i trust in the universe! i don't
have to give up my entire life over a few bad months.
i think i
left my crochet hook over at eebomb's. i love going over there. it always
lifts my spirits
[06 Jun 2002|12:59pm]
i feel all unsettled from my dreams, although i can't remember them. i think
the wind was rattling my windows, too and sebastian kept sleeping too close
to my head. i'm glda i have my dogs. my little family :)
i think i will start a new hat today. i think the other red one is done. i
didn't add anything more to it. it doesn't want anything more added to it.
i have to start working on the little books more today, too. and i hope i
get outside for a walk.
deiter's in the window on the pillow i put there for him. he loves to sit
there and watch outside.
cibo matto sing, " la la la , l ala la la la la laaa..."
ok, i got
the free memberships down from 80. it is now 18.
if you were deleted you and i owed u ana2 for something...just email me and
i'll readd u :) i couldn't remember who was who!
[06 Jun 2002|02:26pm]
is the mtv music awards tonight?
[06 Jun 2002|02:40pm]
if i can just get the people that are at 10 to switch to 15, i can live in
my apartment just BARELY. i'm gonna email everyone and see who will do it!
so far 5 people said they will go up $15 (THANK YOU!!!). that leaves 100 people
left to ask! it'll take me a few hours to go through and find those people's
emails. so that's what i'm gonna do now. *CROSSES FINGERS*
and thank you to everyone who is buying my little books! i make $2 on each
book so thank u sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!! every little bit helps SO
[06 Jun 2002|02:41pm]
oh crap. my
phone was just shut off. blarg. no phone. that will have to wait because it's
all going to rent right now.
[06 Jun 2002|07:23pm]
worked on anacam business all day. now i'm going to take a break and go up
to jason's and watch the mtv video music awards 'cause kelly osbourne is going
to sing and i HAVE to see that!
kelly osbourne [06 Jun 2002|11:37pm]
she looked so cute and did such a good job at the mtv awards!
some nice lightning happening here. cool night breeze
watching pbs
about tribal stuff and eating apple connamon flavoured rice cakes
the art of happiness [07 Jun 2002|12:14pm]
i will read a bit of the art of happiness by the dalai lama on my streaming
at 1:30pm CST
that is in 15 minutes.
[07 Jun 2002|01:51pm]
i'll have to send my plastic surgeon a copy of boob tv :)
i paid rent! yay! i'm listening to the buzzcocks
my anxiousness has left me :)
[07 Jun 2002|03:43pm]
12 people who were at $10 switched to $15. thank you!
that leaves 96 people who are still at 10. hi??
at this moment, i have 194 paying members, for the record.
it's getting all dark here again. looks like it will rain again. i'm sooo sleepy.
tonight at
7pm i'm going out with jason to see the milo fine free jazz ensemble
[07 Jun 2002|07:05pm]
i'm off to see the show :)
do you think the dalai lama has sex? [07 Jun 2002|11:18pm]
the white stripes [07 Jun 2002|11:32pm]
did the white stripes kick ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL ASS on the mtv movie awards
or WHAT?
i must have their cd! i love that boy's voice!
[08 Jun 2002|12:24am]
to anyone
who has raised their ana2 rates for me or sent me a donation, please send
me your snail mail address because i would love to send you a special surprise!
i am so extremely grateful to you, you have no idea how much it means to me!
[08 Jun 2002|01:16am]
orange marmalade and matzos
[08 Jun 2002|01:46am]
ana voog tile coaster :) click here to see the first one
ana voog tile coaster :) click here to see the second one
[08 Jun 2002|10:26am]
gonna go out for breakfast with jason.
[08 Jun 2002|12:37pm]
2 eggs and a banana pancake :)
i'm in thing
room #2 crocheting. it' so nice and quiet and dog hair free. plus the big
green couch is in there, which is kind of the big white couch now. i think
i want to turn it back into the bedroom. i'm kind of sick of sleeping in the
[08 Jun 2002|05:44pm]
nice lazy saturday
i need to get a dehumidifier
crochet crochet crochet
i am nervous
ban-n-puffs for the dogs
slight headache
jason's cleaning
i am thankful
queen songs in my head
want to go to japan
vanilla rice milk
grey day
can't stop thinking about the osbourne's
[09 Jun 2002|04:45pm]
i hid in the thing room and crocheted yesterday or else i was at jason's.
i needed some peace and quiet.
now i'm up. had cereal and tea. it's starting to become aggravating not having
a phone.
on monday i'll see how much money i have in my bank and maybe i can pay the
phone bill. but i need food, too...and i'd rather have food than a phone.
paid my server fees.
i must work today on cleaning the house.
4 days til i leave for austin, texas. i have to get kiitos some keys to my
house so she can take care of the puplets.
[09 Jun 2002|04:46pm]
went out with jason food shopping. so hot out. the heat is making me not want
to do much or type much. nothing to say.
[09 Jun 2002|05:40pm]
going up to jason's to watch the simpsons and stuff
[10 Jun 2002|01:22pm]
this guy wants to photograph me
looks cool :)
drinking diet code red. trying to get ungrogged. went to bed at 5am. was up crocheting and watching msnbc.
dreams about homelessness. i wish i could crochet myself a home. i'm pretending i am anyway.
i have a lot a have to get done today. for one thing, i must give the pups lots of love and attention since i haven't been around much in the past few days. then i MUST clean. and i have to do anacam biz and work on the little books.
i haven't gotten outside to walk at all. story of my life.
a while back i gave annie sprinkle $150 bucks downpayment so i could go to her sluts and goddesses workshop in july, which is about $350. but i'm not going to be able to go as i have no more money. this makes me so sad. it is one of my dreams to meet and her and to actually be able to do that workshop with her would be a dream come true to me! but...no money for a ticket there...no money to pay for the rest of it. glarb.
maybe i should sell my big painting that i made that is above my bed. if i sold it for $500 i could go. i really want to learn from annie sprinkle and be around that kind of energy. i want to follow in her footsteps in my own way. there is so much i could learn from her.
of course there are other things i could do with $500. but continuing education is priceless to me. and i have a feeling that annie sprinkle won't be doing this sort of thing much longer.
of course...if
i had an extra $500 i would not spend it on this. reality reality reality.
racist? [10 Jun 2002|04:06pm]
a friend of mine wrote me this;
folks were talking to a neighbor who was at a cocktail party with a bunch
of Mayo clinic doctors down in Rochester. I don't know if you are aware of
this, but many rich arabs use the mayo clinic for treatment. Evidently ALL
the Arabs in Rochester were called home on sept 9th or 10th and not a single
Arab was left in Rochester. Kind of fishy isn't it? My stomach felt sick after
I heard that because it just tells me that governments knew this was going
to happen and didn't lift a finger to stop it but made sure their people were
protected. "
i'm not saying
this is true or not true. how could i know for sure? 2 of you wrote to me
saying this email was a horrible lie and racist.
by posting this here i am NOT trying to be a racist. i took it down and thought
about how this email might be racist. but i can't think of how it is. if you
think it is, please tell me why because i seriously don't get it.
firstly...how can we be sure this is a horrible lie? how can we be sure it's
it could happen. it's not out of the scope of reality, imo. but again, i say..what
do i know? nothing. i'm just judging from past government fuck ups. that's
secondly, i don't see how this email says anything awful about arabs. all
it says is some arabs went home when they thought they might be faced with
danger. i think , if that is true, that is a SMART thing to do. i certainly
would do that if i were in their place...IF this is a true scenario., no shame
in that, imo. i don't understand why saying someone left when faced with danger
is a bad thing. ???
the only people being dogged in this email are the government. and we certianly
KNOW by now that the government doesn't tell us the truth all the time. we
DO know this is a fact. so, what is the big deal with putting this email up
here...just to be thought about?
the email
doesn't say there is a big arab conspiracy. it just says that the rich ones
in rochester...who had the good fortune to find out that danger might be imminent...left.
how is that an arab conspiracy? it's a government thing.
heck, i'm not even saying it would be bad to tell a few arabs to go if they
might be in danger. that's fine! i'm saying...IF THIS WERE TRUE ..a big IF...it
would be nice if they had told EVERYONE. as we all know, this is in the news
anyway...things leaking that the government might have known about this beforehand.
that's all this email is saying TO ME..that the government might have known
about this before september 11th.
i have friends who are arabs, and i certainly do NOT mean to offend. so please let me know why this might be offensive as i really do not want to do that.
habibi wrote:
"I'm not sure what you are getting at. They were 'called' home by whom?
And what govt. are you talking about? The American govt. or an Arab govt.?
This all sounds very fishy . Yes a lot of Arabs go to the Mayo clinic for
treatment, and then leave back to the Middle East when they are done. This
rumor is hardly something that has any credibily. People talking at a cocktail
party? It sounds absolutely racist. How would this person know that ALL Arabs
left the U.S.A prior to 9-11. This person says they are rich Arab...well that
means they are either from Kuwait or Saudia Arabia or Jordan, which are all
close allies to the U.S.A. These countries would never jeopradize their relationship
with the U.S and possibley go to war over something like this. There is no
evidence linking any Arab govt. to 9-11. Bin Laden was kicked out of his own
country a long time ago. You know there is another rumor like this that was
spread among many people in the Arab world about all the Jews that were informed
prior to the attacks and did not show up to work on 9-11. These types of urban
legends are going to pop up everywhere-this friend of a friend type of information
is dangerous and spreads paranoia. ALL FORMS OF DEMOSTIC TERRORISM SINCE 9-11
WAS COMITTED BY NON-ARABS. I think we live in dangerous times. Peoples fears
and xenophobia are getting us away from the targetting these threats.
Here is another
perspective on 9-11 if you really want to dig into it:
i wrote back:
"i didn't write the email...but what i think the person who wrote the
email was getting at was that information was leaked from the US gov and a
few fortunate arabs found out that danger might be imminent and so they left.
that's the way i am interpreting this email.
IF this were true i am GUESSING that the gov knew that many in the US would not be able to distinguish between many people in that region...and so all people from that region MIGHT be in danger. which is absolutely the case. we have seen violence against arabs rise in this country.
this email, to ME, did not convey that the arabs were the terrorists...because i guess, to me, that is obvious. although bin laden is an arab...although exiled from his country.
i can see how people might think that arabs were the terrorists from this email now, tho. i was thinking only from the perspective that violence against arabs HAS risen in this country since 9-11...NOT that arabs actually WERE the terrorists.
but now that you have explained it to me in this way, i see how it could be taken as bad.
thank you for explaining this to me and helping me to see :)
i didn't mean to give it weight or not give it weight. i was wanting to thow it up here for discussion. this is the first time i've heard of anything like this...so for me...it is a new thing.
if there are a lot of stories going around like this...all the better to discuss them to garner fact from fiction?
better to
put them into the light and throw darts at them than to let these things fester
in the dark"
my little books [10 Jun 2002|05:40pm]
i will start working on all the little books when i get home from austin,
texas...on the 17th :) it should take me about a week to make them :
so far, here is what people have ordered (not counting people who have sent cheques or money orders yet))
1. boob tv (160 pictures) 8 ordered
2. best of boobs ( 16 pix) 3
3. fave anacam 6
4. ass 7
5. bath 4
6. bald 5
7. body and face art 4
8. deiter 4
9. pooka 4
10. weird 7
11. hair 6
12. mannequin sex 5
13. modern grrl 4
14. pin up 4
15. eyes 3
16. fave faces 4
17. orgasms 8
18. stupid cute 6
19. feet 3
20. food 3
21. goth 4
22. hands 5
23. mouth 5
24. nude 10
25. pink 3
26. purple 3
27. blue 3
28. ugly 4
29. spooky 4
30. shoes and boots 5
31. smiles 6
32. things 3
33. screams 3
34. black and white 5
35. sleep 4
36. dolls 3
crochet pouch:
anacam inspired cartoons by sven :) [10 Jun 2002|08:24pm]
from sven:
"It links to anacam, my cartoons and my ana tribute :))
The article
says in english (excuse my very humble english ):
"ARTIST ANA VOOG is an icon of internet culture: Her ANACAM was one the
Webcams. But instead of having her place at documenta art fair, Ana fights
the taz syndrome (taz is a german newspaper, very idealistic, always in
struggle for survival): She needs support, in order to be able to keep her
apartment - together with her boyfriend and her dogs. Support Ana, IVY muse
of the first hour!"
[10 Jun 2002|11:05pm]
ooo, more big wind and rain :)
[11 Jun 2002|12:04am]
turning off my computers 'cause there is a lot of lightning
ana voog at the Minnesota RAINN Fest :) [11 Jun 2002|12:13pm]
the Minnesota RAINN Fest asked if i would be their major act this year. it's
in august. too bad i don't play live right now and couldn't get something
together that fast even if i did, so i won't be the major act... but i am
going to make an appearance and i am also trying to come up with something
creative to do that isn't a musical thing. *thinking* :)
it's going to be august 2nd from 8pm to 1am at The Lab in saint paul :)
[11 Jun 2002|01:22pm]
you know what is truly evil? email that when you click on it...it opens up
porn pop ups..and when you close the pop ups it opens more porn pop ups. what
is even more evil is that they send me these things 5 times a day and it freezes
up my computer.
i swear, if i were just a bit more psycho, i would hunt these people down
and kill them.
someday someone is going to get killed because of shit like this. mark my
all naked all day :) [11 Jun 2002|01:40pm]
wow, it must have been the doxepin and not the paxil that was making me gain
the most weight because since i went back on paxil and OFF doxepin i have
lost 9 pounds without really trying :) that and i have been eating better.
more fruit. super cool :)
now i'm back down to 114 pounds. i hope that soon i will be back down to 105, where i was. i can deal with my body at 114. i cannot deal with it at 123.
in celebration of losing 9 pounds, it's all naked all day :)
(that and it's hot in here)
your livejournal in flash :)
good lord. i forgot the maintenance guy was coming in here today to check the fire alarms and i was nude. thank god i have dogs that let me know he was here!