analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 06.06.99
today was a weird
weather day. it thunder stormed and hailed then was sunny again then hot then
cooler then sun then more rain. very humid and sticky. I made a page that has
4 cams on it now! I'm still working on it 2 make it prettier etc..and gets links
2 it and stuff.
the 3rd cam is a place I can type u messages with a cam pointed at irc. then
when I'm in that room, I'll point it at whatever I'm doing in that room ( the
thing room ). the 4th cam is not live. it just cycles through campix of mine
I've archived. I'll be adding hundreds of pictures 2 that so now no matter how
boring, drab, or sleepy I get u will always be getting at least ONE interesting
now u can compare and contrast my many hairstyles!
I've found out that chillcam can cycle through archived that adds a
whole new world. I can make many tiled mosaic refreshing eye candies from all
the pictures I've art or words or scans or whatever I want! what
I really want is to have a big tiled mosaic thing of live cam pix..which I'm
slowly inching myself towards. but now I know I can at least make one or several
from archived ones!
ideas ideas ideas!