analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 06.07.99


it's 6am again. i've been up all night scanning 69 pictures of this little diary i kept in 1980 when i was 14. i scanned them, rotated them resized them to their original size, cut off the extra edges, sharpened them, renamed them. i think i was doing that for 8 or 9 hours! everything feels rubbery now. when u click to go to the next page, i hope it'll work. i've never made a link to a html page that i made before. usually it's a link to just the jpeg. so i hope i can keep track of 69 pages. i wanted 2 make them really nice. i was gonna just scan them and throw them up, but i ended up wanting 2 do it really nice and i'm typing out what my handwriting says in the diary, 'cause my handwriting is pretty hard 2 read in there sometimes. there's only one page to this diary so far 'cause i have 2 get 2 bed now. i'll finish the rest of this tomorrow. so check back in on this anagram as i keep adding the pages. this diary really cracks me up because it's just so innocent and niave. it's hard 2 believe in just a couple years after this i was thrown head long into total confusion and pain.