analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 06.09.99
today kinda whizzed
by. nothing remarkable. I was kind of in a pissy mood. kind of depressed. I
was getting to go out and do errands and then a storm looked like it was coming
in, so I sat and pondered whether 2 go out. I didn't go out, I fell asleep instead
in the bedroom. I didn't know I was gonna konk out like that so I didn't have
the cam on me. then jason woke me up at 9 to watch southpark. I wanted 2 sleep
more but I knew if I did I'd wake up at midnight and be totally awake. I was
super hungry so I did the logical thing and ate an entire pint of haagen daas
caramel ice cream.then I felt kinda icky ( and cold! ) from doing that so now
I'm making this anagram. after this I guess I'll go into the bedroom and watch
tv trying 2 fall asleep again. I haven't been getting 2 sleep any earlier than
6am for a few days. I think that's one of the reasons I felt yucky today. I
have this sense of guilt for some weird reason for having that schedule. I think
it's 'cause it's not the normal thing to do and I get comments like "all
she does is sleep all day she's such a lazy slob". but they don't know
I was up till 6 working for 10 hours straight on my site.
they don't get 2 see what I've done, they just get 2 judge me by the fact that
I'm still asleep at 2pm. and then I'm on a completely opposite from jason and
I feel bad about that. when I lived alone and had this schedule I didn't feel
as weird. but when I'm going 2 sleep just as jason is waking up, it bothers
me and makes me feel like a freak somehow. I don't know why I'm letting it get
2 me. god, that caramel ice cream was good! now that it's settling in my veins
I'm feeling a bit better.
last night the special on E! "women of the net" was replayed and right
when it was over my chatroom EXPLODED with crazy hyper people bombarding me
with questions. it was kind of funny and entertaining as well as stressful and
irritating. guru told me that one of the servers that has a lot of my stuff
on it was getting 16 hits per second! wow! what a trip!
I found my laurie anderson cdrom the other day. I didn't know where it was.
I still have yet to play it!
tomorrow I hope to replant 9 little cacti I have. but I don't have any pebbles
2 put at the bottom of the pots. maybe I could find some outside somewhere.
is there any sugar cereal that actually has cool prizes in it anymore? wouldn't
it be cool if there could be anacam cereal with cool surprises inside like special
decoder rings? I don't even know what a decoder ring looks like or how it works
I want 2 know so maybe someday I can make special anacam decoder rings :)